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Tides of Reflection – Mark Rookyard – Metaphorosis Magazine
Tides of Reflection – Mark Rookyard – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / The winds whispered promises of winter as they plucked with cold fingers at Silven’s shawl. She held it tighter around her shoulders and tucked her hair behind her ear. via Pocket Tides of Reflection – Mark Rookyard – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
Tides of Reflection – Mark Rookyard – Metaphorosis Magazine
Gathering Dust – Meryl Stenhouse – Metaphorosis Magazine
Gathering Dust – Meryl Stenhouse – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / There’s a bench I like to sit on, with my legs tucked up, pretending I’m just another student on break from university. via Pocket Gathering Dust – Meryl Stenhouse – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
Gathering Dust – Meryl Stenhouse – Metaphorosis Magazine
Seeders – Jamie Killen – Metaphorosis Magazine
Seeders – Jamie Killen – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / The wheat died three days after Elin’s skin began to itch. The itching started as a rash on the backs of her hands, little round bumps standing out from her skin. She ignored it at first, went to work at the diner as always. But by the third day it … Seeders – Jamie Killen – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
Seeders – Jamie Killen – Metaphorosis Magazine
Pleasing the Giants – Carolyn Lenz – Metaphorosis Magazine
Pleasing the Giants – Carolyn Lenz – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / Deiderick raced down the cobblestone street, the hollow sound of his footsteps barely audible over the singing around him. It wouldn’t take long for his mother and father to notice him missing. He was supposed to be arranging tulips now, in full vie… Pleasing the Giants – Carolyn Lenz – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
Pleasing the Giants – Carolyn Lenz – Metaphorosis Magazine
The Doctor’s Mask – Taylor Hornig – Metaphorosis Magazine
The Doctor’s Mask – Taylor Hornig – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / I let Cameron take me to him, but I already knew where he was. I smelled him as clearly as I smelled old Barty’s woodsmoke. He had a bad scent. Sweet and sick, like rotting flowers. “Did you touch him?” I asked. It was a frigid afternoon, the sun cl… The Doctor’s Mask – Taylor Hornig – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
The Doctor’s Mask – Taylor Hornig – Metaphorosis Magazine
Absurd of a Feather – Amman Sabet – Metaphorosis Magazine
Absurd of a Feather – Amman Sabet – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / I’m getting a note from my doctor that will keep me out of the pool for gym. It’s not that I can’t swim. Last year I came in third place for breast stroke. This is different. via Pocket Absurd of a Feather – Amman Sabet – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
Absurd of a Feather – Amman Sabet – Metaphorosis Magazine