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The Sound That Grief Makes - The Dark Magazine
The Sound That Grief Makes - The Dark Magazine
Caleb had been dead for two weeks when I started pretending to be his ghost. After the funeral, Hudson couldn’t sleep. I lay in my room and listened to my son crying. Quiet tears. A big boy suddenly aware that solid things can snap and break and bleed and end up buried under freezing earth. …
The Sound That Grief Makes - The Dark Magazine
With Her Diamond Teeth - The Dark Magazine
With Her Diamond Teeth - The Dark Magazine
It begins with a girl in the water. My stilt-legged home rises from a dark, slow-moving river; in it, I learnt to swim, buoyed by coconuts. For much of my nineteen years its murky depths held no fear. In the water there’s fish, in the fields there’s rice. In the kingdom of Ayutthaya, none of …
With Her Diamond Teeth - The Dark Magazine
The Name, Blurry and Incomplete in His Mind - The Dark Magazine
The Name, Blurry and Incomplete in His Mind - The Dark Magazine
When Jentri was ten her father, having run out of things to say, told her about the name he’d once found written in pencil on the wall above the basement sink, and about how he’d often wondered if it was still there. “Maybe you should look,” she said, and he did, and she followed him. …
The Name, Blurry and Incomplete in His Mind - The Dark Magazine
The Better Part of Drowning - The Dark Magazine
The Better Part of Drowning - The Dark Magazine
Alix was never sure what kept the groaning rickety-spider of a dock up, unless it was the mussels that swarmed over the piles, turning them to hazards that could slice a swimmer open. The divers were all over scars from waves and mussels, always being pushed into shell sharp as knives and leaving their blood …
The Better Part of Drowning - The Dark Magazine
Necksnapper - The Dark Magazine
Necksnapper - The Dark Magazine
Delayna snapped the first crow’s neck without thinking about it. She had learned this from her parents. Before they robbed and prostituted their way out of her life and into prison, they had taught her to ignore the weight of sin and instead focus o…
Necksnapper - The Dark Magazine
Ghostling - The Dark Magazine
Ghostling - The Dark Magazine
Welch fucks the ghosts in the orchard. Before, it was the alleys, but the bricks of the five and dime were rough and the alley ground too wet and cold. In the orchard, it’s all long grasses gone to gold, the softness of rotting trees and fruit under…
Ghostling - The Dark Magazine
Vain Knife - The Dark Magazine
Vain Knife - The Dark Magazine
Stab here with index before you tuck into foul feast. Hour at which the blind see, when night unfurls her wing and goes out, silent as shaft of moonlight. Hour of the witches’ feeding; on primal pain, on corrupt love, on toothless cherub child. via …
Vain Knife - The Dark Magazine