What do you do with all the darkness you carry...??
Don't follow the whispers. We all carry darkness inside us. All that anger and frustration, where does it go...?? Benjamin Jones knows it all too well.
"The Return of The Gods" tells the account of what happened to him during this darkness of the mind and soul. The Lord of Darkness has trapped Ben in a dark world, in another dimension, a purgatory if you will. He must discover why he's been put there. He must save the ancient gods' planet from total oblivion as well.
And as his friends go through their own magical transformations and battle their own demons, he must rise up against ghouls, witches, his own visions of madness, The Necromancer, and more. On the way, he will meet heaven and hell; and he will discover more about his godlike status.
"The Return of The Gods" is #2 in the epic series BENJAMIN JONES.
Amazon review: "I loved getting to explore more of Benjamin's character as he wrestled with the darker side of his nature. It was really cool getting to explore this darker world in purgatory at the same time, diving into the deeper lore of the series and and getting to see the origins of magic. All the new ghouls are really interesting and imaginative as well. If you love the classics like Percy Jackson or Harry Potter, definitely come explore The Dark with Benjamin Jones!" ~ Joshua Grant
Watch the 1st book trailer here: Click here for "The Return of The Gods."
Watch the 2nd book trailer here: Click here for "Prophecy of The Cursed Child."
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