The country was at just over ten thousand deaths the morning that the door appeared. On Kosmo’s phone NPR was interviewing a doctor with a nasal voice about the need for social distancing, while Kosmo himself collected empty cans from around his home office. They were everywhere. Walls of recyclable cans dominated his room. Just […]
How to Raise a Kraken in Your Bathtub - Uncanny Magazine
“Ambition!” Trevor emphasized, rapping knuckles hard on the wood table. “That is what makes the great men!” He took a satisfied swallow from his mug. Across from him, Barnaby put down the daily he’d been reading and sipped from his own beer. Pulling out a handkerchief to dab froth from his lips, he scratched thoughtfully […]
Strange Horizons - In the Late December By Greg van Eekhout
Santa goes down the list, pushing the team relentlessly across the black. Little girl after little girl, little boy after little boy, absent, vanished into the emptiness of the old, dying, dead uni…
Aden had never once forgotten his gear for bulk trash day, but he found it touching that Nura still taped a monthly reminder note on the door from the kitchen to the garage. Sweet of her to remember, given how exhausted med school had her these days. He ducked out to the garage to toss […]
Strange Horizons - The Skinwalkers Ball By Hammond Diehl, Art by Helen Mask
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The first contestant worth mentioning wore manticore fur. The fibers, a deep shade of gunmetal, tapered to points of polished basalt. Ruffs of black cockatrice feathers bounced at his collar and cuffs as he swaggered down an aisle lined with twisted…
Strange Horizons - The Skinwalkers Ball By Hammond Diehl, Art by Helen Mask via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - A Journal of Certain Events of Scientific Interest from the First Survey Voyage of the Southern Waters by HMS Ocelot, As Observed by Professor Thaddeus Boswell, D.Phil, MSc.; or, A Lullaby (Part 1 of 2) By Helen Keeble
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By Divine providence, we captured the mermaid with neither loss of life nor injury to any seaman, nor any harm done to the specimen. So easily we might have passed her by without even noticing her; but the sharp young eyes of Small Jack espied her a…
Strange Horizons - A Journal of Certain Events of Scientific Interest from the First Survey Voyage of the Southern Waters by HMS Ocelot, As Observed by Professor Thaddeus Boswell, D.Phil, MSc.; or, A Lullaby (Part 1 of 2) By H…
Strange Horizons - Fond Farewells By Vanessa Rose Phin
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Strange Horizons has had many faces since we began in 2000, and those faces are always changing. I often refer to us as the collective—or composite, Yoon Ha Lee style—which at any given time involves 50+ creative volunteers, committed to voices new,…
Strange Horizons - Fond Farewells By Vanessa Rose Phin via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Drowned Men Can't Have Kids By Karina Sumner-Smith
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Her father said at breakfast, "Drowned men can't have kids." He said it as if teaching Katy a lesson, or maybe as if she had asked. He kept looking at her, his fingers twitching on the Sunday newspaper like dropped lizards' tails. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - Snow and Salt By Genevieve Cogman
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They said that she was poisoned. People always talk. Doc knew that it was the illness, though—the one that comes with the snow and leads people away behind it into the thaw. He said that it wouldn't be long before her husband visited us. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - Little Brother™ By Bruce Holland Rogers
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Peter had wanted a Little Brother™ for three Christmases in a row. His favorite TV commercials were the ones that showed just how much fun he would have teaching Little Brother™ to do all the things that he could already do himself. via Pocket
Samovar - Saligia | English Translation By H. Pueyo, Translated by H. Pueyo
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Cesária Escobar was sixteen when she walked down the aisle, arm in arm with a man she had only met once. Her seven brothers and sisters watched in dismay, but her widowed mother wished her well. via Pocket
Samovar - Saligia | English Translation By H. Pueyo, Translated by H. Pueyo via Instapaper
Samovar - The Knack Bomb | De foefbom By Bo Balder, Translated by Bo Balder
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When the bomb hit, I was almost inside the ladies' clothing store where I work. If I hadn't paused to check out a cute bicycle courier I would have been safe. The bomb detonated silently, coating the street with a brief yellow burst like the mother …
Samovar - The Knack Bomb | De foefbom By Bo Balder, Translated by Bo Balder via Instapaper
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This story is part of our 2015 fund drive bonus issue! Read more about Strange Horizons' funding model, or donate, here. Eyes, eyes, eyes. So many eyes on my long arms. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - Hundred Eye By Yukimi Ogawa via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Tessellations, In A Greater Hand By Artyv K
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Where I’m from, it bodes ill to announce that you’re going somewhere. It’s a nuance of the language I was born into, where the word ‘go’ is swept under, reserved for foes and fiends while ‘return’ is extolled as a treasure. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - Tessellations, In A Greater Hand By Artyv K via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Where The Rain Mothers Are By Rafeeat Aliyu
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First, the egusi seeds were roasted and ground in a paste. Gherek worked slivers of onions sliced into half moons and pepper seeds into the paste then pounded it some more. The dried white hibiscus flowers boiled in water with a little bit of salt, …
Strange Horizons - The Storm Painter By Ayodele Olofintuade, Art by Suleiman Gwadah
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The party was going swimmingly. Adé stood in a corner of her sitting room, presently doubling as an exhibition space, and took cautious sips from the glass in her hand, eyes following Nkem’s butterfly movements around the room. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - Notes on a Resurrection By Natalia Theodoridou
I heard about the story from the friend of a friend of an acquaintance, and didn’t put any stock in it at first. In my profession, you hear things like this with some frequency. You’d be a fool if you went running every time you heard someone cry fi…
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Strange Horizons - Notes on a Resurrection By Natalia Theodoridou via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - And Now His Lordship Is Laughing By Shiv Ramdas
When the first breeze of the morning whistles over the green tips of the paddy-stalks to kiss the tawny jute thatching of the bungalow roof, Apa is already out on the verandah. It’s still dark but that doesn’t matter, it’s been more than twoscore ye…
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Strange Horizons - And Now His Lordship Is Laughing By Shiv Ramdas via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Invisible and Dreadful By S. R. Mandel
It’s no secret that Carrie’s been having trouble starting her thesis. And, okay, maybe she has been complaining for weeks, and maybe Professor Kawamura has started breathing down her neck, and maybe Yumi and Kazu have been bearing the brunt of it al…
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Strange Horizons - Invisible and Dreadful By S. R. Mandel via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Someday We'll Embrace This Distance By Niyah Morris, Art by Em Allen
I woke up that morning in the mood for curry, so I ended up at the supermarket. I was pushing a shopping cart down the ethnic aisle, scanning the shelves of spices, when you appeared beside me. I didn’t have to turn to know you were staring. The sid…
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Strange Horizons - Someday We'll Embrace This Distance By Niyah Morris, Art by Em Allen via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - The Weather Dancer By Aisha Phoenix
Amaya sits among empty armchairs and fading curtains in a room brightened by plastic flowers. On each wall there’s a still life, and a grey carpet covers the floor. She stares at her yellowing copy of Bleak House until the words become black insects…
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Strange Horizons - The Weather Dancer By Aisha Phoenix via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - Cassandra Draws the Four of Cups By Ruthanna Emrys
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“It makes it hard to give good advice, you know?” The air in the occult store is close, dim. Patchouli coats Cassandra’s lungs, familiar as disdain. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - Many-Hearted Dog and Heron Who Stepped Past Time By Alex Yuschik, Art by Galen Dara
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CONTENT WARNING: “There is the past and the not-past,” Heron said, blood dripping from their arm onto the nightingale floor. “Which is this?” “The not-past, you idiot.” Dog grunted as he peeled back Heron’s sleeve. via Pocket
It was during the time the Angel lived with us. I could no longer bear sweeping the feathers. I didn’t mind the intoxicating celestial scent his nesty-nasty room exhaled. It only started to bother me when I took a guy home to spend the night and a f…
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On a scalding morning of 1983, father and son walked side by side. They were similar in many ways—light olive skin, mousy hair, a thin nose—but only the father wore glasses, carrying a heavy binder under his arm. “If there’s something your old man c…
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Strange Horizons - High Hopes By Kali de los Santos
When that summer ended, Brazilians felt nothing but joy. Flying cars were finally here, and as nobody could afford one, they happily rented them, in the colours of their favourite brands. The flying cars drove themselves; pedestrians now had the str…
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Strange Horizons - The Sloppy Mathematics of Half-Ghosts By Charles Payseur
Aboard the ghost ship Nine Lives there are the living, the dead, and a great many cats. And Jourdain, who likes to sleep in the observation nest, body caught somewhere between ship and stars—between everything. via Pocket
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Strange Horizons - The Sloppy Mathematics of Half-Ghosts By Charles Payseur via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - The Great Mandini and the Dead Man's Hand By Kevin Wabaunsee
Two in the morning in the booth of an all-night diner a block off Santa Monica Boulevard, and I was trying to convince the Great Mandini to tell me his secrets. via Pocket
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Strange Horizons - The Great Mandini and the Dead Man's Hand By Kevin Wabaunsee via Instapaper