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The Doctor’s Mask – Taylor Hornig – Metaphorosis Magazine
The Doctor’s Mask – Taylor Hornig – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / I let Cameron take me to him, but I already knew where he was. I smelled him as clearly as I smelled old Barty’s woodsmoke. He had a bad scent. Sweet and sick, like rotting flowers. “Did you touch him?” I asked. It was a frigid afternoon, the sun cl… The Doctor’s Mask – Taylor Hornig – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
The Doctor’s Mask – Taylor Hornig – Metaphorosis Magazine
Absurd of a Feather – Amman Sabet – Metaphorosis Magazine
Absurd of a Feather – Amman Sabet – Metaphorosis Magazine
via FREE Fiction / I’m getting a note from my doctor that will keep me out of the pool for gym. It’s not that I can’t swim. Last year I came in third place for breast stroke. This is different. via Pocket Absurd of a Feather – Amman Sabet – Metaphorosis Magazine via Instapaper
Absurd of a Feather – Amman Sabet – Metaphorosis Magazine