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A Midnight Stroll | 365tomorrows
A Midnight Stroll | 365tomorrows
Author: Katelyn Prince The rolling hills and grassy fields glowed beneath the soft light of the full moon. The air was cool and clear, the breeze hardly noticeable as it brushed against the long gr…
A Midnight Stroll | 365tomorrows
Bird Song | 365tomorrows
Bird Song | 365tomorrows
Author: Morrow Brady Meetings downtown were always a bore and as the driverless cab pulled up, I began mentally preparing for what lay ahead. I blackened the windows to stop the view of the street …
Bird Song | 365tomorrows
Meeting Hakim | 365tomorrows
Meeting Hakim | 365tomorrows
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer He spins round, leveling a huge pistol. The pursuers halt in disarray. A breeze whips between silent vehicles, picking up litter and dust. His enhanced eyes blaze re…
Meeting Hakim | 365tomorrows
Music of the Spheres | 365tomorrows
Music of the Spheres | 365tomorrows
Author: David Atos Are you familiar with the musical composition called a canon? It’s a piece where the main melody is repeated over and over in counterpoint, with some kind of transformation. Some…
Music of the Spheres | 365tomorrows
Captain Dean | 365tomorrows
Captain Dean | 365tomorrows
Author: Kemal Onor Captain Dean returned home late. The welcome party had already made coffee and spilled through the halls and rooms to talk in bursts of stories. There was the initial buzz of sal…
Captain Dean | 365tomorrows
The Adjuster | 365tomorrows
The Adjuster | 365tomorrows
Author: Helena Hypercube The Adjuster rubbed his aching na’ora. Consciously, he eased the beating of his hearts, so that the blood flowed with less force. He was used to having to make a few …
The Adjuster | 365tomorrows
Joyriding | 365tomorrows
Joyriding | 365tomorrows
Author: Mina As non-corporeal xenobiologists, we are trained in riding corporeal forms. The forms we ride are oblivious to our observation from the inside out. I was specialised in hominins. Our tr…
Joyriding | 365tomorrows
Joyriding | 365tomorrows
Joyriding | 365tomorrows
Author: Mina As non-corporeal xenobiologists, we are trained in riding corporeal forms. The forms we ride are oblivious to our observation from the inside out. I was specialised in hominins. Our tr…
Joyriding | 365tomorrows
Top Cover | 365tomorrows
Top Cover | 365tomorrows
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer Dino’s at the hatch, jigging up and down like he does when he’s worried. “Table Seventeen, the Lantoran’s getting antsy!” I flip the trout end-over-end in the pan: “…
Top Cover | 365tomorrows
Truthmaker | 365tomorrows
Truthmaker | 365tomorrows
Author: John McLaughlin I took my shot and it landed true; a beam of light, passing briefly through the void and extinguished in a collapse of reality. Well, not exactly. There is no direction, or …
Truthmaker | 365tomorrows
Music in Your Veins | 365tomorrows
Music in Your Veins | 365tomorrows
Author : Jake Christie “Hundred and fifty bucks.” Harry looked at the tiny vial in the clerk’s hand, filled with a slightly opaque purple liquid, then back at his face. “For that much?” he asked. T…
Music in Your Veins | 365tomorrows
No Option | 365tomorrows
No Option | 365tomorrows
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer “You will release our brethren or we will kill a prisoner every nemet, starting at Rabender.” I hate hostage takers. After a list of fatal failures longer than you …
No Option | 365tomorrows
The New You | 365tomorrows
The New You | 365tomorrows
Author: Shon-Lueiss Harris “Most patients don’t notice a thing until they head to the bathroom,” explained the doctor as he smoothed the sensors along his patient’s forehead. “How’s everything feel…
The New You | 365tomorrows
Kitty | 365tomorrows
Kitty | 365tomorrows
Author : Andy Brazil It’s difficult to know which will kill us first, the decompression when the shields fail or the radiation poisoning from the crippled engines. Either way, it’ll be messy and un…
Kitty | 365tomorrows
Vengeance | 365tomorrows
Vengeance | 365tomorrows
Author : Bob Newbell “You scared, son?” the old man asked the large robot walking down the long, gray corridor beside him. “I am incapable of emotion, doctor,” the automaton…
Vengeance | 365tomorrows
The Unequivocal | 365tomorrows
The Unequivocal | 365tomorrows
Author : S.Clough You’ve heard of the Unequivocal, right? Okay, then. I’ll assume you’ve been living under a rock since before you were born. The Unequivocal was the very first fl…
The Unequivocal | 365tomorrows
Honest Men | 365tomorrows
Honest Men | 365tomorrows
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer Here we go again, shooting when we should be talking. I’m sure the gigantic shrimp things didn’t mean anything, but it’s a little late when Jeff’s on the guns. One o…
Honest Men | 365tomorrows
Recompense | 365tomorrows
Recompense | 365tomorrows
Author: Lisa Jade Why is this cell always so damn cold? Of course, the guards don’t call it a cell. Officially, it’s a ‘holding chamber’- a secure room where I can wait for …
Recompense | 365tomorrows
Manifest | 365tomorrows
Manifest | 365tomorrows
Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer No all-powerful deity would ever admit to this wretched rock being of its hand. What God would lay claim to its deformities and corruptions. To its cancers, to th…
Manifest | 365tomorrows
White Star | 365tomorrows
White Star | 365tomorrows
Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer She slides the ornately embossed door aside and enters the first-class stall. It’s empty but for a man, he barely stirs as he reads aloud from a menu. “Calvados G…
White Star | 365tomorrows
The Long Wait | 365tomorrows
The Long Wait | 365tomorrows
Author : Jordan Altman Weightlessly floating in the blue liquid of my suspended animation pod, a queasy feeling stirred in my stomach. The tubes down my throat feeding me air, water, and food didn’…
The Long Wait | 365tomorrows
Roads | 365tomorrows
Roads | 365tomorrows
Author : Grace Franzen In 1721 Mary Margaret Thornton is sitting in the shallows of the river when the dairy farmer’s son finds her. He rises often this early, on the breath of dawn, specifically o…
Roads | 365tomorrows
Pride | 365tomorrows
Pride | 365tomorrows
Author : Priya Chand, Featured Writer Red lights flapped in an artificial breeze. For the observer whose data banks were lacking, most of the lamps were identical: a big round input, and an output …
Pride | 365tomorrows
Bioinfinity | 365tomorrows
Bioinfinity | 365tomorrows
Author : Beck Dacus Six feet from the cave entrance, we all turned on our flashlights and moved toward the mouth. The only way to get down was a steep flight of natural rock stairs, giving us footh…
Bioinfinity | 365tomorrows