Strange Horizons - Dragon-Smoked Barbeque
Strange Horizons - Dido, Retold
Strange Horizons - Heroes
Strange Horizons - La Corriveau
Strange Horizons - Terpsichore
Strange Horizons - Timothy
Strange Horizons - The Troll Who Hid Her Heart
Strange Horizons - The First Confirmed Case of Non-Corporeal Recursion: Patient Anita R.
Strange Horizons - Sweet Marrow
Strange Horizons - Water, Birch, and Blood
Strange Horizons - Her Sacred Spirit Soars
Strange Horizons - Bull of Heaven
Strange Horizons - Gorse Daughter, Sparrow Son (Part 1 of 2)
Strange Horizons - Gorse Daughter, Sparrow Son (Part 2 of 2)
Strange Horizons - Fifty Years in the Virtuous City
Strange Horizons - Sultana's Dream
Strange Horizons - Applied Cenotaphics in the Long, Long Longitudes
Strange Horizons - We Have a Cultural Difference, Can I Taste You?
Strange Horizons - The Beef
Strange Horizons - Left the Century to Sit Unmoved
Strange Horizons - Life in Stone, Glass, and Plastic
Strange Horizons - Bride Price
Strange Horizons - Left Foot, Right
Strange Horizons - How High Your Gods Can Count
Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200 - Uncanny Magazine
So, hear nah. This is how it happen. Was years after Malcolm pass through and wash away a lot ah we little islands coasts, and mash up so much ah Florida and Texas and them places, and people say they ain’t waiting for no next storm like that one, and they pack up they things […]
Don’t You Worry, You Aliens - Uncanny Magazine
There isn’t a virus. He’s pretty sure of that. The radio, when the BBC news had come back every day for a week, before ceasing once more, had mentioned rumours of a virus motivating some of the big “refugee trains” that had got stuck in the West Country. But nobody who’d left from round here …
You’ll Surely Drown Here If You Stay - Uncanny Magazine
When the desert finally lets you go, naked and stumbling, your body humming with raw power and the song of dead things coiled under your tongue, you find Marisol waiting for you at the edge of the bluffs. She’s dressed in long sleeves and a skirt over her boots, her black hair tucked under a …
To Budapest, with Love - Uncanny Magazine
I am seventeen. I am in Budapest, and it is the Communist era. At the airport, there were Russian soldiers with Kalashnikovs patrolling the runways. Only one airline flew to Budapest, the national airline Malév. There were few passengers. I stopped at passport control and showed my American passport. It contains a photograph of me …
The Unknown God - Uncanny Magazine
Aworo, Lord of Horses, god of the Western plains, walked into the marketplace in Kalub in the third hour of the morning. It was early summer, and at this hour the sun was warm and comfortable. Pens of livestock and slaves, rickety stalls, rows of fish staring blankly, baskets of fruit, orange and red and …
Planet Lion - Uncanny Magazine
Planet Lion by Catherynne M. Valente in Uncanny: A Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy Issue Four.