
Fictional Worlds
The Geckomancer’s Lament - Uncanny Magazine
We crackle and crunch through the forest, tracking gore through the red and silver leaves of this wretched forest so far from home: the centaur, the nyanga, Oberon, and me. And Tchakalaktsa, of course. My love. My life. Skink of my heart. Or what’s left of her…in spirit, in the glass vial that bounces comfortingly […]
Cast of Wonders 538: Nnome
Onyankopɔn is a woman. And a man. And everything above and in-between. Akuba says Onyankopɔn kissed the tips of His fingers on the sixth day, and sculpted these bodies as worldly vessels for our…
Lady Koi-Koi: A Book Report
Strange. Beautiful. Shocking. Surreal. Publishers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror books.
Escape Pod 908: Harvest Moon
“We cannot sustain the farm, Gozie.” I don’t like the way the words fall easily from Iyeh’s lips, even though I know he speaks the truth. I don’t meet his eyes. I cannot. Instead, I focus on the…
Cast of Wonders 475: Miss Tansybaum’s Circus of the Moderately Peculiar | Cast of Wonders
By all accounts, Miss Tansybaum’s Circus of the Moderately Peculiar should not have continued to operate. They were a very small operation as circuses went, they had no rides and their menagerie…
The Wolf and the Woodsman | Cast of Wonders
Here. Listen. I’ll tell you a story. Listen. Once upon a time there was a girl. She was probably about twelve or thirteen, but that was an age when children were older than their years and expected to…
Strange Horizons - Wingless, Weeping/Featherless, Floating By Marisca Pichette
How did we end up so far east, on the flanks of a cold beach? You told me you always wanted to see the Pelagio, ever since you were a child. But your skin was never made for water. You shouldn’t ha…
Hoodlums - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer I’m all for elegant combinations of form and function, but I’ll never agree that bioreactors sat every hundred metres is an improvement over having trees and streetlights. These ‘greenboxes’ even have benches on their pavement sides, charge points, and community notice boards: which look suspiciously like digital advertising hoardings. Anyone […]
Navigating the White Elephant Exchange at the Secure Drop Site on NE 44th and Mackenzie
The Bracelets of the Gods
Shared Voices | Abyss & Apex
Wear It Marvelously | Abyss & Apex
Where the Kelpies Swim | Abyss & Apex
Cosmic Crust - Reactor
In an apocalyptic, depopulated city, a young man named Bhu struggles to feed his ailing dog Lucy. Phan, the local pizza parlor owner, takes pity on Bhu and provides the meat Lucy needs so she can survive. But what exactly is in the meat? And how far is Bhu willing to go to save his dog?
The Tourist - Reactor
A young academic has been granted permission to travel to a mining outpost on a small planetoid far from the sun to study the culture of a small squatter population that lives in total darkness.
Fami’s Dissertation Defence - AntipodeanSF
AntipodeanSF publishes the best speculative flash fiction (SF, F, H) on the web.
1949: Riders in the Sky - AntipodeanSF
AntipodeanSF publishes the best speculative flash fiction (SF, F, H) on the web.
Liars' Club - AntipodeanSF
AntipodeanSF publishes the best speculative flash fiction (SF, F, H) on the web.
Exeunt Humanity - AntipodeanSF
AntipodeanSF publishes the best speculative flash fiction (SF, F, H) on the web.
Change - AntipodeanSF
AntipodeanSF publishes the best speculative flash fiction (SF, F, H) on the web.
To No End - AntipodeanSF
AntipodeanSF publishes the best speculative flash fiction (SF, F, H) on the web.
The Little Ones - AntipodeanSF
AntipodeanSF publishes the best speculative flash fiction (SF, F, H) on the web.
A Story of Cookies - AntipodeanSF
AntipodeanSF publishes the best speculative flash fiction (SF, F, H) on the web.
Being Frank - AntipodeanSF
AntipodeanSF publishes the best speculative flash fiction (SF, F, H) on the web.
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy
Life Sentence by Gelian, translated by Blake Stone-Banks
Escape Pod 974: Once Abandoned
Sappel whistled as he walked to the construction site, the sound echoing off nearby buildings in a muffled way. It was early spring, and the city was bursting with the vibrant green of new growth.