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Invisibility Potion - Harry Potter Wiki
Invisibility Potion - Harry Potter Wiki
The Invisibility Potion makes the drinker invisible for a short time and is an alternative to an Invisibility cloak or a Disillusionment Charm. It can be either drunk or smashed either near or on the person you are wishing to hide from the naked eye. Behind the scenes The potion is never mentioned in any of the Harry Potter books or films, it is however mentioned in the games more than once.
Invisibility Potion - Harry Potter Wiki
Kissing Concoction - Harry Potter Wiki
Kissing Concoction - Harry Potter Wiki
The Kissing Concoction was a Love Potion from the WonderWitch line by Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Appearances Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film) (First appearance), Harry Potter Limited Edition (First identified as Kissing Concoction)
Kissing Concoction - Harry Potter Wiki
Love Potion - Harry Potter Wiki
Love Potion - Harry Potter Wiki
Love potions are brews, which cause the drinker to become infatuated or obsessed with the person who gave it to them. Love potions are considered to be powerful and highly dangerous. Amortentia is...
Love Potion - Harry Potter Wiki
Memory Potion - Harry Potter Wiki
Memory Potion - Harry Potter Wiki
A Memory Potion is a type of potion which presumably causes the drinker to have improved access to their memories. Jobberknoll feathers are known to be an ingredient, which supports this theory, considering the Jobberknoll's ability to "remember" sounds quite easily. Aberforth Dumbledore had a lot of Memory Potions in the cellar of the Hog's Head Inn.
Memory Potion - Harry Potter Wiki