Strange Horizons Fiction: Podcast: ARIECC 1.0, by Lillian Wheeler, read by Anaea Lay
Fiction: Bear Dancer, by Lee Kottner, illustration by Cynthia Rudzis
Fiction: Counterpoint, by Jennifer de Guzman
Fiction: The Minotaur, by Bill Kte'pi
Fiction: Unspeakable, by M. C. A. Hogarth, illustration by M. C. A. Hogarth
Fiction: Lion's Blood, by Steven Barnes (excerpt)
Fiction: The Scent of Rotting Roses, by Jay Lake
Fiction: Coyotes, Cats, and Other Creatures, by Karen L. Abrahamson
Fiction: Pan de los Muertos, by Dru Pagliassotti
Fiction: Dead Letter, by Samantha Henderson
Fiction: The Book of Things Which Must Not Be Remembered, by C. Scavella Burrell
Fiction: Fetch, by David Moles
Fiction: For the Plague Thereof Was Exceeding Great, by Jennifer Pelland
Fiction: Lost and Found, by Sandra McDonald
Fiction: Linear Projection, by Tom Crippen
Fiction: The Riverbed of the World
Fiction: The Game This Year, by Lisa Goldstein
Fiction: The Siren of Ocean City, by Tobias Seamon, illustration by Chris Whitlow
Fiction: The Book of Jashar, by Benjamin Rosenbaum
Fiction: Start with Color, by Bill Kte'pi
Fiction: Visit the Sins, by Cory Doctorow
Fiction: You and Me, by Gavin J. Grant
Fiction: Snow Day, by Jennifer Pelland
Fiction: Winged, by Jenn Reese, illustration by Frank Sipala
Fiction: Air, Water, and Road, by Aynjel Kaye
Fiction: Why the Elders Bare Their Throats, by Patrick Weekes
Fiction: Green Grow the Rushes, Oh
Fiction: Poison (part 2 of 2), by Beth Bernobich
Fiction: ... What a Spaceman's Gotta Do, by Daniel Kaysen, illustration by MAtt Dujnic
Fiction: Famishing, by Heather Shaw