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Origins - Uncanny Magazine
Origins - Uncanny Magazine
I am starving. Performing miracles for you—manifesting money from the air; deconstructing diseases; repairing broken bodies, imbalanced minds—costs me energy, and entropy nickel-and-dimes my soul day by day. So my hunger never leaves me, only grows. And there is no food for me here; I have foresworn eating anyone else. I am resigned to die. …
Origins - Uncanny Magazine
Making the Magic Lightning Strike Me - Uncanny Magazine
Making the Magic Lightning Strike Me - Uncanny Magazine
The client lies slumped across my shoulders. I have an arm around his thigh, another around his upper arm. His immaculately tailored silk pajamas are soft against my hand. They must feel amazing on his body. Right now, the client may as well be a loaded barbell, except his body gives and his weight shifts …
Making the Magic Lightning Strike Me - Uncanny Magazine
Dancing Princesses - Uncanny Magazine
Dancing Princesses - Uncanny Magazine
It looks like a door, but it isn’t. It just wears the shape of it, like a wolf greasing itself in sheep fat. Here is what it isn’t—an ending or beginning, a snail of a fist or a palm-up platform waiting for a virgin’s deer-quick heart, a spindle upon which to spin out the yarn …
Dancing Princesses - Uncanny Magazine
Sun, Moon, Dust - Uncanny Magazine
Sun, Moon, Dust - Uncanny Magazine
Allpa received the magic sword from his grandmother, as she lay dying. “I’m afraid I don’t really need a sword, grandma,” he said. “No, nor do you deserve it,” she snapped at him. She was a fierce old woman with a nose like a hawk’s beak and skin falling away in folds from her cheekbones. …
Sun, Moon, Dust - Uncanny Magazine
Auspicium Melioris Aevi - Uncanny Magazine
Auspicium Melioris Aevi - Uncanny Magazine
Singapore stank. The last Asian post of the British empire stank. It was a country at war, a country under occupation, and it stank. It stank from the musk of the Chinese men milling on the road, it stank from the sewage cooking in the open drains, and it stank from the diesel burning in …
Auspicium Melioris Aevi - Uncanny Magazine
Rising Star - Uncanny Magazine
Rising Star - Uncanny Magazine
Meerschon Grant Selection Committee— I understand that only one of these proposals you’re reading will be funded. One out of what I’m sure will be hundreds, if not thousands. And that’s just from the research community. Once scholars from other fields learn that this opportunity isn’t limited to the sciences—that they can read the Dead …
Rising Star - Uncanny Magazine