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Love Engine Optimization - Lightspeed Magazine
Love Engine Optimization - Lightspeed Magazine
I rooted her system on the first day. It was the only way to be sure. Sure that she’d love me. Step by matching step, I walk her under the boughs of great elms in Prospect Park, while the slanting sun passes through the tangled mesh of leaves to dapple her smiling face. When her heart rate spikes, I know she’s excited. When it slows, she’s bored.
Love Engine Optimization - Lightspeed Magazine
Crossing the Threshold - Lightspeed Magazine
Crossing the Threshold - Lightspeed Magazine
I was walking to my car from San Francisco’s 22nd Street Train Station when I first saw the old man. He was on the wrong side of the chain-link fence that separated the sidewalk from the steep rocky slope that led down to the train tracks. The station was an asphalt platform beside the train tracks, set at the bottom of a ravine. Steps from the platform led up to the street, but no steps led where the old man was walking. The only way to reach that particular spot was to climb a six-foot concrete block wall.
Crossing the Threshold - Lightspeed Magazine
The Heart’s Filthy Lesson - Lightspeed Magazine
The Heart’s Filthy Lesson - Lightspeed Magazine
The sun burned through the clouds around noon on the long Cytherean day, and Dharthi happened to be awake and in a position to see it. She was alone in the highlands of Ishtar Terra on a research trip, five sleeps out from Butler base camp, and---despite the nagging desire to keep traveling---had decided to take a rest break for an hour or two. Noon at this latitude was close enough to the one hundredth solar dieiversary of her birth that she’d broken out her little hoard of shelf-stable cake to celebrate.
The Heart’s Filthy Lesson - Lightspeed Magazine
The Magical Properties of Unicorn Ivory - Lightspeed Magazine
The Magical Properties of Unicorn Ivory - Lightspeed Magazine
Vocations don’t grant vacations. I’m supposedly on holiday in London when I get an offer no reporter could refuse: to see a unicorn in the wild. I’m with my friend Samantha, hanging out at her Dad’s pub after a long night’s clubbing, still wearing our dance-rumpled dresses, dying to get out of our heels. Sam’s father, Will, is tending bar tonight, so it’s the perfect spot for late-night chips and hair-of-the-dog nightcaps. Plus, most of the clientele is over fifty. We wouldn’t have to spend all evening judo-throwing chirpsers.
The Magical Properties of Unicorn Ivory - Lightspeed Magazine
Marcel Proust, Incorporated - Lightspeed Magazine
Marcel Proust, Incorporated - Lightspeed Magazine
It’s 12:15, and Monica West is late for our lunch. We’re meeting at a trendy Greenwich Village bistro, one of the few to survive the depression that bankrupted the City, and so many of its residents, nearly two decades ago. There are few reminders of those trying times here now. The place is packed with the young power elite, the air thick with talk of mergers and screenplays and spring designer collections. I order a glass of Cabernet and wait.
Marcel Proust, Incorporated - Lightspeed Magazine
Cake Baby (A Kango and Sharon Adventure) - Lightspeed Magazine
Cake Baby (A Kango and Sharon Adventure) - Lightspeed Magazine
Kango and Sharon first met at a party, one of those lavish debauch-fests where people fly in from all over the galaxy wearing sentient fetishwear that costs a whole asteroid belt. The specially grown building had melted, causing toxic fumes that killed a few hundred people, and then the canapés on the appetizer table came to life and started mutilating bystanders with their razor-sharp mandibles. The party was going according to plan, in other words. The only thing that nobody could have predicted, even the most OCD of the party-planners, was that two of the party’s minor entertainers ended...
Cake Baby (A Kango and Sharon Adventure) - Lightspeed Magazine
The Commission of The Philosophical Alembic - Lightspeed Magazine
The Commission of The Philosophical Alembic - Lightspeed Magazine
A dirty little backstreet in London, bordered upon the east by Tottenham Court Road and upon the south by Oxford Street. A dirty little backstreet, shadowed and unfashionable, the walls darkened with unattended soot, the windows blinded with grime. It was home to the backs of restaurants on one side and the rears of glittering retail emporia upon the other, and little else but for a couple of residences, a pawnbroker, and a bookshop. The sign over the window read “Vesperine & Daughter. Dealers in Rare & Antique Books” and, while this was true, it was also somewhere short of the whole truth.
The Commission of The Philosophical Alembic - Lightspeed Magazine
A Wedding Night’s Dream - Lightspeed Magazine
A Wedding Night’s Dream - Lightspeed Magazine
They gave me directions, not an address, and once I arrived, I could see why. There was no church here, no hall, no theater. I parked at the end of the dirt road by the lightning-blasted oak and peered toward the line of fir trees, fuzzed orange by the sinking sun beyond. I wondered, briefly, if this was a trick---lure the lady bartender out to the woods for nefarious purposes---but they’d paid half up front and the check had cleared, so I checked my professional demeanor in the rearview mirror, grabbed my bag, and got out of the car.
A Wedding Night’s Dream - Lightspeed Magazine
The Greatest One-Star Restaurant in the Whole Quadrant - Lightspeed Magazine
The Greatest One-Star Restaurant in the Whole Quadrant - Lightspeed Magazine
Engineer’s meat wept and squirmed and wriggled inside her steel organ cavity, so different from the stable purr of gears and circuit boards. You couldn’t count on meat. It lulled you with its warmth, the soft give of skin, the tug of muscle, the neurotransmitter snow fluttering down from neurons to her cyborg logic center. On other days, the meat sickened, swelled inside her steel shell, pressed into her joints. Putrid yellow meat-juices dripped all over her chassis, eroding away its chrome gloss. It contaminated everything.
The Greatest One-Star Restaurant in the Whole Quadrant - Lightspeed Magazine
Because Change Was the Ocean and We Lived By Her Mercy - Lightspeed Magazine
Because Change Was the Ocean and We Lived By Her Mercy - Lightspeed Magazine
We stood naked on the shore of Bernal and watched the candles float across the bay, swept by a lazy current off to the north, in the direction of Potrero Island. A dozen or so candles stayed afloat and alight after half a league, their tiny flames bobbing up and down, casting long yellow reflections on the dark water alongside the streaks of moonlight. At times I fancied the candlelight could filter down onto streets and buildings, the old automobiles and houses full of children’s toys, all the waterlogged treasures of long-gone people.
Because Change Was the Ocean and We Lived By Her Mercy - Lightspeed Magazine