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All Notable Pokemon Egg Moves Index | Smogon Forums
All Notable Pokemon Egg Moves Index | Smogon Forums
Outrage- breed with Dragonite
Ninetales Heat Wave- breed with Arcanine
Persian Hypnosis- breed with Stantler or Spinda
Golduck Hypnosis- breed with Politoed
Milotic Hypnosis- breed with Politoed Confuse Ray- breed with Mantine or Lapras Dragon Breath- breed with Salamance or Altaria Mirror Coat- breed with Corsola
All Notable Pokemon Egg Moves Index | Smogon Forums
How To Get Egg Moves in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
How To Get Egg Moves in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
After buying a Mirror Herb from Cascarrafa, players can give it to the Pokémon they want to learn the move and then set up a Pokémon Picnic. The Egg Move is instantly learned, and no eggs are involved.
Moves are passed through the male parent, and species are passed through the female parent.
A breeding pair needs to share at least one egg class and must be opposite genders.
How To Get Egg Moves in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet