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This Way to Paradise - Lightspeed Magazine
This Way to Paradise - Lightspeed Magazine
The mountains were beautiful, even though the roads that took you there were broken. Even though the whole world was broken. Tara sat on the side of the pitted road, soaking in the autumnal sun, gazing at the distant snow-capped peaks in awe. Forgetting, for the moment, the ache in her feet and the emptiness in her stomach. “The Sivalik Range, children,” said Anju, pointing at the green hills that rose around them. “The word literally means the ‘tresses of Shiva.’ Cross the valley, and you stand at the feet of Pir Panjal, the inner Himalayas.”
This Way to Paradise - Lightspeed Magazine
The Ocean That Fades Into Sky - Lightspeed Magazine
The Ocean That Fades Into Sky - Lightspeed Magazine
Although it takes constant effort for Coasts to mold herself into a human body when none live on her shores, and a far greater effort---even with her mother’s help---to sustain a flight of giant sea turtles across hundreds of miles, for once she is grateful; the focus required keeps her thoughts from the empty space beside her where Obsequies should be. There are three women Coasts loves more than anyone on the whole of Uloh-la, and Obsequies, her lover, is one of them. Her mother, in the guise of the turtle beneath her, is another. Both of them are mad at her. Dwellings, the third, would b...
The Ocean That Fades Into Sky - Lightspeed Magazine
Cocoons - Lightspeed Magazine
Cocoons - Lightspeed Magazine
A recon detail brought in another one just after dawn. The soldiers had donned full biohazard suits; nothing could convince them that this wasn’t contagious. They set the body on a gurney. I wheeled it into a quarantine room and inspected it. This time, for the first time, it was a child. A girl, about eleven years […]
Cocoons - Lightspeed Magazine
The She-Wolf’s Hidden Grin - Lightspeed Magazine
The She-Wolf’s Hidden Grin - Lightspeed Magazine
When I was a girl, my sister Susanna and I had to get up early whether we were rested or not. In winter particularly, our day often began before sunrise; and because our dormitory was in the south wing of the house, with narrow windows facing the central courtyard and thus facing north, the lurid, pinkish light sometimes was hours late in arriving and we would wash and dress while we were still uncertain whether we were awake or not. Groggy and only half coherent, we would tell each other our dreams.
The She-Wolf’s Hidden Grin - Lightspeed Magazine
A Conch-Shell’s Notes - Lightspeed Magazine
A Conch-Shell’s Notes - Lightspeed Magazine
This is the story of a conch-shell, and the man who answered its call to adventure. The powerful and mysterious conch resided in a seaside temple on the outskirts of Peacetown. Whenever a resident of the town found themselves at life’s crossroads, wondering which path to take, notes from the conch-shell sounded in their ears and sang of what lay ahead in each direction. When danger lay in the town’s future, it called one of its young men, bright of mind and clean of limb, to fight it. That evening, it sounded in the ears of Kwa, a citrus-seller who was piling fruit upon fruit into neat pyra...
A Conch-Shell’s Notes - Lightspeed Magazine
Gundark Island, or, Tars Tarkas Needs Your Help - Lightspeed Magazine
Gundark Island, or, Tars Tarkas Needs Your Help - Lightspeed Magazine
When Tommy Burke took me out to Gundark Island to see the alien, I wasn’t really expecting much. Maybe I was just going because I thought it would be cool to take a ride in Tommy’s canoe. Or maybe I was just hoping Tommy might turn out to be a friend. If there really was an alien there, too, then all the better. After passing a hand-painted sign that said “Please Don’t Feed the Alien,” we came to a clearing in the middle of the island where I saw a lump in the ground. At first it looked like a small boulder, except that it had a grayish-purple tint to it. Upon closer inspection it vaguely a...
Gundark Island, or, Tars Tarkas Needs Your Help - Lightspeed Magazine
The Lady of Shalott - Lightspeed Magazine
The Lady of Shalott - Lightspeed Magazine
As far as she could remember, the Lady had never been outside the tower. She might have been born here. She assumed she had been born, but maybe not. Maybe she just appeared, her complete adult self, flowing red hair and porcelain skin, dressed in a gown of blue trimmed with gold, with no memory of anything outside these rounded walls. All day, every day, she wove a tapestry set on a loom against the wall. She might have been weaving forever, and she didn’t know if she would ever finish.
The Lady of Shalott - Lightspeed Magazine
To Market, To Market: The Branding of Billy Bailey - Lightspeed Magazine
To Market, To Market: The Branding of Billy Bailey - Lightspeed Magazine
Billy and Principal Andrew Alty went all the way back to kindergarten, when Billy had convinced Mitchell McCoy that the green fingerpaint was Shamrock Shake, and watched with glee as the little babyface had scarfed it all down. Billy knew that Andrew Alty knew his style: refined, controlled, and above all, personal. Billy never would’ve dropped a dozen M-80s down the girls’ toilet. His stuff was always one-on-one, and possessed of a degree of charm and subtlety. But nevertheless, here was Billy, along with the sixth-grade bumper-crop of nasty-come-latelies, called on the carpet in front of ...
To Market, To Market: The Branding of Billy Bailey - Lightspeed Magazine
The Seeds of War - Lightspeed Magazine
The Seeds of War - Lightspeed Magazine
Hastinaga was ablaze with word of Vrath’s amazing feat. Vrath’s stepmother, Dowager Empress Jilana, while taken aback at the manner in which it had been done, nevertheless bit her tongue when she saw what he had accomplished. That the two daughters of the king of Serapi were beautiful there was no doubt. At the wedding, they were the envy of every woman in the court. Tall, with full heads of thick, lustrous blue-black hair, fingernails and toenails painted blood red, heavy of hip and breast, heart-faced with a glow to rival the moon, they walked like queens already.
The Seeds of War - Lightspeed Magazine
The Archronology of Love - Lightspeed Magazine
The Archronology of Love - Lightspeed Magazine
This is a love story, the last of a series of moments when we meet. Saki Jones leaned into the viewport window until her nose nearly touched the glass, staring at the colony planet below. New Mars. From this distance, she could pretend that things were going according to plan---that M.J. was waiting for her in one of the domed cities. A shuttle would take her down to the surface and she and her lifelove would pursue their dream of studying a grand alien civilization. It had been such a beautiful plan.
The Archronology of Love - Lightspeed Magazine
Blur - Lightspeed Magazine
Blur - Lightspeed Magazine
En route to visit my girlfriend in Indiana, I pull over at a rest stop in Illinois to wash my face. It is not my first mistake of the day, but it is the biggest. The bathroom is full of people. I see them before I place my glasses on the sink. I realize I am flinching after my body is already tight with worry; she will be enraged if I am late again. Children with juice-stained mouths are at the sinks on either side of me. A middle-aged woman with a deflated handbag scolds them. They scream, she screams, all of it rising above the rush of the tap. The water smells vaguely sulfurous, like the...
Blur - Lightspeed Magazine
A Temporary Embarrassment in Spacetime - Lightspeed Magazine
A Temporary Embarrassment in Spacetime - Lightspeed Magazine
Sharon’s head itched from all the fake brain implants, and the massive cybernetic headdress was giving her a cramp in her neck. But the worst discomfort of all was having to pretend to be the loyal servant of a giant space blob. Pretending to be a thing instead of a person. This was bringing back all sorts of ugly memories from her childhood.
A Temporary Embarrassment in Spacetime - Lightspeed Magazine
A Hundred Thousand Arrows - Lightspeed Magazine
A Hundred Thousand Arrows - Lightspeed Magazine
After decades of warring, a time of peace came to the Krushan dynasty. The great armies of the Burnt Empire set aside their battle armor and weapons in exchange for flowers and rice. A great celebration lit up the streets of Hastinaga, the capital city. The marriage of Emperor Sha’ant and his unusual new Empress, Jilana. The daughter of a fisher chief married to the Emperor of the greatest empire in the known world!
A Hundred Thousand Arrows - Lightspeed Magazine
My Children’s Home - Lightspeed Magazine
My Children’s Home - Lightspeed Magazine
My children do not dream and neither do I. But that does not mean our sleep is sound. Sometimes they wake in the middle of the night, eyes wide and wet, grasping for a reason they stare into the darkness. I wish I could tell them it was a nightmare, that whatever they are feeling isn’t real, but instead I tell them to close their lids and lay lightly back into sleep, which they always do. My children are good at taking orders.
My Children’s Home - Lightspeed Magazine
Those Are Pearls - Lightspeed Magazine
Those Are Pearls - Lightspeed Magazine
Elaine broke her curse like a mirror, heedless of the shards that scattered across the floor. The guests at the party laughed, applauded, whooped with delight at her reckless abandon. She offered them an exaggerated curtsy, holding the pose as she held their eyes, reveling in their gaze, in the simple pleasure of being seen. The broken pieces of the curse slid into liquid, shimmering like mercury before fogging into smoke and disappearing.
Those Are Pearls - Lightspeed Magazine
The Time Travel Club - Lightspeed Magazine
The Time Travel Club - Lightspeed Magazine
Nobody could decide what should be the first object to travel through time. Malik offered his car keys. Jerboa held up an action figure. But then Lydia suggested her one-year sobriety coin, and it seemed too perfect to pass up. After all, the coin had a unit of time on it, as if it came from a realm where time really was a denomination of currency. And they were about to break the bank of time forever, if this worked.
The Time Travel Club - Lightspeed Magazine
A Hundred Thousand Arrows - Lightspeed Magazine
A Hundred Thousand Arrows - Lightspeed Magazine
After decades of warring, a time of peace came to the Krushan dynasty. The great armies of the Burnt Empire set aside their battle armor and weapons in exchange for flowers and rice. A great celebration lit up the streets of Hastinaga, the capital city. The marriage of Emperor Sha’ant and his unusual new Empress, Jilana. The daughter of a fisher chief married to the Emperor of the greatest empire in the known world!
A Hundred Thousand Arrows - Lightspeed Magazine
A Temporary Embarrassment in Spacetime - Lightspeed Magazine
A Temporary Embarrassment in Spacetime - Lightspeed Magazine
Sharon’s head itched from all the fake brain implants, and the massive cybernetic headdress was giving her a cramp in her neck. But the worst discomfort of all was having to pretend to be the loyal servant of a giant space blob. Pretending to be a thing instead of a person. This was bringing back all sorts of ugly memories from her childhood.
A Temporary Embarrassment in Spacetime - Lightspeed Magazine
Ambitious Boys Like You - Lightspeed Magazine
Ambitious Boys Like You - Lightspeed Magazine
Sonny, his cousin, was from Houston, but being from the city wasn’t why Witt found him interesting. It was that while Witt believed in everything---God, the Devil, spooks, not spilling salt without throwing some over your shoulder---Sonny believed in absolutely nothing. Not 9/11 or the Kennedy assassination, not heaven or hell. The way he talked, Witt sometimes wondered if Sonny believed in him.
Ambitious Boys Like You - Lightspeed Magazine
On the Shores of Ligeia - Lightspeed Magazine
On the Shores of Ligeia - Lightspeed Magazine
Seth Calder felt like he had barely dozed off when his alarm blared at 6:00 a.m. Level morning sunlight leaked through the blinds onto the birch and linen furniture of his Stockholm apartment. Amalia was already in the shower, so he lurched out of bed and went to check his news feed. NASA TO LAUNCH MARS CREW TODAY, said the first headline. The picture showed the ten crew members in flight suits, grinning at the camera.
On the Shores of Ligeia - Lightspeed Magazine
Her Husband’s Hands - Lightspeed Magazine
Her Husband’s Hands - Lightspeed Magazine
They opened the box and showed her Bob’s hands, resting side by side on a white pillow. The left one lay palm-down, the right one palm-up. The one that was palm-up twitched and waggled fingers at Rebecca when it saw her.
Her Husband’s Hands - Lightspeed Magazine
The Old Equations - Lightspeed Magazine
The Old Equations - Lightspeed Magazine
I miss you already. But you know that. What you don’t know is just how proud I am of you. You were born for this, and no one could possibly be able to handle such a demanding job as well as you.
The Old Equations - Lightspeed Magazine
Arvies - Lightspeed Magazine
Arvies - Lightspeed Magazine
STATEMENT OF INTENT: This is the story of a mother, and a daughter, and the right to life, and the dignity of all living things, and of some souls granted great destinies at the moment of their conception, and of others damned to remain society's useful idiots.
Arvies - Lightspeed Magazine
Amaryllis - Lightspeed Magazine
Amaryllis - Lightspeed Magazine
I never knew my mother, and I never understood why she did what she did. I ought to be grateful that she was crazy enough to cut out her implant so she could get pregnant. But it also meant she was crazy enough to hide the pregnancy until termination wasn't an option, knowing the whole time that she'd never get to keep the baby. That she'd lose everything. That her household would lose everything because of her.
Amaryllis - Lightspeed Magazine
I'm Alive, I Love You, I'll See You in Reno - Lightspeed Magazine
I'm Alive, I Love You, I'll See You in Reno - Lightspeed Magazine
We have a history of missed connections, you and I. Years ago, when you called goodbye from the shuttle launch, my flight was landing in Zurich. I’d changed planes, been re-routed from Frankfurt. That’s why you got my voicemail. I’d have answered if I could, and would’ve wished you luck, even if you wanted a life without me. I never managed to see Europa, like you did—just Europe, where I met my first husband. The one I wished was you.
I'm Alive, I Love You, I'll See You in Reno - Lightspeed Magazine
Map of Seventeen - Lightspeed Magazine
Map of Seventeen - Lightspeed Magazine
Everyone has secrets. Even me. We carry them with us like contraband, always swaddled in some sort of camouflage we’ve concocted to hide the parts of ourselves the rest of the world is better off not knowing. I’d write what I’m thinking in a diary if I could believe others would stay out of those pages, but in a house like this there’s no such thing as privacy. If you’re going to keep secrets, you have to learn to write them down inside your own heart.
Map of Seventeen - Lightspeed Magazine
Marlowe and Harry and the Disinclined Laboratory - Lightspeed Magazine
Marlowe and Harry and the Disinclined Laboratory - Lightspeed Magazine
Lieutenant James Marlowe watched a room full of grown, distinguished men act like young ladies at their first ball. Flustered, fidgeting, adjusting each others’ cravats, going back and forth from one table to another inspecting equipment and displays that were already perfect, they were exhausting to watch, and so he tried not to. He had only ever been to three balls in his life, before he ran off to join the Navy, and this was a reminder of why he hated them.
Marlowe and Harry and the Disinclined Laboratory - Lightspeed Magazine
The Terrible Oath - Lightspeed Magazine
The Terrible Oath - Lightspeed Magazine
The nation greeted Vrath with great warmth and approval. The Burnt Empire regarded its liege as nothing less than a demi-god; in a sense, this was not far from the truth: Whether or not the Krushan dynasty was in fact born of stonefire, they were certainly something more than human. In the Krushan tongue, which was the official language of the capitol Hastinaga and the rest of the Empire, there was no word for “lie” or “falsehood.”
The Terrible Oath - Lightspeed Magazine