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Unwritten Rules of Impossible Things - Tom Lichtenberg | Feedbooks
Unwritten Rules of Impossible Things - Tom Lichtenberg | Feedbooks
What if someone - or something - stole one of your days? Just one, and you didn't know why, or what they had done with your life in that time? Young Philip Galvez and his friend Marcus Holmes found out for themselves when they decided to discover why there was a giant stuffed moose in a house down the road.
Unwritten Rules of Impossible Things - Tom Lichtenberg | Feedbooks
Corvus - L. Lee Lowe | Feedbooks
Corvus - L. Lee Lowe | Feedbooks
In a slightly alternate world the minds of teen offenders are uploaded into computers for rehabilitation—a form of virtual wilderness therapy. Zach is a homo cognoscens, one of the new humans who can enter the virtual Fulgrid. Though still a high school student, he is indentured to the Fulgur Corporation as a counsellor. Laura is a homo sapiens. Their story is part odyssey, part tragedy, part riff on the nature of consciousness. Podcasts (audiobook), narrated by Welsh actor Ioan Hefin, and further information are available at
Corvus - L. Lee Lowe | Feedbooks
Zombie Nights - Tom Lichtenberg | Feedbooks
Zombie Nights - Tom Lichtenberg | Feedbooks
Being a zombie, not so easy. That could have been Dave Connor's six word memoir. "At first he couldn't remember how he'd ended up in that shallow grave; he just knew it was hell to claw his way out, and that the taste of its dirt would remain in his mouth for the rest of his time on this earth" ... Expect the unexpected in this existential resurrection thriller.
Zombie Nights - Tom Lichtenberg | Feedbooks
Time Zone - Tom Lichtenberg | Feedbooks
Time Zone - Tom Lichtenberg | Feedbooks
This is not your father’s time travel. There’s no machine, no dial. There’s no telling where or when you’ll go. The only thing that can change is you. It will make you what it needs to make you. And if you come back, it won’t be the same you. You’re messing with the nature of things, and the nature of things does not like to be messed with.
Time Zone - Tom Lichtenberg | Feedbooks
Zombies! Episode 2: Abby's Bad Day - Ivan Turner | Feedbooks
Zombies! Episode 2: Abby's Bad Day - Ivan Turner | Feedbooks
The coming of the zombies to the world is not necessarily the coming of the apocalypse. Abby Benjamin is a typical working mom. But when one of the customers at the gym where she works falls ill, Abby gets a close up look at a completely different world, a world that is ever creeping into the lives of normal people. It is a very bad day.
Zombies! Episode 2: Abby's Bad Day - Ivan Turner | Feedbooks
Secret Sidewalk - Tom Lichtenberg | Feedbooks
Secret Sidewalk - Tom Lichtenberg | Feedbooks
Beauregaard Sweet became invisible, but his troubles began when he suddenly reappeared. Now everybody wants something from him. Manny the mechanic wants his wife. Sharad LeMaster wants his secret. Emma Biggs wants another shot at the TV news, the Four Tribes want to send him back to wherever it was he’d gone, and all he wants to do is eat donuts and watch reality TV.
Secret Sidewalk - Tom Lichtenberg | Feedbooks
The Choices - Michael Graeme | Feedbooks
The Choices - Michael Graeme | Feedbooks
A fifteen minute read: I am sitting here in the lounge-bar of the McKinley Arms Hotel, by the shores of Loch Lomond, and I am staring out into the twilight at my choices. I have been this way before many times and I always seem to go wrong at this point, so you must forgive what must seem like fastidious caution, but I simply have to get it right this time!
The Choices - Michael Graeme | Feedbooks
The Sea Witch Rewaved - Nickita Dyalhis | Feedbooks
The Sea Witch Rewaved - Nickita Dyalhis | Feedbooks
An elderly professor finds a man washed up on the beach near her home. Perfectly fine, and extremely beautiful: golden-haired and sapphire eyed. A Norse legend come to life, and bewitching as she takes him home to live with her. He isn’t the only element out of his time in this supernatural story of past betrayal and blood. A Gender Switch Adventure.
The Sea Witch Rewaved - Nickita Dyalhis | Feedbooks
Crystal Says - Michael Graeme | Feedbooks
Crystal Says - Michael Graeme | Feedbooks
A twenty minute read: So, I'm standing in this crop circle, down in Wiltshire, England, and there's a girl dangling a crystal from the end of a chain. She's very pretty, so I'm thinking I'll have to find a way of overlooking the fact she's probably also some kind of crank if I want to take advantage of the situation here,...
Crystal Says - Michael Graeme | Feedbooks