Found 1662 bookmarks
Strange Horizons - The Sloppy Mathematics of Half-Ghosts By Charles Payseur
Strange Horizons - The Sloppy Mathematics of Half-Ghosts By Charles Payseur
Aboard the ghost ship Nine Lives there are the living, the dead, and a great many cats. And Jourdain, who likes to sleep in the observation nest, body caught somewhere between ship and stars—between everything. via Pocket via FREE Fiction / Strange Horizons - The Sloppy Mathematics of Half-Ghosts By Charles Payseur via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - The Sloppy Mathematics of Half-Ghosts By Charles Payseur
Strange Horizons - High Hopes By Kali de los Santos
Strange Horizons - High Hopes By Kali de los Santos
When that summer ended, Brazilians felt nothing but joy. Flying cars were finally here, and as nobody could afford one, they happily rented them, in the colours of their favourite brands. The flying cars drove themselves; pedestrians now had the str… via FREE Fiction /
Strange Horizons - High Hopes By Kali de los Santos
As a noun, ajé meant energy, sorcery, power. But to its adepts, it had always meant me, we, us, a way of wishing others well.
Strange Horizons - Ajé By H. Pueyo
Strange Horizons - Ajé By H. Pueyo
On a scalding morning of 1983, father and son walked side by side. They were similar in many ways—light olive skin, mousy hair, a thin nose—but only the father wore glasses, carrying a heavy binder under his arm. “If there’s something your old man c… via FREE Fiction /
Strange Horizons - Ajé By H. Pueyo
Strange Horizons - Spider By Sérgio Motta
Strange Horizons - Spider By Sérgio Motta
There goes another neguinho from Glicério messing with drugs, babbled a neighbor to anyone who wanted to listen, at any square in Baixada. Kids playing soccer, drunkards inebriated with beer and laughter, guys in flatbills getting high in unseen cor…
Strange Horizons - Spider By Sérgio Motta
It was during the time the Angel lived with us. I could no longer bear sweeping the feathers.
Strange Horizons - Progression By Heitor Zen
Strange Horizons - Progression By Heitor Zen
It was during the time the Angel lived with us. I could no longer bear sweeping the feathers. I didn’t mind the intoxicating celestial scent his nesty-nasty room exhaled. It only started to bother me when I took a guy home to spend the night and a f… via FREE Fiction /
Strange Horizons - Progression By Heitor Zen
Notes on a Resurrection
Notes on a Resurrection
I keep asking myself why didn’t I stop them. I was there. I was the only sane one, right? Personally unaffected by the tragedy. That’s what the judge said, anyway, even though I was never prosecute…
Notes on a Resurrection
Strange Horizons - Many-Hearted Dog and Heron Who Stepped Past Time By Alex Yuschik, Art by Galen Dara
Strange Horizons - Many-Hearted Dog and Heron Who Stepped Past Time By Alex Yuschik, Art by Galen Dara
via FREE Fiction / CONTENT WARNING: “There is the past and the not-past,” Heron said, blood dripping from their arm onto the nightingale floor. “Which is this?” “The not-past, you idiot.” Dog grunted as he peeled back Heron’s sleeve. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - Many-Hearted Dog and Heron Who Stepped Past Time By Alex Yuschik, Art by Galen Dara
Cassandra Draws the Four of Cups
Cassandra Draws the Four of Cups
“People don’t want to know the future,” the tarot reader goes on. She pulls off her headscarf, grimaces, reties it over hair tacky with sweat. “They want to talk through their troubles. They want y…
Cassandra Draws the Four of Cups
Most people don’t encounter their first murderer so young. Most people won’t meet the Fermi estimation of the national per-person lifetime average of thirty-six murderers, either.
The Weather Dancer
The Weather Dancer
Her right hand undulates in front of her like a rippling wave. She raises the other hand above her head and with fluttering fingers, circles her wrist down to her waist. Outside a gentle wind stirs…
The Weather Dancer
Strange Horizons - The Weather Dancer By Aisha Phoenix
Strange Horizons - The Weather Dancer By Aisha Phoenix
Amaya sits among empty armchairs and fading curtains in a room brightened by plastic flowers. On each wall there’s a still life, and a grey carpet covers the floor. She stares at her yellowing copy of Bleak House until the words become black insects… via FREE Fiction / Strange Horizons - The Weather Dancer By Aisha Phoenix via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - The Weather Dancer By Aisha Phoenix
Someday We'll Embrace This Distance
Someday We'll Embrace This Distance
“We don’t know each other now. But we’re going to meet, and one day, we’ll be together. Actually, maybe that’s the real beginning.”
Someday We'll Embrace This Distance
Strange Horizons - Someday We'll Embrace This Distance By Niyah Morris, Art by Em Allen
Strange Horizons - Someday We'll Embrace This Distance By Niyah Morris, Art by Em Allen
I woke up that morning in the mood for curry, so I ended up at the supermarket. I was pushing a shopping cart down the ethnic aisle, scanning the shelves of spices, when you appeared beside me. I didn’t have to turn to know you were staring. The sid… via FREE Fiction / Strange Horizons - Someday We'll Embrace This Distance By Niyah Morris, Art by Em Allen via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Someday We'll Embrace This Distance By Niyah Morris, Art by Em Allen
Invisible and Dreadful
Invisible and Dreadful
It still came as a surprise when, yesterday, Yumi suggested they go to Ishiyama-dera Temple to ask advice from Murasaki Shikibu.
Invisible and Dreadful
Strange Horizons - Invisible and Dreadful By S. R. Mandel
Strange Horizons - Invisible and Dreadful By S. R. Mandel
It’s no secret that Carrie’s been having trouble starting her thesis. And, okay, maybe she has been complaining for weeks, and maybe Professor Kawamura has started breathing down her neck, and maybe Yumi and Kazu have been bearing the brunt of it al… via FREE Fiction / Strange Horizons - Invisible and Dreadful By S. R. Mandel via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Invisible and Dreadful By S. R. Mandel
And Now His Lordship Is Laughing
And Now His Lordship Is Laughing
He’s still dancing away happily even as the doll kicks its feet in perfect unison with his. Apa watches them both, her heart now sowing fields without a thought for the reaping.
And Now His Lordship Is Laughing
Strange Horizons - And Now His Lordship Is Laughing By Shiv Ramdas
Strange Horizons - And Now His Lordship Is Laughing By Shiv Ramdas
When the first breeze of the morning whistles over the green tips of the paddy-stalks to kiss the tawny jute thatching of the bungalow roof, Apa is already out on the verandah. It’s still dark but that doesn’t matter, it’s been more than twoscore ye… via FREE Fiction / Strange Horizons - And Now His Lordship Is Laughing By Shiv Ramdas via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - And Now His Lordship Is Laughing By Shiv Ramdas
Strange Horizons - Notes on a Resurrection By Natalia Theodoridou
Strange Horizons - Notes on a Resurrection By Natalia Theodoridou
I heard about the story from the friend of a friend of an acquaintance, and didn’t put any stock in it at first. In my profession, you hear things like this with some frequency. You’d be a fool if you went running every time you heard someone cry fi… via FREE Fiction / Strange Horizons - Notes on a Resurrection By Natalia Theodoridou via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Notes on a Resurrection By Natalia Theodoridou