Strange Horizons Fiction: Emlas, by Lisa Carreiro

Strange Horizons Fiction: Tales of the Chinese Zodiac: Rat, by Jenn Reese, illustration by Jenn Reese
Strange Horizons Fiction: A Field Guide to Ugly Places, by Patrick Samphire, illustration by Liz Clarke
Strange Horizons Fiction: The Disappearance of James H___, by Hal Duncan
Strange Horizons Fiction: Fourteen Experiments in Postal Delivery, by John Schoffstall, illustration by Michael Ryan
Strange Horizons Fiction: Dogtown, by Amanda Downum
Strange Horizons Fiction: My Termen, by Eliot Fintushel
Strange Horizons Fiction: Waiting on Alexandre Dumas, by William Davis
Strange Horizons Fiction: Minty Bags a Squidboy, by Michael Hulme
Strange Horizons Fiction: The Women of Our Occupation, by Kameron Hurley
Fiction: Pressure, by Jeff Carson
Fiction: Toobychubbies, by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Fiction: St. Ailbe's Hall (part 2 of 2), by Naomi Kritzer
Fiction: Genderbending at the Madhattered, by Kameron Hurley
Fiction: Rapture (part 1 of 2), by Sally Gwylan
Fiction: Momi Watu, by Nisi Shawl
Fiction: See Jack Run: An Intergalactic Primer, by Wade Albert White
Fiction: Shopping at the End of the World, by Douglas Lain
Fiction: Indra's Rice, by S. Evans
Fiction: Twenty-One Pennies, by Joel Best, illustration by Robert J. Beam, Jr.
Fiction: Sleeping with Bears, by Theodora Goss
Strange Horizons Fiction: Revision (Part Two), by Jason Stoddard
Strange Horizons Fiction: Spillage, by Nancy Kress
Strange Horizons Fiction: Prisoners of Uqbaristan, by Chris Nakashima-Brown
Strange Horizons Fiction: Tales of the Chinese Zodiac: Monkey, by Jenn Reese, illustration by Jenn Reese
Strange Horizons Fiction: Huntswoman, by Merrie Haskell
Strange Horizons Fiction: Flotsam, by Amanda Downum
Strange Horizons Fiction: The Town on Blighted Sea, by A. M. Dellamonica
Strange Horizons Fiction: The Town on Blighted Sea, by A. M. Dellamonica
Strange Horizons Fiction: Fairest, by Brian Attebery