The Practical Ramifications of Interstellar Packet Loss - a short story by William ShunnThe Practical Ramifications of Interstellar Packet Loss a short story by William Shunn Fuhrmann clos...Stories#Infinity Plus#Free Fiction Stories 📖#Fiction··Jun 2, 2014The Practical Ramifications of Interstellar Packet Loss - a short story by William Shunn
The Jaguar Hunter - a novelette by Lucius Shepard"Murder Squad of New York," starring a bald American actor, was the featured attraction on Encarnaci...Stories#Infinity Plus#Free Fiction Stories 📖#Stories 📖#Fiction··Jun 2, 2014The Jaguar Hunter - a novelette by Lucius Shepard
EscapeThe last foe fell to the blows of the Whirling Lobster’s good claw, emitting a tart smell as it melted in the dappled forest floor. “Well,” the Stickman said, breaking the heavy silence. “And that’…Stories#Free Fiction Stories 📖#Stories 📖#Fiction#FREE··Jul 7, 2013Escape