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They sat in their deck chairs, watching their son fish. “Has he caught one?” she asked, gently rocking. Walter squinted out at the lake. “I don’t think so.” “I think he did.” “Did you see it?” Elle…Of Hair and Beanstalks – William Condon
They sat in their deck chairs, watching their son fish. “Has he caught one?” she asked, gently rocking. Walter squinted out at the lake. “I don’t think so.” “I think he did.” “Did you see it?” Elle…Of Hair and Beanstalks – William Condon
25 December, being the Birth-day of Isaac Newton, Physicist: Madam, Your stepdaughter has arrived and been installed in the tower chamber, per your instructions. This has already led to the predict…
They sat in their deck chairs, watching their son fish. “Has he caught one?” she asked, gently rocking. Walter squinted out at the lake. “I don’t think so.” “I think he did.” “Did you see it?” Elle…Of Hair and Beanstalks – William Condon
The cave sits in a hillside, with its mouth yawed wide open. It is the kind of cave suited for raising the dead. Shadows move across dark spaces as the witch drags the shattered spines of small tre…When the Last Friend is Gone – Tris Matthews
The cave sits in a hillside, with its mouth yawed wide open. It is the kind of cave suited for raising the dead. Shadows move across dark spaces as the witch drags the shattered spines of small tre…When the Last Friend is Gone – Tris Matthews
Butler found Pebbles dead in the morning. Each day, the moment Butler became active at 6 a.m. sharp, the little old dog’s stumpy legs would carry her over to seat herself royally in front of the en…
The cave sits in a hillside, with its mouth yawed wide open. It is the kind of cave suited for raising the dead. Shadows move across dark spaces as the witch drags the shattered spines of small tre…When the Last Friend is Gone – Tris Matthews
Markus stood on the rocky hill in front of his house, neck aching as he craned it toward the sky. He’d been waiting for hours. He’d snuck early out of bed, slinking his way through the house and sl…Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, and I Love You – L’Erin Ogle
Markus stood on the rocky hill in front of his house, neck aching as he craned it toward the sky. He’d been waiting for hours. He’d snuck early out of bed, slinking his way through the house and sl…Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, and I Love You – L’Erin Ogle
The cave sits in a hillside, with its mouth yawed wide open. It is the kind of cave suited for raising the dead. Shadows move across dark spaces as the witch drags the shattered spines of small tre…
Markus stood on the rocky hill in front of his house, neck aching as he craned it toward the sky. He’d been waiting for hours. He’d snuck early out of bed, slinking his way through the house and sl…Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, and I Love You – L’Erin Ogle
In the process of losing my mind, the rest of the world has fallen away. A cloud hangs over the monotone house, the grass growing longer, the litter outside caught in the wild blades of fading gree…Chasing the Light – Gloria Wickman
In the process of losing my mind, the rest of the world has fallen away. A cloud hangs over the monotone house, the grass growing longer, the litter outside caught in the wild blades of fading gree…Chasing the Light – Gloria Wickman
Markus stood on the rocky hill in front of his house, neck aching as he craned it toward the sky. He’d been waiting for hours. He’d snuck early out of bed, slinking his way through the house and sl…
In the process of losing my mind, the rest of the world has fallen away. A cloud hangs over the monotone house, the grass growing longer, the litter outside caught in the wild blades of fading gree…Chasing the Light – Gloria Wickman
Misalignment – Erik Goldsmith – Metaphorosis Magazine
Misalignment – Erik Goldsmith – Metaphorosis Magazine
When Levy Green awoke, he looked around for a few blinking moments, and did not try to remember. He was alone. Through an open window, he could see it was day. Something, somewhere was beeping. via Pocket via FREE Fiction / Misalignment – Erik Goldsmith – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
Misalignment – Erik Goldsmith – Metaphorosis Magazine
A Yellow Landscape – Sarah McGill – Metaphorosis Magazine
A Yellow Landscape – Sarah McGill – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / I dream of vast landscapes. The distance bends like cotton on a washing line or a rabbit vanishing down a hole. In my dream, women come, carrying brutally tined forks. Their hands crook around their bodies and somehow they are monstrous and too big.… A Yellow Landscape – Sarah McGill – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
A Yellow Landscape – Sarah McGill – Metaphorosis Magazine
A Final Resting Place – Matt Hornsby – Metaphorosis Magazine
A Final Resting Place – Matt Hornsby – Metaphorosis Magazine
The lander sloped down from orbit towards the jagged peninsula that leaked westwards from Earth’s great landmass. Salzmann’s eyes tracked across the surface as they broke the cloud cover. It stretched brown-green to the limits of his vision, shorn o… via FREE Fiction / A Final Resting Place – Matt Hornsby – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
A Final Resting Place – Matt Hornsby – Metaphorosis Magazine
Never Fade Away – Claire Simpson – Metaphorosis Magazine
Never Fade Away – Claire Simpson – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / The old woman looked up from where she was kneeling in her garden, tending to the tiny green shoots that were poking through the soil. “There’s a name I ain’t heard in a while,” she said to the young whippersnapper shifting from foot to foot on the …
Never Fade Away – Claire Simpson – Metaphorosis Magazine
A Layer Thin As Breath – Thea Boodhoo – Metaphorosis Magazine
A Layer Thin As Breath – Thea Boodhoo – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / Julian’s voice filtered through her dying radio. The Prince of Cats was a speck of light, dimming through the gold-grey film that, atom by atom, was devouring her helmet. Valley tried to say something, anything. Failed. via Pocket A Layer Thin As Breath – Thea Boodhoo – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
A Layer Thin As Breath – Thea Boodhoo – Metaphorosis Magazine
Communication Breakdown – Andrew Knighton – Metaphorosis Magazine
Communication Breakdown – Andrew Knighton – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / “No.” I pushed my chair back from the conference table. I could see myself in the window opposite, Herrje’s deep night sky turning the glass wall into a giant mirror. via Pocket Communication Breakdown – Andrew Knighton – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
Communication Breakdown – Andrew Knighton – Metaphorosis Magazine
Las Vegas Museum of Space Exploration – Marilee Dahlman – Metaphorosis Magazine
Las Vegas Museum of Space Exploration – Marilee Dahlman – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / The purpose of the Las Vegas Museum of Space Exploration is to preserve and display extraterrestrial art and material of incredible cultural importance: the Mars Frescoes and Earth’s largest collection of MarsBlood. via Pocket Las Vegas Museum of Space Exploration – Marilee Dahlman – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
Las Vegas Museum of Space Exploration – Marilee Dahlman – Metaphorosis Magazine
One for the Wounded – Phoenix Alexander – Metaphorosis Magazine
One for the Wounded – Phoenix Alexander – Metaphorosis Magazine
“Minutes… they are the easiest to kill,” he whispered. His voice was thick with the drowsiness of spent passion; I thought he had fallen asleep, and felt grateful that he was staying awake with me a little longer. “You need something sharp… Cut thei… via FREE Fiction /
One for the Wounded – Phoenix Alexander – Metaphorosis Magazine
One Day in Space Too Many – Michael Sherrin – Metaphorosis Magazine
One Day in Space Too Many – Michael Sherrin – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / Day 1: Gerry woke to his chiming alarm clock, unaware his spaceship, the Rotor, had just exploded. He shuffled into the kitchen and expected his usual routine: frying eggs, watering his bonsai, and being the only person for light-years. But there he… One Day in Space Too Many – Michael Sherrin – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
One Day in Space Too Many – Michael Sherrin – Metaphorosis Magazine
A Bear, or a Spider, or an Elephant – Edward Ashton – Metaphorosis Magazine
A Bear, or a Spider, or an Elephant – Edward Ashton – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / “The night sky is beautiful,” Seven says. “Deep and dark, blue-black and starless. It has a certain ineffable purity to it, don’t you think?” Mara glances up. This world is a young one, snugged tight against the galactic core. via Pocket A Bear, or a Spider, or an Elephant – Edward Ashton – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
A Bear, or a Spider, or an Elephant – Edward Ashton – Metaphorosis Magazine
The Girls Who Come Back Are Made of Metal and Glass – L’Erin Ogle – Metaphorosis Magazine
The Girls Who Come Back Are Made of Metal and Glass – L’Erin Ogle – Metaphorosis Magazine
I look over and there Kate is, back from the dead yet again, even though there are rules about that sort of thing. No one else has ever come back more than twice. It’s like three strikes and you’re out—you’ve officially become too expensive or too t… The Girls Who Come Back Are Made of Metal and Glass – L’Erin Ogle – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
The Girls Who Come Back Are Made of Metal and Glass – L’Erin Ogle – Metaphorosis Magazine
Forever and a Life – Daniel Roy – Metaphorosis Magazine
Forever and a Life – Daniel Roy – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / Transcripts of Mayfly interviews by Dr. Leanne Jansen. Sarah al-Awqati (childhood friend): “Fuck forever.” Yup, I was right in front of the stage when she first said that. I can say “she,” right? via Pocket Forever and a Life – Daniel Roy – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
Forever and a Life – Daniel Roy – Metaphorosis Magazine
With Eyes Half Open – Frances Pauli – Metaphorosis Magazine
With Eyes Half Open – Frances Pauli – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / The circus smelled of magic, of popcorn, dung, and cotton candy. Miranda squinted as she entered, just like the book suggested. She followed the crowd through the gate, then slipped between the wagons, searching for something only half open eyes cou… With Eyes Half Open – Frances Pauli – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
With Eyes Half Open – Frances Pauli – Metaphorosis Magazine
A Sacrifice for the Queen – Luke Murphy – Metaphorosis Magazine
A Sacrifice for the Queen – Luke Murphy – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / Long before dawn I give up trying to sleep and walk around the apartment packing some essentials into a travel bag. If things go badly today, I’m prepared. As I’m putting my government passport into my purse, a wave of nausea sloshes through my guts…
A Sacrifice for the Queen – Luke Murphy – Metaphorosis Magazine
The Color of My Home is Red Like an Apple – Evan Marcroft – Metaphorosis Magazine
The Color of My Home is Red Like an Apple – Evan Marcroft – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / The color of my home is red like an apple. That is what God told the father of all my fathers, who told all their daughters, who told me. I do not know what an apple is, only that it is sweet and red like my home. My name is Anan. I have lived as lo… The Color of My Home is Red Like an Apple – Evan Marcroft – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
The Color of My Home is Red Like an Apple – Evan Marcroft – Metaphorosis Magazine
La Belle Dame – Sabrina N. Balmick – Metaphorosis Magazine
La Belle Dame – Sabrina N. Balmick – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / The scribe met the knight on the old stone road. The castle was a couple of hours away. Three, at the speed his donkey was trotting. He’d meant to deliver his news of no news and stumble off to a bath and, if he were lucky, into a warm bed with a wa… La Belle Dame – Sabrina N. Balmick – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
La Belle Dame – Sabrina N. Balmick – Metaphorosis Magazine
Whalesong – L. Chan – Metaphorosis Magazine
Whalesong – L. Chan – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / I savour the meal of plastic as I cut through the water; each pass a different symphony of flavour. It is sour and bitter by shifting degrees and always has been so. The meal brings me little comfort in my solitude. I would sing my complaints, but n… Whalesong – L. Chan – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
Whalesong – L. Chan – Metaphorosis Magazine