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To Budapest, with Love - Uncanny Magazine
To Budapest, with Love - Uncanny Magazine
I am seventeen. I am in Budapest, and it is the Communist era. At the airport, there were Russian soldiers with Kalashnikovs patrolling the runways. Only one airline flew to Budapest, the national airline Malév. There were few passengers. I stopped at passport control and showed my American passport. It contains a photograph of me …
To Budapest, with Love - Uncanny Magazine
The Unknown God - Uncanny Magazine
The Unknown God - Uncanny Magazine
Aworo, Lord of Horses, god of the Western plains, walked into the marketplace in Kalub in the third hour of the morning. It was early summer, and at this hour the sun was warm and comfortable. Pens of livestock and slaves, rickety stalls, rows of fish staring blankly, baskets of fruit, orange and red and …
The Unknown God - Uncanny Magazine
Snow Day - Uncanny Magazine
Snow Day - Uncanny Magazine
22. Tea for Three Published 1934, Harem House Press, 128 pages Gudrun hated her name, her mother, and bad art. She loved her house, a wild turkey called Murray who had decided to live out his sunset years in her garden, and Cold Palace Brand No. 1 Silver Needle Tea, which, by the time the …
Snow Day - Uncanny Magazine
My Body, Herself - Uncanny Magazine
My Body, Herself - Uncanny Magazine
When the cave’s ceiling crumples, so do I. Through my body, stone kisses stone. I die. Afterward, footsteps pass by my head. I track them to the opposite wall, the one clear of debris. (If I’d been cowering there, I’d still be alive.) The bearer is wearing my dress, and when she reaches into the …
My Body, Herself - Uncanny Magazine
Under One Roof - Uncanny Magazine
Under One Roof - Uncanny Magazine
First came the murmurs. Then footsteps above our bedroom, where no feet should have been. Josh guessed we had squirrels in the attic. “I hope not,” I said, lying next to him the first night in our new rental. “Seeing as how we don’t have a key to the top floor. Anyway, it’s just the …
Under One Roof - Uncanny Magazine