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Listen - Uncanny Magazine
Listen - Uncanny Magazine
Mika only visited Aino Korhonen ahead of time because he was in an upward swing. He had awoken with a longing to see people, talk to them, to be surrounded by life. All the interesting markets and people were up the spokes, so thatā€™s where he went. ā€¦
Listen - Uncanny Magazine
Abigail Dreams of Weather - Uncanny Magazine
Abigail Dreams of Weather - Uncanny Magazine
Everything is broken. The screen that takes up one entire wall of the play area is broken, cracked from corner to corner. Thereā€™s nothing usable in the games and toys cupboard, which is piled high with neatly stacked boxes full of mismatched parts aā€¦
Abigail Dreams of Weather - Uncanny Magazine
Meeting with Your Legislators 101 and 201 - Uncanny Magazine
Meeting with Your Legislators 101 and 201 - Uncanny Magazine
Youā€™ve made your phone calls. Youā€™ve rallied. Youā€™ve begged for town halls. What else can you do? Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Make your legislators picture your face when they think about your issue. Iā€™m here to walk you through meeting effectively with your representatives to the federal or state government. I ā€¦
Meeting with Your Legislators 101 and 201 - Uncanny Magazine
The Thing, With Feathers - Uncanny Magazine
The Thing, With Feathers - Uncanny Magazine
Val had lost hope. Routine carried her where hope had stopped: up the stairs to tend the lamp. Into the forest for wood, apples, berries, more rarely a deer or a grouse. Her stores of magic and wild rice came from the same place, though not from the same method: the smaller, murky inland lake, ā€¦
The Thing, With Feathers - Uncanny Magazine
Dustdaughter - Uncanny Magazine
Dustdaughter - Uncanny Magazine
ā€œWhatā€™s your name, girl?ā€ ā€œDust.ā€ ā€œDust! What kinda people named they child Dust!ā€ She sat in thought a moment, recalling what her wayfaring aunt she rarely saw told her to say whenever someone questioned her name, if she could remember it all. ā€œItā€™s short for Dustdaughterā€¦ā€ ā€œThatā€™s a heavy name for a child.ā€ ā€œMy daddy ā€¦
Dustdaughter - Uncanny Magazine
The Willows - Uncanny Magazine
The Willows - Uncanny Magazine
Itā€™s not often a city girl like me gets to haunt an ancestral home as summer dies. The Willows is less a swooning plantation estate and more like a calico cat, a farmhouse cobbled together of mismatched parts and sprawled out proudly among the fields and forests. Still, itā€™s romantic as hell, and I will ā€¦
The Willows - Uncanny Magazine
Nothing to Fear, Nothing to Fear - Uncanny Magazine
Nothing to Fear, Nothing to Fear - Uncanny Magazine
Huda will ask again and again. She will ask it on the first night at the summer place, the porch steps creaking like an old-timey pirateā€™s ship beneath their knees. She will ask it when they see the Amelia Earhart house way down the harbor, a curled finger, creepy, shuttered-off, and full of promise. She ā€¦
Nothing to Fear, Nothing to Fear - Uncanny Magazine
The Duke of Riverside - Uncanny Magazine
The Duke of Riverside - Uncanny Magazine
I. That kid didnā€™t belong here. We all knew it from the moment he walked through the door at Rosalieā€™s, full of nerves and rage. If you belong, you never sport those two together. Everyone in Riverside knows that. It is a wise precaution to assume that anyone angry is also armed. The drinkers stopped ā€¦
The Duke of Riverside - Uncanny Magazine
How to Make a Paper Crane - Uncanny Magazine
How to Make a Paper Crane - Uncanny Magazine
Imagine a piece of flat, perfect, origami paper. White on one side, vibrantly purple on the other. This is the representation of my emotions before Life happened. I remember the first time that I was ever truly, rightfully, angry. My father was dying. He was dying from a disease riddled with social stigma. When the ā€¦
How to Make a Paper Crane - Uncanny Magazine
Our Talons Can Crush Galaxies - Uncanny Magazine
Our Talons Can Crush Galaxies - Uncanny Magazine
This is not the story of how he killed me, thank fuck. You want that kind of horseshit, you donā€™t have to look far; half of modern human media revolves around it, lovingly detailed descriptions of sobbing women violated, victimized, left for the loam to cradle. Rippers, rapists, stalkers, serial killers. Real or imagined, their ā€¦
Our Talons Can Crush Galaxies - Uncanny Magazine
Seasons of Glass and Iron - Uncanny Magazine
Seasons of Glass and Iron - Uncanny Magazine
For Lara West Tabitha walks, and thinks of shoes. She has been thinking about shoes for a very long time: the length of three and a half pairs, to be precise, though itā€™s hard to reckon in iron. Easier to reckon how many pairs are left: of the seven she set out with, three remain, ā€¦
Seasons of Glass and Iron - Uncanny Magazine
With Cardamom Iā€™ll Bind Their Lips - Uncanny Magazine
With Cardamom Iā€™ll Bind Their Lips - Uncanny Magazine
In the spring after the warā€™s end, the soldiersā€™ spirits began to wander home, and Lady Magdalena bound their lips with cardamom so that they could not speak. ā€œThese souls walked for months, their only thought to return home. You must remember, little of their personality remains at this point. They are solid enough to ā€¦
With Cardamom Iā€™ll Bind Their Lips - Uncanny Magazine
Rising Star - Uncanny Magazine
Rising Star - Uncanny Magazine
Meerschon Grant Selection Committeeā€” I understand that only one of these proposals youā€™re reading will be funded. One out of what Iā€™m sure will be hundreds, if not thousands. And thatā€™s just from the research community. Once scholars from other fields learn that this opportunity isnā€™t limited to the sciencesā€”that they can read the Dead ā€¦
Rising Star - Uncanny Magazine
Auspicium Melioris Aevi - Uncanny Magazine
Auspicium Melioris Aevi - Uncanny Magazine
Singapore stank. The last Asian post of the British empire stank. It was a country at war, a country under occupation, and it stank. It stank from the musk of the Chinese men milling on the road, it stank from the sewage cooking in the open drains, and it stank from the diesel burning in ā€¦
Auspicium Melioris Aevi - Uncanny Magazine
Seven Shoes - Uncanny Magazine
Seven Shoes - Uncanny Magazine
The witch said, ā€œI will give you what you want. All you have to do is wear through seven pairs of shoes.ā€ ā€œWhich shoes?ā€ she asked. ā€œOh, any. But the number is important.ā€ The first pair, she was wearing that day in the woods: red Keds. In them, she would ride her bike down the ā€¦
Seven Shoes - Uncanny Magazine
Paradox - Uncanny Magazine
Paradox - Uncanny Magazine
This is the original timeline. You know, the one all of us came from. So we canā€™t do anything to it, or we wonā€™t be born to invent time travel. We can only meddle with other timelines. This is the original timeline. Weā€™re trying to fix things. Unfortunately for you, if we ever do manage ā€¦
Paradox - Uncanny Magazine
Children of Thorns, Children of Water - Uncanny Magazine
Children of Thorns, Children of Water - Uncanny Magazine
With thanks to Stephanie Burgis, Fran Wilde and Kate Elliott It was a large, magnificent room with intricate patterns of ivy branches on the tiles, and a large mirror above a marble fireplace, the mantlepiece crammed with curios from delicate silver bowls to Chinese blue-and-white porcelain figures: a clear statement of casual power, to leave ā€¦
Children of Thorns, Children of Water - Uncanny Magazine
A Nest of Ghosts, a House of Birds - Uncanny Magazine
A Nest of Ghosts, a House of Birds - Uncanny Magazine
The letter from my grandmother arrived twenty years after she died. Itā€”and its contentsā€”were completely unexpected. ā€œShe left me her house,ā€ I told my mom. ā€œWell, you ought to be able to get decent money for it,ā€ she said. ā€œThatā€™s the catch. I have to live in it for a year first. Otherwise the money ā€¦
A Nest of Ghosts, a House of Birds - Uncanny Magazine
And Then There Were (N-One) - Uncanny Magazine
And Then There Were (N-One) - Uncanny Magazine
I considered declining the invitation. It was too weird, too expensive, too far, too dangerous, too weird. Way too weird. An invitation like that would never come again. Iā€™d regret it if I didnā€™t go. It lay on our kitchen table for three weeks while I argued out the pros and cons with Mabel. She ā€¦
And Then There Were (N-One) - Uncanny Magazine
Lest We Forget
Lest We Forget
I am dying of the war, though not in it. Such is the nature of wars. A person doesnā€™t have to die in battle to be killed by a war. A person doesnā€™t even have to be a soldier to die of one. Wars have always been slow killers as well as quick. The war ā€¦
Lest We Forget
A Time to Reap
A Time to Reap
(Content Note for emotional abuse and mentions of sexual abuse.) For Shirley Jackson and Charles Dickens ā€œThis is a true-crime tale?ā€ Two reporters sharing the shuttle with us, and of course I got the one who hadnā€™t done her homework. I suppose I should have been flattered that they were thereā€”a Broadway musical spun off the ā€¦
A Time to Reap
Nice Things
Nice Things
After the memorial service, Phoebe Morris returned to the beachfront townhouse where her mother had lived for the last twenty years, and prepared to cope. There was nothing of Motherā€™s that she particā€¦
Nice Things
Canst Thou Draw Out the Leviathan
Canst Thou Draw Out the Leviathan
(Content Note for use of racist slur.) John Wood boarded the Gracie-Ella ahead of the crew. He carried his sea chest on his shoulder. In a satchel slung low on his hip were his tools and the three thiā€¦
Canst Thou Draw Out the Leviathan
How to Swallow the Moon - Uncanny Magazine
How to Swallow the Moon - Uncanny Magazine
ā€œI want to know the fires your hands bringā€”ā€ ā€œHaving Been Cast, Eve Imploresā€ by Barbara Jane Reyes Tonight, as in every night, she smiles when the door opens. Her arms loop over your neck; she leans in and rests her head against your cheek. She looks down at the basket between you. ā€œIs this ā€¦
How to Swallow the Moon - Uncanny Magazine