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Regerminating Potion - Harry Potter Wiki
Regerminating Potion - Harry Potter Wiki
The Regermination Potion is a potion produced by famous Herbologist and Potioneer Tilden Toots that forces a plant to germinate. Three drops of this potion (combined with six drops of Toots's Rejuicer) are sufficient to revive a dead Flitterbloom. Appearances J. K. Rowling's Official Site
Regerminating Potion - Harry Potter Wiki
Shrinking Solution - Harry Potter Wiki
Shrinking Solution - Harry Potter Wiki
Shrinking Solution, also known as a Shrinking Potion, is a potion that causes the drinker to shrink to a smaller form. It is bright green when brewed correctly and, if prepared incorrectly, it can apparently be poisonous. One practical use of this potion is in the transportation of livestock — it allows for a wizard to carry an entire herd of pigs in the pocket.
Shrinking Solution - Harry Potter Wiki
Ashwinder egg - Harry Potter Wiki
Ashwinder egg - Harry Potter Wiki
Ashwinder eggs are the eggs of the Ashwinder, a magical serpent which is born from the embers of an unattended magical fire. The Ashwinder eggs are extremely hot and flammable, and, if not frozen in time, will light fire to the surrounding area. They are bright red and very valuable when frozen.
Ashwinder egg - Harry Potter Wiki
Aconite - Harry Potter Wiki
Aconite - Harry Potter Wiki
Aconite (also known as monkshood or wolfsbane) is a plant with magical properties. Once widespread, this plant is now only found in wild places. Its flowers are useful in potion-making, but its leaves are very toxic. Aconite is most commonly known as an ingredient of Wolfsbane Potion. The root of aconite can be used as a potion ingredient. Behind the scenes There are over 250 species of Aconitum, the most common of which are known as aconite, monkshood, or wolfsbane., Aconitum species are...
Aconite - Harry Potter Wiki
Asphodel - Harry Potter Wiki
Asphodel - Harry Potter Wiki
Asphodel (also known as Royal Staff) is a member of the lily family and has long and slender leaves. It is found worldwide, and was known to grow in the Hogwarts grounds. Asphodel has both magical...
Asphodel - Harry Potter Wiki
List of potion ingredients - Harry Potter Wiki
List of potion ingredients - Harry Potter Wiki
This is a list of all (known) potion ingredients and their uses. The use descriptions are still in progress. A Aconite (Wolfsbane) - Used in Wolfsbane potions, but also in Pottermore's Wideye/Awakening Potion., Acromantula Venom - No known uses, but because of its rarity, it can sell for about one hundred Galleons a pint., Adder's Fork - Unknown use., Agrippa - Used in Agrippa potions., Alihotsy - Used in Laughing Potions; the leaves cause uncontrollable laughter., Angel's Trumpet - Angel's...
List of potion ingredients - Harry Potter Wiki
Belladonna - Harry Potter Wiki
Belladonna - Harry Potter Wiki
Belladonna is a mundane plant with magical uses. The foliage and berries of this plant are highly poisonous when ingested, being often known to cause delirium and hallucinations. Fluids from this poisonous plant are used by students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Potions class, where it is a part of their standard potion making-kit. Other names for Belladonna are Atropa, Deadly Nightshade, Deaths Herb, Dwale, and Witch's berry. The seed of the Belladonna plant is purple...
Belladonna - Harry Potter Wiki
Boomslang - Harry Potter Wiki
Boomslang - Harry Potter Wiki
Boomslangs (Dispholidus typus) are relatively small, venomous colubrid snakes native to sub-Saharan Africa. The skin of a boomslang is mostly green in males and brown in females. A boomslang's diet consists mostly of small lizards and frogs, swallowed whole, though on occasion will eat mammals or birds (and their eggs). Their venom is highly poisonous, but slow to act. The boomslang's skin is used in certain potions, most notably Polyjuice Potion. Boomslang skin is not a common Potion...
Boomslang - Harry Potter Wiki
Butterscotch - Harry Potter Wiki
Butterscotch - Harry Potter Wiki
Butterscotch is a type of confectionery that may also be used in some potions. It was kept with other potion ingredients in the Potions Classroom at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...
Butterscotch - Harry Potter Wiki
Butterbeer - Harry Potter Wiki
Butterbeer - Harry Potter Wiki
Butterbeer was a popular wizarding beverage described as tasting "a little bit like less-sickly butterscotch". It was served at numerous locations in the wizarding world and had a very slight...
Butterbeer - Harry Potter Wiki
Dittany - Harry Potter Wiki
Dittany - Harry Potter Wiki
Dittany is a magical plant used in Potion-Making. It is a powerful healing herb and restorative. Its use makes fresh skin grow over a wound and after application the wound seems several days old...
Dittany - Harry Potter Wiki
Dandelion root - Harry Potter Wiki
Dandelion root - Harry Potter Wiki
Dandelion roots (Taraxacum officinale ) may be used in some potions. It was kept with other potion ingredients in the Potions Classroom at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Appearances The Road to Hogwarts Sweepstakes
Dandelion root - Harry Potter Wiki
Mistletoe berry - Harry Potter Wiki
Mistletoe berry - Harry Potter Wiki
The berry of the mistletoe is small, white, and waxy. It is used as an ingredient in potions, including the Antidote to Common Poisons and the Forgetfulness Potion. Behind the scenes The use of mistletoe berries as an ingredient in the Antidote to Common Poisons is ironic: the non-berry parts of the mistletoe plant are extremely poisonous, causing intense stomach pain, diarrhoea, low pulse, visual disturbances, and convulsions if eaten. However, the berries are considered "relatively...
Mistletoe berry - Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Fanon Wiki
Harry Potter Fanon Wiki
You have reached an encyclopedic resource and community gathering spot for all things related to the vast and diverse world of Harry Potter fan-fiction and fanon. As of now, we are the #1 Harry...
Harry Potter Fanon Wiki