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Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The Modern Search for the Fountain of Youth by Douglas F. Dluzen, PhDPseudoPod 624: Flash On The Borderlands XLV: Personal Narratives - PseudoPod
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The Modern Search for the Fountain of Youth by Douglas F. Dluzen, PhDPseudoPod 624: Flash On The Borderlands XLV: Personal Narratives - PseudoPod
Ten Things I Didn’t Do By Maria Haskins I didn’t die. I promised you I wouldn’t, so I didn’t. I know you said the words in jest when you dropped me off at school, “Don’t die, honey!”, with that hoarse laugh and sideways wink you do, but I rolled my eyes and said “OK, mom, […]
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The Modern Search for the Fountain of Youth by Douglas F. Dluzen, PhDPseudoPod 624: Flash On The Borderlands XLV: Personal Narratives - PseudoPod
FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO EVERY TIME By ANDREW DARLINGTON Ransom is out there. He has a gun. He’s dangerous. Logically, thi...PseudoPod 622: En Plein Air - PseudoPod
FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO EVERY TIME By ANDREW DARLINGTON Ransom is out there. He has a gun. He’s dangerous. Logically, thi...PseudoPod 622: En Plein Air - PseudoPod
En Plein Air by J. T. Glover A gust of wind boiled off the James without warning, flattening cattails and clumps of spikerush as it swirled around the inlet where I was painting, and of course it caught my canvas. The morning’s work rushed away from me like a sailboat before a storm, taking my […]
FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO EVERY TIME By ANDREW DARLINGTON Ransom is out there. He has a gun. He’s dangerous. Logically, thi...PseudoPod 622: En Plein Air - PseudoPod
"Who Dares Call It Murder?" By Walt Giersbach Damn you, Danaë, you were the colossus of my life, the thing that gave meaning to the...PseudoPod 623: Greener Pastures - PseudoPod
"Who Dares Call It Murder?" By Walt Giersbach Damn you, Danaë, you were the colossus of my life, the thing that gave meaning to the...PseudoPod 623: Greener Pastures - PseudoPod
Greener Pastures by Michael Wehunt “You ever can’t sleep?” the trucker said. Forsyth glanced up out of his thoughts. The man standing at his table was big and worn out, his eyes raw and heavy even in the shadow of his cap’s bill. He had a young face with an old beard matted on the […]
"Who Dares Call It Murder?" By Walt Giersbach Damn you, Danaë, you were the colossus of my life, the thing that gave meaning to the...PseudoPod 623: Greener Pastures - PseudoPod
Cast of Wonders 457: Just Like the Speeding Heart - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 457: Just Like the Speeding Heart - Cast of Wonders
Just Like The Speeding Heart by Osahon Ize-Iyamu It’s seven A.M. and you’re making akara and tea, just for yourself and not for the two of us. You ask if it’s time, and it is, but I won’t tell you that. Let you be silent and make your tea and not speak. Let you be […]
Cast of Wonders 457: Just Like the Speeding Heart - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 462: Straw-Spun - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 462: Straw-Spun - Cast of Wonders
Straw Spun by Leah Cypess ‭Alina unfolded the letter slowly and with great care:‭ ‬it was very old,‭ ‬and‭ ‬felt thin and fragile under her steady fingertips.‭ ‬Her heart was pounding in a way unfamiliar to her,‭ ‬and not just because of the whispers she had heard on the way to the throne room:‭ ‬gold […]
Cast of Wonders 462: Straw-Spun - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 331: Radio Free Heartland - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 331: Radio Free Heartland - Cast of Wonders
Radio Free Heartland by Corey Mallonee When the car was just a distant cloud of dust above the corn fields I turned to Smoke and told him, “You ought to know I shot someone.” “We all do things we regret,” he said, without looking up from the circle he was drawing in the dirt. His […]
Cast of Wonders 331: Radio Free Heartland - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 342: Staff Picks 2018 – An American Refugee - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 342: Staff Picks 2018 – An American Refugee - Cast of Wonders
An American Refugee by Tiah Marie Beautement I first spot the surfer as I run down the path that cuts below the lighthouse. I can’t believe it. The Point is full of holiday campers, so motors are banned on the water until eight a.m. and it is only six-thirty. I run down the steps; reaching […]
Cast of Wonders 342: Staff Picks 2018 – An American Refugee - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 341: Staff Picks 2018 – The Raptor Snatchers - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 341: Staff Picks 2018 – The Raptor Snatchers - Cast of Wonders
The Raptor Snatchers by Rachael K. Jones Dad said you can’t buy friends, but that’s not always true, because I bought my best friend Zilla with my 10th birthday money. She didn’t cost much because velociraptors were pests, which meant there were too many of them in Absence, and nobody liked them. Rooster’s Rescue was […]
Cast of Wonders 341: Staff Picks 2018 – The Raptor Snatchers - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 340: Staff Picks 2018 – Widow Bones Makes Her Rounds - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 340: Staff Picks 2018 – Widow Bones Makes Her Rounds - Cast of Wonders
Widow Bones Makes Her Rounds by Gretchen Tessmer “Brom Bones too, who shortly after his rival’s disappearance conducted the blooming Katrina to the altar, was observed to look exceedingly knowing whenever the story of Ichabod was related, and always burst into a hearty laugh at the mention of the pumpkin, which led some to suspect […]
Cast of Wonders 340: Staff Picks 2018 – Widow Bones Makes Her Rounds - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 339: Staff Picks 2018 – The Penelope Qingdom - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 339: Staff Picks 2018 – The Penelope Qingdom - Cast of Wonders
The Penelope Qingdom by Aidan Moher It was during the particularly frozen-solid Prince George winter of ’91, a few days after the new neighbours had arrived, that I first stumbled into the Penelope Qingdom. “What are their names?” I asked my moms as they bustled about the kitchen getting ready. They’d invited themselves next door […]
Cast of Wonders 339: Staff Picks 2018 – The Penelope Qingdom - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 338: Staff Picks 2018 – Earn Your Breath - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 338: Staff Picks 2018 – Earn Your Breath - Cast of Wonders
Earn Your Breath by Jaime O. Mayer Liith had fought the Snake Island raiders every summer since her fifteenth year and had yet to taste defeat. She had dueled the boat-men of the north with their fish-belly white skin and won the pair of metal knives envied by many a man in her village. Yet, […]
Cast of Wonders 338: Staff Picks 2018 – Earn Your Breath - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 337: Silkstrand, A Minute Of - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 337: Silkstrand, A Minute Of - Cast of Wonders
Silkstrand, A Minute Of by Anton Stark Imperial Majesty, Lord-for-Countless-Years, Son of Heaven, Ruler of Industry and Wisdom; this your servant Cai Jing of the Ministry of Works greets you. As per your Imperial Decree, I have compiled the following report on the matter of Master Su’s Clock and its abnormal behaviour. The facts of […]
Cast of Wonders 337: Silkstrand, A Minute Of - Cast of Wonders