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Small Changes Over Long Periods of Time - Uncanny Magazine
Small Changes Over Long Periods of Time - Uncanny Magazine
I’m trying to piss against a wall when the vampire bites me. Trying because drunk-me can barely hold a glass, much less maneuver a limp prosthetic cock. My attacker holds me like he did on the dance floor, one arm wrapped around my chest, this time digging into my ribs. I struggle against his supernatural …
Small Changes Over Long Periods of Time - Uncanny Magazine
An Abundance of Fish - Uncanny Magazine
An Abundance of Fish - Uncanny Magazine
Spring festival, before the fish arrive: Teresa Teng croons from the radio; I hum along as I hang paper decorations, the reds and golds bright against our cream-colored walls. You’re in the kitchen making dinner—Shanghai-style sauteéd niangao, braised cod, stir-fried green beans. Sizzle, pop. Water runs from the sink, interrupting the music for a moment, …
An Abundance of Fish - Uncanny Magazine
The Red Secretary - Uncanny Magazine
The Red Secretary - Uncanny Magazine
The ride out past Sorintov Station to the monument the soldiers held hostage was bumpy and hot. Every time the sun sank below the horizon during one of its ten daily sunsets, Arkadi welcomed the cooler air, and the quiet. The world always felt more real in the dark. Arkadi sat in the back of …
The Red Secretary - Uncanny Magazine
Some Cupids Kill With Arrows - Uncanny Magazine
Some Cupids Kill With Arrows - Uncanny Magazine
Meg should have known. This was what came of trying to be nice. “It’s a new job, a new crowd,” her mother had declared, far too cheerfully. “Be sociable this time around. Make friends. Say yes to possibilities.” Against her better judgement, Meg had worn the daffodil yellow shirt; Meg had said “yes” to drinks …
Some Cupids Kill With Arrows - Uncanny Magazine
Bodies Stacked Like Firewood - Uncanny Magazine
Bodies Stacked Like Firewood - Uncanny Magazine
Three words, allegedly, written in Sharpie on his bathroom mirror: CREMATION, NO FUNERAL. “Shortest suicide note ever,” said a girl standing beside me at the river’s edge, staring into the flames. “That’s so Cyd.” The shortest suicide note is none at all, I thought, and that was so Cyd, so much so that it made …
Bodies Stacked Like Firewood - Uncanny Magazine