Strange Horizons - The Constellations Are Unrecognizable Here By Andrew Joseph White

Strange Horizons Fiction: The Third Wish, by Joan Aiken
Fiction: Lion's Blood, by Steven Barnes (excerpt)
Fiction: The Swordsman Whose Name Was Not Death, by Ellen Kushner
Fiction: Interrupt, by Jeff Carlson
Fiction: Pressure, by Jeff Carson
Fiction: Toobychubbies, by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Strange Horizons Fiction: The Taste of Chicory at High Tide, by Lisa Mantchev
Fiction: Travel Agency, by Ellen Klages
Strange Horizons - Fiction
Strange Horizons Fiction: Good Hunting (part 1 of 2), by Ken Liu
Strange Horizons Fiction: Good Hunting (part 2 of 2), by Ken Liu
Samovar - De foefbom | The Knack Bomb By Bo Balder
Toen de bom ontplofte, was ik bijna binnen in de dameskledingwinkel waar ik werk. Als ik die leuke jongen op zijn scooter niet had nagekeken was ik al veilig geweest. De bom ging in stilte af. Hij bedekte de P.C. via Pocket
Samovar - De foefbom | The Knack Bomb By Bo Balder via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - The Road to Neozon by Anna Tambour By M.L. Clark
Strange Horizons - Spider By Sérgio Motta
There goes another neguinho from Glicério messing with drugs, babbled a neighbor to anyone who wanted to listen, at any square in Baixada. Kids playing soccer, drunkards inebriated with beer and laughter, guys in flatbills getting high in unseen cor…
Strange Horizons - The House Beyond Your Sky By Benjamin Rosenbaum, Vladimir Vitkovsky
Matthias browses through his library of worlds. In one of them, a little girl named Sophie is shivering on her bed, her arms wrapped around a teddy bear. It is night. She is six years old. She is crying, as quietly as she can. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - La Bête By Leah Bobet
CONTENT WARNING: “The gothic is at heart a romance between a girl and a house.” – Jo Walton “Of course it's not like that these days,” she said, and twitched the velvet curtain shut. “Between men and women.” I had fully understood. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - Crowman by David Rae By Idil Bostan
A silk merchant travelling through heavy rain in his wagon offers a lift to a black-clad man named Erroi. He accepts, and after they travel together for some time longer, their road is blocked by a fallen tree. This diversion has been caused by two …
Strange Horizons - The Husker By Jessica P. Wick
He says: You’re cold as clay this morning. Where are your socks? Your toes are cold as the silver snout of Old Catch, darling. Coffee’s brewed. Old Catch: A trickster figure, not quite the Devil. Sometimes a psychopomp. One of his common mischiefs i…
Strange Horizons - Another End of the Empire By Tim Pratt
The Dark Lord Mogrash descended to his deepest basement, below the lower dungeons, below the magma reactors, below the well-warded and unquiet family crypts. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - My Love, Our Lady of Slaughter By Christine Lucas, Podcast read by Anaea Lay
The convoy appeared in a cloud of dust against the Martian dawn atop the eastern hills. Sister Hecuba had just connected the catheter to its port over her right breast. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - A Voyage to Queensthroat By Anya Johanna DeNiro, Art by Jana Heidersdorf
via Pocket
Strange Horizons - Secrets of the Kath By Fatima Taqvi, Art by Juliana Pinho
Strange Horizons - Si Shou By E. A. Xiong
The artisan hesitates, about to turn the page of the sketchbook given to her by, she is realizing, the most important client she might ever have. “Not alone,” she says, and her own honesty surprises her. “Most of the design, what you’re asking, it’s…
Strange Horizons - Sandrine By Alexandra Munck
She was alone the first time I saw her, at a table in the student union, drinking hot coffee with the same furious intent I’d seen on the upside-down faces of frat bros with rubber taps in their mouths. Jesus, I thought. Her throat must be on fire. …
Strange Horizons - The Giant with No Heart in Her Body By Nike Sulway, Art by Elaine Ho
Do you know the tale of the armless maiden? In most tales, it is only her hands she loses. If I were the sister of a king, I could claim that I cut off my own arm so that my brother would not want to marry me. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - Native Country By Karim Kattan, Art by Aya Ghanameh
He was fiddling with the vial his mother had given him. He had considered throwing it on the ground and smashing it in front of her before he left, just to prove how determined he was. But something in him had stayed his hand. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - We Broke Nairobi By Noel Cheruto
They say we broke Nairobi; we whose tears do not burn; whose blood runs cold. We did not, although we did tell lies around it—we used to be the lowlifes; the dregs in the social stew, the spit-out gum, all holes and no people—it was in our nature to…
Strange Horizons - Balfour in the Desert By Fargo Tbakhi