Strange Horizons - Timothy
Strange Horizons - Heroes
Strange Horizons - Sweet Marrow
Strange Horizons - The Troll Who Hid Her Heart
Strange Horizons - Water, Birch, and Blood
Strange Horizons - Terpsichore
Strange Horizons - Gorse Daughter, Sparrow Son (Part 1 of 2)
Strange Horizons - Dragon-Smoked Barbeque
Strange Horizons - Sultana's Dream
Strange Horizons - Gorse Daughter, Sparrow Son (Part 2 of 2)
Strange Horizons - The First Confirmed Case of Non-Corporeal Recursion: Patient Anita R.
Strange Horizons - Dido, Retold
Strange Horizons - La Corriveau
Strange Horizons - We Have a Cultural Difference, Can I Taste You?
Strange Horizons - Bull of Heaven
Strange Horizons - Applied Cenotaphics in the Long, Long Longitudes
Strange Horizons - How High Your Gods Can Count
Strange Horizons - Left Foot, Right
Strange Horizons - Bride Price
Strange Horizons - Life in Stone, Glass, and Plastic
Strange Horizons - Left the Century to Sit Unmoved
Strange Horizons - when my father reprograms my mother { By Caroline Mao
via FREE Fiction / CONTENT WARNING: when my father reprograms my mother { my mother becomes unbreakable angles like a subway map glitter bubblegum steelhard cyberwoman a Galatea in Python too cold to share a bed with she boneless titanium I can’t do a portrai…
Strange Horizons - Regret, Return, Reignite By Audrey R. Hollis, Art by Vlada Monakhova
via FREE Fiction / Lyra’s judges were not Anubis or Michael but three stern figures whose faces shifted from those of the fates, to the muses, to the musical judges on reality television. Their chambers rose high and dark and empty from the endless sand. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - All Muddle By Sionnain Buckley
via FREE Fiction / There is a clamor of ancient lovers hiding under my hat. They sit or pace impatient, whittle bits of me with tiny knives also whittled from bits of me, and I let them. They each came to me, as lovers do, in the vast before—with small hands upturned,… Strange Horizons - All Muddle By Sionnain Buckley via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Hunting the Viper-King By Kathryn Harlan
via FREE Fiction / At the mathematical center of Dorothy’s father’s RV, at its golden ratio curl, there is a tarot card pinned to the corkboard. The High Priestess; she has been there longer than Dorothy can remember. Worn at her edges, drawn in lines of gold and whit… Strange Horizons - Hunting the Viper-King By Kathryn Harlan via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Source Decay By Charlie Jane Anders
Jeremy should have known there was something going on with Tara, when she tried so hard to avoid looking at him that she spilled mochaccino on his pants. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - The Smoke by Simon Ings By Nick Hubble
The key unwritten law for travelling on the London Underground is that you should never interact with fellow passengers, with the possible exception of offering your seat to someone visibly more in need of it. You may, however, people-watch a bit mo…
Strange Horizons - Gift of Flight By Nghi Vo
My mother's wedding dress was the skin of a swan, still blindingly white after more than a decade nestled in tissue paper. I would bury my fingers in the feathers, but my mother would only stroke it distractedly before putting it away again. via Poc…
Strange Horizons - This Is How By Marie Brennan, Art by Qistina Khalidah
A child dies. Lost in the woods, he curls up at the base of an ancient oak, and never rises again. Or she falters in the snow, lying down for a moment by the side of the road, just a moment to rest her eyes. Or, starving and alone, he weeps for some…
Strange Horizons - Across the Ice By Ada Hoffmann
I fasten my skates. The ritual soothes me, dozens of eyelets all pulled tight. Fasten my breathing mask, cool against the skin of my face. Hoist my daily pack over coat-padded shoulders. via Pocket