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Ouroboros Lane - 365tomorrows
Ouroboros Lane - 365tomorrows
Author: Bill Cox Sirens sound behind him and it feels like the walls are closing in. Always running as fast as he can down the street, but his legs are tiring already despite the adrenalin surging through his body. A small lane leads off into darkness and if he canโ€™t run then hiding is the [โ€ฆ]
Ouroboros Lane - 365tomorrows
Manโ€™s Best Friend? - 365tomorrows
Manโ€™s Best Friend? - 365tomorrows
Author: David Dumouriez Rex sleeps a lot more than they do. Well, thatโ€™s not so difficult: they donโ€™t sleep! Instead they put themselves on standby, which complicates matters for Rex when he wakes up. Sadly, whatever he does, he canโ€™t make them hear him as he lacks the capacity to return them to their version [โ€ฆ]
Manโ€™s Best Friend? - 365tomorrows
City In Dust - 365tomorrows
City In Dust - 365tomorrows
Author: Dave Ludford He reached the brow of the steep hill just before noon with the blazing sun at its apex making him feel drowsy and slightly nauseous. He dismounted from the equus and the sure-footed but cumbersome beast grunted in relief. The sense of unease heโ€™d felt all morning seemed to be getting stronger [โ€ฆ]
City In Dust - 365tomorrows
In the Ruins - 365tomorrows
In the Ruins - 365tomorrows
Author: J David Singer Alex hummed as she crossed the desert. Not with any kind of tune, just a prolonged contented sigh; almost a purr. In her arms, she held a small, rectangular, steel container with ridges on two sides. These ridges, she knew from long experience, should fit into the racks of the mainframe [โ€ฆ]
In the Ruins - 365tomorrows
Sisphyean Chrome - 365tomorrows
Sisphyean Chrome - 365tomorrows
Author: James Kelbert There was a tuna casserole baking in the oven as X forked its human to death. The timer went off just as the half-crusty blood oozed from the pale corpse onto the Formica countertop. In a vain expression of regret, X repeatedly smacked its trapezoidal head with its rusted digits. After the [โ€ฆ]
Sisphyean Chrome - 365tomorrows
Jacob's Ladder - 365tomorrows
Jacob's Ladder - 365tomorrows
Author: David Penn On this planet in the Emerson V system, sardonically named Jacobโ€™s Ladder by its first explorers, the dominant species looks superficially like an Earth stick insect. However, these creatures are as large as our blue whales, have ten minutely-jointed legs, each ending in an eye, and mouths which operate more like ancient [โ€ฆ]
Jacob's Ladder - 365tomorrows
Solitude - 365tomorrows
Solitude - 365tomorrows
Author: Kristen Henderson Her right hand was so chewed up by the churning machine at the mill that she was left with little choice. Little choice but to have a dowdy female surgeon attach a claw-like contraption to what straggly shattered pieces were left behind. If only sheโ€™d been left handed, but she was so [โ€ฆ]
Solitude - 365tomorrows
Waiting for a Being - 365tomorrows
Waiting for a Being - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer I thought the skinny functionary nodded my way. The two of them are approaching, all eager smiles, curious glances, and whispered asides. โ€œAre these seats taken? The server said they werenโ€™t, but you know, they sometimes get things wrong. So, are they?โ€ At least thereโ€™s two of them. Hopefully theyโ€™ll [โ€ฆ]
Waiting for a Being - 365tomorrows
Space Genies Sometimes Run Late - 365tomorrows
Space Genies Sometimes Run Late - 365tomorrows
Author: David Broz There is plenty of time to think out in space, in the middle of nowhere, just me and the dark and the pinpricks of the stars. And I think about how I miss you. I want to ask you, do you ever think of me? My mind is wandering. What if I [โ€ฆ]
Space Genies Sometimes Run Late - 365tomorrows
Trinkets of The Lost - 365tomorrows
Trinkets of The Lost - 365tomorrows
Author: Dan Leicht Jade slumped into the Captainโ€™s chair as she watched her crew on the navigation hub. Their route beeped on the screen in front of her. The four-person crew were relying on her to swoop in for a rescue if needed. Jade crunched down on a kale chip as she tried her best [โ€ฆ]
Trinkets of The Lost - 365tomorrows
Small Things - 365tomorrows
Small Things - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki Thor got thunder. Prometheus got fire. Shiva got a laser eye. Me? I got a measly quark. Smallest thing in the universe. Two and a half trillion times smaller than a grain of sand. Whatโ€™s a god supposed to do with that? Make the masses tremble and beg mercy, pledge obedience and fealtyโ€“to [โ€ฆ]
Small Things - 365tomorrows
Titans of Industry - 365tomorrows
Titans of Industry - 365tomorrows
Author: Becky Neher Something enormous strode through the double doors of the dilapidated, rust-begrimed warehouse. Not quite whale, not quite elephant, not quite ogre, but nevertheless a creature hefty, fleshy, and odorous. Sporting purple and magenta beads glittering around a blubbery neck, swishing side to side with the dainty lumber of their wearer. Followed by [โ€ฆ]
Titans of Industry - 365tomorrows
Babel Revisited - 365tomorrows
Babel Revisited - 365tomorrows
Author: David C. Nutt โ€œExcellency, the Chair of the Preservist department is here as requested.โ€ โ€œVery good, send him in.โ€ The Chair of the The Preservist Department, formally The Office for the Preservation and Purity of Galactic Standard Language, floated in, his formal saffron and scarlet robes billowing behind him. The Galactic University High Chancellor [โ€ฆ]
Babel Revisited - 365tomorrows
Occhiolism - 365tomorrows
Occhiolism - 365tomorrows
Author: Gaylynne Quince The group of scientists huddled together as they worriedly watched the probe fly towards the rift that had cracked open the skies above. In mere moments, it would cross the event horizon and transmit data back of what lay on the other side of the blackened void. Truthfully, they didnโ€™t think the [โ€ฆ]
Occhiolism - 365tomorrows
Beside Myself - 365tomorrows
Beside Myself - 365tomorrows
Author: Morrow Brady I was beside myself, beside myself. I looked across at where I was and could see through me to where I was again. All three of me there. Two lesser versions of the original. And me, the least version, knowing far less than the lesser version. Content to be ignorant of the [โ€ฆ]
Beside Myself - 365tomorrows
Assured Destruction - 365tomorrows
Assured Destruction - 365tomorrows
Author: Alastair Millar Brad was at his workstation when his supposedly locked office door dilated unexpectedly, and a casually dressed young woman stepped through; he looked up in annoyance. โ€œWell?โ€ โ€œDoctor Mendelsson?โ€ โ€œYes. Youโ€™re not one of my students. Who are you?โ€ โ€œMy nameโ€™s Smith. Iโ€™m with Section Seven.โ€ โ€œAm I supposed to be impressed? [โ€ฆ]
Assured Destruction - 365tomorrows
Mik-taa's Map - 365tomorrows
Mik-taa's Map - 365tomorrows
Author: Hillary Lyon โ€œWatcha got there?โ€ Mik-taaโ€™s co-pilot asked, watching her unfold a large map on a table in the shipโ€™s galley. โ€œItโ€™s a map,โ€ she replied, not looking up. โ€œNo duh,โ€ Bix scoffed. โ€œEven I recognize old tech maps like that. Whatcha looking for? Going somewhere?โ€ Mik-taa ignored him. She smoothed the creases in [โ€ฆ]
Mik-taa's Map - 365tomorrows
Big Score - 365tomorrows
Big Score - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Nine at night and residential roads are empty. Everybody is safe inside, either working or enjoying approved leisure activities. Meanwhile, on the intercity hyperways, traffic provides cover for duels between the dishonest and the diligent. My control board emits an annoying bleep. Somebody is being exceptionally diligent. โ€œUnidentified perpetrator, westbound [โ€ฆ]
Big Score - 365tomorrows
Twenty-Five Years - 365tomorrows
Twenty-Five Years - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The nightlight downgrades again, becoming a dim glow. Frankie squints at it, then turns his attention back to me, pupils wide above the patched duvet cover that contains more shredded dry rubbish than actual duvet. โ€œTell me about the Call to Arms.โ€ I shake my head. Every week his school [โ€ฆ]
Twenty-Five Years - 365tomorrows
Nice Guys - 365tomorrows
Nice Guys - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki Francis was helping the elderly lady cross a busy street when the call came. He waited until sheโ€™d thanked him with a little pat on the arm and entered the drugstore even though the shelves were almost bare. His phone was still buzzing. Oscar. He hesitated, but knew that was impolite and so [โ€ฆ]
Nice Guys - 365tomorrows
The Microwave - 365tomorrows
The Microwave - 365tomorrows
Author: Aubrey Williams โ€œLook, we understand that this is a strange request, Mr. Humanโ€ฆ but we repeat again: our planetโ€™s securityโ€ฆ even galactic security, may depend on us acquiring one of these devices. Please, we implore youโ€” surrender your microwave to us!โ€ So spoke the little alien being, its four hands wrung in pleading, its [โ€ฆ]
The Microwave - 365tomorrows
After the Arch Fell - 365tomorrows
After the Arch Fell - 365tomorrows
Author: Marijean Oldham The Mississippi only ran backwards, south to north, twice that we know of. First time was during the earthquakes of 1812. And the second was the day the meteor fell. In the months that followed, we felt a drop in our stomachs any time we crested the hill to reach what used [โ€ฆ]
After the Arch Fell - 365tomorrows
Lonely Planet - 365tomorrows
Lonely Planet - 365tomorrows
Author: David C. Nutt All of us on this mission were eager to explore, chosen from among thousands of applicants as being restless beyond restless to know what was next as we traversed the void. When we landed on this new planet, we could not believe our eyes. An entire continent developed- farms, industry, homes [โ€ฆ]
Lonely Planet - 365tomorrows
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
Author: Hillary Lyon Kaz tumbled through the centrifugal force of the prismatic vortex, finally landing on the planetโ€™s surface with a cruel thud. Medical nanobots lining the interior of his suit immediately went to work, infusing themselves through the pores of his skin, worming their way into his bloodstream. From there, the minuscule bots traveled [โ€ฆ]
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
The Last Refugee - 365tomorrows
The Last Refugee - 365tomorrows
Author: Dave Ludford Had he been walking at a faster pace or with any real sense of purpose Ryan Jennings would have missed it completely. Scuffing the forest floor aimlessly however with first one foot then the other, his meanderings revealed something that he at first thought was some kind of weird seed or pod [โ€ฆ]
The Last Refugee - 365tomorrows
Friends of Space - 365tomorrows
Friends of Space - 365tomorrows
Author: Jennifer Thomas โ€œFriends of space, how are you all? Have you eaten yet? Come visit us if you have time.โ€ โ€”Greeting in Amoy, one of 55 languages on the โ€œGolden Recordโ€ sent toward interstellar space on Voyager 2, 1977 CE [Transcript: Testimony of Android 32XX, International Academy of Sciences, March 9, 2072] Ladies and [โ€ฆ]
Friends of Space - 365tomorrows