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Greetings, Humanity! Welcome To Your Choice Of Species! - Lightspeed Magazine
Greetings, Humanity! Welcome To Your Choice Of Species! - Lightspeed Magazine
Hello, there! If you have received this telepathic mailing, you are a member of the species currently self-designated Homo sapiens, as evolved on the planet locally known as Earth, orbiting the sun locally known, for some reason that escapes us, as …
Greetings, Humanity! Welcome To Your Choice Of Species! - Lightspeed Magazine
Angels - Lightspeed Magazine
Angels - Lightspeed Magazine
The creature she’d had them make cost her the last piece of forest outside Siena. The one with the little medieval chapel in it, the tall umbrella pines shading a forest floor no tourist had ever walked upon. It cost her the two rocky islands just south of Elba, and the lead mines at Piombino, which she had never cared about, and the villa on Lake Garda, which she had, because, so small and intimate, it had been one of her father’s favorites.
Angels - Lightspeed Magazine
A Compendium of Architecture and the Science of Building - Lightspeed Magazine
A Compendium of Architecture and the Science of Building - Lightspeed Magazine
By the time he returned home after all his years of wandering, Magnus Diarisso had come to prefer a fire burning on cold days rather than the elaborate hypocaust system that heated the mage house. The sound of wood settling, sparks popping, and ashe…
A Compendium of Architecture and the Science of Building - Lightspeed Magazine
Abandonware - Lightspeed Magazine
Abandonware - Lightspeed Magazine
Some kids do that---they imprint on empty objects, they give them stories and opinions and a will, until they feel half-inhabited even to grownups, who have to pretend that they care how Chrissy’s blanket feels about things for so long that one day when Chrissy’s at school they step on the blanket and apologize. I did it with anything, when I was young; my toys were always in the middle of some intense plot that nobody outside could understand.
Abandonware - Lightspeed Magazine