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Alien Laughs Last - 365tomorrows
Alien Laughs Last - 365tomorrows
Author: Susan Jensen Sweeting Pelcretuche searched for his Xanax, grateful for all six of his tentacles, since he couldn’t for the life of him, remember in which pouch he had put it. Finally, his twelfth suction cup latched on to the shaky little bottle in the pouch just below his left belly button. Thank God. […]
Alien Laughs Last - 365tomorrows
The Last Resort - 365tomorrows
The Last Resort - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Abby whips her wing-tentacles about, making little β€˜cracks’ of delight as a gigantic silver dinosaur walks by, its crystal eyes filled with icy fire. Every footfall causes things to shake and drinks to splash about in their cups – unless they’re being carried on the spindly spider-legged copper tables that […]
The Last Resort - 365tomorrows