Fictional Worlds

Fictional Worlds

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Freakshow - 365tomorrows
Freakshow - 365tomorrows
Author : Rob Burton I watch Kamille comb her beautiful dark hair, and I can’t help but wonder what horror now grows inside her. She’s from a fine family, well respected travelling merchants, with enough money to have selected the best from amongst many possible children, with some low-level inconspicuous enhancements thrown in for good […]
Freakshow - 365tomorrows
Hidden Keys - 365tomorrows
Hidden Keys - 365tomorrows
Author: Nisheé An enormous clear lake mirrored the cosmos. Water and sky danced in unison as the rhythm of the waves echoed from the sapphire mountain cliffs on the other side. A warm breeze blew through the rows of magenta palm trees that lined the white sand shore. An occasional beep from our trusty aqua-droid […]
Hidden Keys - 365tomorrows
PodCastle 840: The Sound of Children Screaming - PodCastle
PodCastle 840: The Sound of Children Screaming - PodCastle
The Sound of Children Screaming by Rachael K. Jones     THE GUN   You know the one about the Gun. The Gun goes where it wants to. On Thursday morning just after recess, the Gun will walk through the front doors of Thurman Elementary, and it won’t sign in at the front office or […]
PodCastle 840: The Sound of Children Screaming - PodCastle
Hangland - 365tomorrows
Hangland - 365tomorrows
Author: Tobias Hope Young The falling star landed about fifteen years back. Killed everything in a ten-mile radial. Science folks say it did this by changing the center of cavity in the area. Ya see cavity is the thing that keeps us from floating away, and the center of cavity is at the center of […]
Hangland - 365tomorrows
Going Halves - 365tomorrows
Going Halves - 365tomorrows
Author: Ruhsen Dogan Nar “Here it comes, get ready!” shouted Mehmet from atop a heap of dirt dumped two nights ago. Ali’s high-pitched, adolescent voice echoed from the roof of a three-story building at the entrance of a shantytown adjacent to Izmir’s skyscrapers: “I’m ready, bring it on.” Ali, unusually tall for his age, carefully […]
Going Halves - 365tomorrows
The Faceless - 365tomorrows
The Faceless - 365tomorrows
Author: Mark Renney The ‘Visage Wipe’ was promoted as a grand project. The language the campaign used was both simplistic and pompous. It was claimed it would unite us and yet only those aged between fourteen and twenty-four were eligible. For anyone older, it had been decided it was too late and we couldn’t be […]
The Faceless - 365tomorrows
Rebound - 365tomorrows
Rebound - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Don gives Ted a grin, then turns back to the dishevelled man standing in front of them. “Tell me again.” Ted snickers quietly. “I liked the bit where she rode in on a dinosaur.” The man sighs. “Short version: we’ve been messing with time travel for too long. We’ve broken […]
Rebound - 365tomorrows
Quantum Annie - 365tomorrows
Quantum Annie - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki I plotted interplanetary trajectories with a buggy whip. I routed the whole of the Infonet with a dot-dot-dash-dot. I was the perfect blend of the new and old. And loony as a toon. They called me Quantum Annie. My processing schizophrenia can be traced to the great integer overflow of 2038. Becoming self […]
Quantum Annie - 365tomorrows
Hands Like Gold and Starlight - Uncanny Magazine
Hands Like Gold and Starlight - Uncanny Magazine
Author’s Note: I’ve taken liberties here somewhat with both place and time so that the rise of Martha’s Vineyard as a safe place to travel for Black Americans intersects with the peak Deaf population of the island. Martha’s Vineyard Sign Language, which originated in the relatively isolated village of Chilmark, is distinct from American Sign […]
Hands Like Gold and Starlight - Uncanny Magazine
Loneliness Universe - Uncanny Magazine
Loneliness Universe - Uncanny Magazine
From: To: Cara Hasani September 18, 2015, 5:36 am Subject: I am drifting, but thank you for the photos My dear Cara, Thank you for sending me the photos, I never thought I’d feel this way again. But the pictures help. They really do. I can’t stop looking at them. Thank you for […]
Loneliness Universe - Uncanny Magazine
Provenance - 365tomorrows
Provenance - 365tomorrows
Author: Jennifer Thomas Esteemed benefactors, honored guests: Thank you for attending today’s repatriation ceremony. We begin with our customary Planetary Acknowledgment. We gratefully recognize the communities on whose ancestral and unceded planet we gather today. We acknowledge the planetary dispossession and involuntary removals suffered by the inhabitants. While we have no intention of ceding the […]
Provenance - 365tomorrows