Get your FREE copy of After Dinner Conversation Magazine - May 2021
Philosophy | Ethics Short Story Magazine - May 2021 Prey: A young adult with a secret must attend 15 hours of counseling before the government will allow him to commit suicide. A Wolf On The Bus: A wolf rides the bus, and is subject to discrimination by riders and police. Guilt-Edge Security: A traveling salesman at the bar is cleverly pitched a new product by an emerging planet on the rim, Life. Grandma Ruth’s UP Truck Stop: Rachel is called back to her small town when she is informed her Uncle Stewart has passed away and learns the town has a disturbing secret. Abrama’s End Game: Abrama learns the gods created her dimension as their play-space to visit, and is forced to fight across realities when she discovers their plan to shut it down. A Change Of Verbs: A middle-aged professor changes his life by changing his verbs. After Dinner Conversation believes humanity is improved by ethics and morals grounded in philosophical truth. Philosophical truth is discovered through intentional reflection and respectful debate. In order to facilitate that process, we have created a growing series of short stories, audio and video podcast discussions, across genres, as accessible examples of abstract ethical and philosophical ideas intended to draw out deeper discussions with friends and family. Subscribe to the monthly magazine for $1.99/month or $19.95/year !