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Lifeblood by Michael A. Burstein - By Blood We Live : By Blood We Live
Lifeblood by Michael A. Burstein - By Blood We Live : By Blood We Live
Michael A. Burstein is a ten-time finalist for the Hugo Award and the winner of the 1996 John W. Campbell Award for best new writer. His fiction frequently appears in Analog Science Fiction & Fact magazine, and much of his short work was recently collected in I Remember the Future, from Apex Publications. “Lifeblood” takes …
Lifeblood by Michael A. Burstein - By Blood We Live : By Blood We Live
Fugue State | Apex Magazine
Fugue State | Apex Magazine
via FREE Fiction / “Shit,” Charlotte Berry whispered as the fog of sleep began to clear. She heard Arthur fumbling in the bathroom cabinet and saw his reflection in the mirror, salt-and-pepper hair and a small bald spot as he hunched over, a medicine bottle close to h… Fugue State | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Fugue State | Apex Magazine
Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™ | Apex Magazine
Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™ | Apex Magazine
Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™ | Apex Magazine via Instapaper In the Great American Indian novel, when it is finally written, all of the white people will be Indians and all of the Indians will be ghosts. You maintain a menu of a half dozen Experiences on your digital blackboard, but Vision Quest is the one th…
Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™ | Apex Magazine
Master Brahms | Apex Magazine
Master Brahms | Apex Magazine
In memory of Bob Yano Sr. As the house A.I., she always projected her voice as if just around a corner or down a hall, and it gave the illusion that a real person waited barely out of sight. via Pocket Master Brahms | Apex Magazine via Instapaper via FREE Fiction /
Master Brahms | Apex Magazine
Riding the Signal | Apex Magazine
Riding the Signal | Apex Magazine
Alec Chu traveled the high road, swinging his bot through the trees. The wet branches shook with the storm’s convulsions but penetrating the kidnapper’s camp perimeter was easy from up here, and the rain and wind didn’t touch him. Not in the Hole. v… Riding the Signal | Apex Magazine via Instapaper via FREE Fiction /
Riding the Signal | Apex Magazine
A Witch’s Guide to Escape: A Practical Compendium of Portal Fantasies | Apex Magazine
A Witch’s Guide to Escape: A Practical Compendium of Portal Fantasies | Apex Magazine
You’d think it would make us happy when a kid checks out the same book a zillion times in a row, but actually it just keeps us up at night. The Runaway Prince is one of those low-budget young adult fantasies from the mid-nineties, before J.K. via Po… A Witch’s Guide to Escape A Practical Compendium of Portal Fantasies | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
A Witch’s Guide to Escape: A Practical Compendium of Portal Fantasies | Apex Magazine
Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast | Apex Magazine
Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast | Apex Magazine
Each morning is a decision. Should I put on the brown mask or the blue? Should I be a tradesman or an assassin today? Whatever the queen demands, of course, I am. But so often she ignores me, and I am left to figure out for myself who to be. via Poc… via FREE Fiction / Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast | Apex Magazine
Toward a New Lexicon of Augury | Apex Magazine
Toward a New Lexicon of Augury | Apex Magazine
Black stone lying on a white stone. César Vallejo, the author of the poem “Black stone lying on a white stone,” was a Peruvian writer living in Spain in the 1930s when he succumbed to an infection turned totalitarian. via Pocket Toward a New Lexicon of Augury | Apex Magazine via Instapaper via FREE Fiction /
Toward a New Lexicon of Augury | Apex Magazine