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The Thule Stowaway - Uncanny Magazine
The Thule Stowaway - Uncanny Magazine
I have reached these lands but newly From an ultimate dim Thule— From a wild weird clime that lieth, sublime Out of SPACE—out of TIME. Edgar Allan Poe, “Dream–Land” The Poet’s Tale The dreamer, born bleak, invents an existence elsewhere. He tosses in his sleep, his hair tangled. His hands grasp at nothing, and his …
The Thule Stowaway - Uncanny Magazine
#beautifulresistance - Uncanny Magazine
#beautifulresistance - Uncanny Magazine
Everything we believe is a story. That red in a traffic light means “stop” while green means “go.” The idea of Western scientific thinking as free of bias. That peanut butter and jelly is the perfect kid’s meal. The American dream. Everything. Whether they’re good stories or bad stories isn’t the point. What matters is …
#beautifulresistance - Uncanny Magazine
Sun, Moon, Dust - Uncanny Magazine
Sun, Moon, Dust - Uncanny Magazine
Allpa received the magic sword from his grandmother, as she lay dying. “I’m afraid I don’t really need a sword, grandma,” he said. “No, nor do you deserve it,” she snapped at him. She was a fierce old woman with a nose like a hawk’s beak and skin falling away in folds from her cheekbones. …
Sun, Moon, Dust - Uncanny Magazine
Making the Magic Lightning Strike Me - Uncanny Magazine
Making the Magic Lightning Strike Me - Uncanny Magazine
The client lies slumped across my shoulders. I have an arm around his thigh, another around his upper arm. His immaculately tailored silk pajamas are soft against my hand. They must feel amazing on his body. Right now, the client may as well be a loaded barbell, except his body gives and his weight shifts …
Making the Magic Lightning Strike Me - Uncanny Magazine
Origins - Uncanny Magazine
Origins - Uncanny Magazine
I am starving. Performing miracles for you—manifesting money from the air; deconstructing diseases; repairing broken bodies, imbalanced minds—costs me energy, and entropy nickel-and-dimes my soul day by day. So my hunger never leaves me, only grows. And there is no food for me here; I have foresworn eating anyone else. I am resigned to die. …
Origins - Uncanny Magazine
And Then There Were (N-One) - Uncanny Magazine
And Then There Were (N-One) - Uncanny Magazine
I considered declining the invitation. It was too weird, too expensive, too far, too dangerous, too weird. Way too weird. An invitation like that would never come again. I’d regret it if I didn’t go. It lay on our kitchen table for three weeks while I argued out the pros and cons with Mabel. She …
And Then There Were (N-One) - Uncanny Magazine