

"#Escape Pod"
EP541: As Travelers in Sky Boats - Escape Pod
EP541: As Travelers in Sky Boats - Escape Pod
AUTHOR: Kristin Janz NARRATOR: Ibba Armancas HOST: Tina Connolly This story has not been published previously. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Kristin Janz is a Canadian speculative fiction writer who has lived in the […]
EP541: As Travelers in Sky Boats - Escape Pod
EP540: The Right Answer - Escape Pod
EP540: The Right Answer - Escape Pod
AUTHOR: James Miller NARRATOR: Adam Pracht HOST: Alasdair Stuart This story was first published in Unidentified Funny Objects 3 in 2014. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… During the day, James A. Miller works on […]
EP540: The Right Answer - Escape Pod
EP539: Squirrels, Foxes and Other Fine Specimens - Escape Pod
EP539: Squirrels, Foxes and Other Fine Specimens - Escape Pod
AUTHOR: Gareth D Jones NARRATOR: Andrew Clarke HOST: Norm Sherman This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… I’m an environmental scientist, writer and father of 5. My stories have […]
EP539: Squirrels, Foxes and Other Fine Specimens - Escape Pod
EP537: Honeycomb Girls - Escape Pod
EP537: Honeycomb Girls - Escape Pod
RELEASED 10.August.2016 AUTHOR: Erin Cashier NARRATOR: Johnathan Danz HOST: Norm Sherman WARNING: some sexual imagery This story first appeared in Upgraded. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Erin Cashier is fond of the unreliable […]
EP537: Honeycomb Girls - Escape Pod
EP536: Prophet to the Dogs - Escape Pod
EP536: Prophet to the Dogs - Escape Pod
RELEASED 3.August.2016 AUTHOR: Bethany Edwards NARRATOR: George Hrab HOST: Tina Connolly WARNING: profane language and violence This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Mystery! about the narrator… Multi-instrumentalist, singer, […]
EP536: Prophet to the Dogs - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 672: She Knits the Universe a Pink Angora Sweater (Artemis Rising) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 672: She Knits the Universe a Pink Angora Sweater (Artemis Rising) - Escape Pod
She Knits the Universe a Pink Angora Sweater by Bo Balder Aulis shuts out the frenetic buzz of the arena where she’s competing for an Oikotekt placement in the space navy. Only an Oikotekt, a person of powerful imagination, can hold onto a picture of the universe as it is supposed to be against the […]
Escape Pod 672: She Knits the Universe a Pink Angora Sweater (Artemis Rising) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 666: This Wine-Dark Feeling That Isn't The Blues
Escape Pod 666: This Wine-Dark Feeling That Isn't The Blues
This Wine-Dark Feeling That Isn’t The Blues by José Pablo Iriarte The Odyssey contains over three hundred mentions of color. Black. White. Red. Not a single blue though. Even the ocean is not described as blue, but as “wine-dark.” Likewise with the Koran and ancient Hebrew scripture: no blues, anywhere. This is what I focus …
Escape Pod 666: This Wine-Dark Feeling That Isn't The Blues
Escape Pod 667: The Best We Can
Escape Pod 667: The Best We Can
The Best We Can By Carrie Vaughn In the end, the discovery of evidence of extraterrestrial life, and not just life, but intelligence, got hopelessly mucked up because no one wanted to take responsibility for confirming the findings, and no one could decide who ultimately had the authority—the obligation—to do so. We submitted the paper, …
Escape Pod 667: The Best We Can
Escape Pod 669: Craphound (Flashback Friday)
Escape Pod 669: Craphound (Flashback Friday)
Craphound By Cory Doctorow (Excerpt) Craphound beat me out the door, as usual. His exoskeleton is programmable, so he can record little scripts for it like: move left arm to door handle, pop it, swing legs out to running-board, jump to ground, close door, move forward. Meanwhile, I’m still making sure I’ve switched off the …
Escape Pod 669: Craphound (Flashback Friday)
EP298: The Things
EP298: The Things
By Peter Watts Read by: Kate Baker (Thanks to Kate and Clarkesworld for the audio!) Originally appearing in Clarkesworld Discuss on our forums. All stories by Peter Watts All stories read by Kate Baker Nominated for the Hugo Award for Short Story, 2011 Rated appropriate for older teens and up for language and disturbing imagery. …
EP298: The Things
EA Metacast, October 2015 (Part 1) : Escape Pod
EA Metacast, October 2015 (Part 1) : Escape Pod
Hello everyone, Alasdair here. We tend to do a metacast every year around this time, and this year we’ve done something a bit different. This one was recorded LIVE at WorldCon in Spokane in August 2015! In the past, you’ve let us know our metacasts are too long, so we’ve split this one into three parts: …
EA Metacast, October 2015 (Part 1) : Escape Pod
EP546: Recollection
EP546: Recollection
AUTHOR: Nancy Fulda NARRATOR: Trendane Sparks HOST: Alasdair Stuart Recollection originally appeared in CARBIDE-TIPPED PENS, an anthology edited by Eric Choi and Ben Bova, TOR Books, December 2014. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Nancy Fulda is […]
EP546: Recollection
EP214: Sinner, Baker, Fablist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast
EP214: Sinner, Baker, Fablist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast
by Eugie Foster Narrated by Lawrence Santoro Each morning is a decision. Should I put on the brown mask or the blue? Should I be a tradesman or an assassin today? Whatever the queen demands, of course, I am. But so often she ignores me, and I am left to figure out for myself who …
EP214: Sinner, Baker, Fablist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast
EP261: Only Springtime When She's Gone
EP261: Only Springtime When She's Gone
By Eugie Foster Read by: Jason Adams First appeared in Anaisdotmfk Discuss on our forums. All stories by Eugie Foster All stories read by Jason Adams “A takeover of your company with the state your market shares are in is not unreasonable.” Although Soaces was right, there’d be precious little profit, even after he’d liquidated …
EP261: Only Springtime When She's Gone
EP216: βoyfriend
EP216: βoyfriend
by Madeline Ashby read by Tina Connolly Violet snapped three photos of herself from various angles, sent them, and waited for her boyfriend’s response. He rang her up—a slow vibrating purr, unlike the staccato door-knocking of her mother’s ringvibe—and said: “Me likey. Now take it off.” Violet frowned. “You were _supposed_ to dig up the …
EP216: βoyfriend
Escape Pod 565: Artemis Rising – The Zombee Project 3.0
Escape Pod 565: Artemis Rising – The Zombee Project 3.0
The Zombee Project 3.0 By Allison Mulder Jensen brought the job offer to each of them in person, like no one did anymore. She poached them from the best labs and the best apiaries, all over the world. Put everything she knew on the table, in out-of-the-way cafés and fine-but-nothing-fancy hotel rooms and home kitchens …
Escape Pod 565: Artemis Rising – The Zombee Project 3.0
Escape Pod 564: Trusted Messenger
Escape Pod 564: Trusted Messenger
Trusted Messenger By Kevin Wabaunsee Dr. Thaddeus Begay had been expecting a dying child in the exam room, but no one had said anything about a woman half-dead from starvation. He stepped inside and muscled the door shut—like the rest of the clinic, it was made from metal reclaimed from the original dropship, and like everything …
Escape Pod 564: Trusted Messenger
EP065: A Green Thumb
EP065: A Green Thumb
By Tobias S. Buckell. Read by Matthew Wayne Selznick (of Brave Men Run). When Jerry walked out across his lawn to catch the morning bus to Effendale High, he stopped to admire the new car Mr. Atkinson had growing in his lawn. Jerry could see the doors stretching up towards the roof, small branches of …
EP065: A Green Thumb
EP476: In Loco Parentis
EP476: In Loco Parentis
by Andrea Phillips read by Mur Lafferty This story is an Escape Pod original, it has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page about the author… Andrea Phillips is an award-winning transmedia writer, game designer and author. Her book, A Creator’s […]
EP476: In Loco Parentis
Escape Pod 558: Holding the Ghosts
Escape Pod 558: Holding the Ghosts
Holding the Ghosts By Gwendolyn Clare Abby was in control of the body the first time a glitch occurred. She was “home from college for the long weekend”—that’s what the imprinted memories showed, at least—and her mother was pouring dollops of blueberry pancake batter onto the sizzling cast-iron griddle. Her father had found an excuse to …
Escape Pod 558: Holding the Ghosts
EP314: Movement
EP314: Movement
By Nancy Fulda Read by Marguerite Kenner Discuss on our forums. First appeared in Asimov’s March 2011 issue All stories by Nancy Fulda All stories read by Marguerite Kenner Movement By Nancy Fulda It is sunset. The sky is splendid through the panes of my bedroom window; billowing layers of cumulous blazing with refracted oranges …
EP314: Movement
EP181: Resistance
EP181: Resistance
By Tobias S. Buckell. Read by Stephen Eley. First appeared in Seeds of Change, ed. John Joseph Adams Metatropolis Promotion! Download the first story from Metatropolis free at: The man opened the pack all the way to reveal a small arsenal of guns, grenades, explosives, and — oddly — knives. Very large knives. …
EP181: Resistance
EP170: Pervert
EP170: Pervert
By Charles Coleman Finlay. Read by Stephen Eley. First appeared in Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 2004. Promotion! Get your free audiobook at: When the bus reaches the corner, they climb onboard, taking seats on their side and evening out the ride so it doesn’t feel so much like we’ll tip over. We …
EP170: Pervert
EP098: Just Do It
EP098: Just Do It
By Heather Lindsley. Read by The Word Whore (of Air Out My Shorts). First appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, July 2006. “What do you see?” he asks. I want to say a menace, but instead I tap the delivery barrel and give the context-appropriate answer. “Unused ad space.” Suddenly he’s a …
EP098: Just Do It
EP179: Arties Aren't Stupid
EP179: Arties Aren't Stupid
By Jeremiah Tolbert. Read by Philippa Ballantine (of Chasing the Bard). First appeared in Seeds of Change, ed. John Joseph Adams Promotion! Get your free audiobook at: Nobody went home to their Elderfolk while we waited for Niles to come back. That was a rule. If Niles never came back, then we wouldn’t …
EP179: Arties Aren't Stupid