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Targalla Wills | 365tomorrows
Targalla Wills | 365tomorrows
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Ninety-eight gazillion miles from anywhere I want to be and some teenage alley-captain and his squad manages to get the drop on me. That’ll teach me for daydreaming…
Targalla Wills | 365tomorrows
The Eyes Have It | 365tomorrows
The Eyes Have It | 365tomorrows
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Blue. That’s the colour I remember the most in that operating theater. It was the last honest colour I would ever see. I had them installed as part of my train…
The Eyes Have It | 365tomorrows
E.L.E. Sapiens | 365tomorrows
E.L.E. Sapiens | 365tomorrows
Author : Alla Hoffman When he opened his eyes, it was a special kind of dark. The sky was a dull purple, and what light there was came from the ground beneath its stygian spread. He sat up stiffly …
E.L.E. Sapiens | 365tomorrows
Appeal | 365tomorrows
Appeal | 365tomorrows
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer “Your lights are too bright.” The fresh-faced lady looks nonplussed. The bearded man behind her taps something into the rig on his wrist and the brightness cuts by h…
Appeal | 365tomorrows
Scale Tipping | 365tomorrows
Scale Tipping | 365tomorrows
Author: Steve Smith, Staff Writer Ten kilometers out we dropped to below a hundred meters, sea-skimming and churning the water behind us as we split the night. We made landfall and proceeded to fly…
Scale Tipping | 365tomorrows