The Customer is Always... - 365tomorrows

Thread - 365tomorrows
Double Trouble - 365tomorrows
Pick Up a Stick - 365tomorrows
Ghostless Machines | 365tomorrows
The new group are wide-eyed. It’s ironic that the most alien things we’ve ever encountered were originally made by us. However, while humans and their creations have come a long way, only the creations have evolved. I learnt from them that sometimes…
High Life | 365tomorrows
To our right, there are five rows of aircars just hanging there. In addition, there are six layers below and five above. All sleek, shining, and not moving. “Look at it. Six by twelve, going nowhere.” Tish’s right. We picked the wrong time to leave …
Dark Chambers of My Heart | 365tomorrows
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer The fan on the ceiling turns slowly, another kitsch feature of this fake colonial era hospital. I do not know when hospitals started to compete for trade, but the ‘h…
My Sweet Death | 365tomorrows
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer The airlock used to be palatial. Now the four-metre walls are coated with sickly golden crud: the exudations of a million desperados. The bouncer is vaguely human. H…
Belonging | 365tomorrows
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer Another flawless afternoon. “Spin for me.” I smile and cut a perfect seven-twenty, poised on one heel, arms spread to imitate the mantling of an eagle. As I come to …