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Escape Pod 637: At the Village Vanguard (Ruminations on Blacktopia) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 637: At the Village Vanguard (Ruminations on Blacktopia) - Escape Pod
In this, the 25th anniversary of the founding of the lunar colony, First World (colloquially called Blacktopia by its residents), The Indianapolis Recorder, the nation’s oldest-surviving African-American newspaper, continues its series re-visiting k…
Escape Pod 637: At the Village Vanguard (Ruminations on Blacktopia) - Escape Pod
“Forget the P’s and Q’s: Mind your C’s and K’s, A Cautionary Note for Prospective Parents,” by John S. Walters - Defenestration
“Forget the P’s and Q’s: Mind your C’s and K’s, A Cautionary Note for Prospective Parents,” by John S. Walters - Defenestration
I am a lifelong liberal of good standing, with impeccable credentials. On one issue, however, I am an unabashed Goldwater conservative. If there’s one thing that raises my ancient hackles, it’s whenever I see the names Cathy and Casey defiled with a…
“Forget the P’s and Q’s: Mind your C’s and K’s, A Cautionary Note for Prospective Parents,” by John S. Walters - Defenestration
Greetings, Humanity! Welcome To Your Choice Of Species! - Lightspeed Magazine
Greetings, Humanity! Welcome To Your Choice Of Species! - Lightspeed Magazine
Hello, there! If you have received this telepathic mailing, you are a member of the species currently self-designated Homo sapiens, as evolved on the planet locally known as Earth, orbiting the sun locally known, for some reason that escapes us, as …
Greetings, Humanity! Welcome To Your Choice Of Species! - Lightspeed Magazine