Found 26 bookmarks
Terminal Lucidity - 365tomorrows
Terminal Lucidity - 365tomorrows
Author: Don Nigroni Yesterday on Christmas Day, I was at my filthy rich, albeit eccentric, uncle’s house. And that’s when and where everything went awry. After dinner, he took me aside to his library to enjoy a cigar and a tawny port. “We know our current materialistic paradigm is pure garbage, yet we still cling […]
Terminal Lucidity - 365tomorrows
A Chest In A Room - 365tomorrows
A Chest In A Room - 365tomorrows
Author: Aubrey Williams The cheap hotel room was draughty, the shadows ink in the recesses. Each sheet of green William Morris wallpaper was peeling in at least three places. For all the dinginess, though, it was a room, and I needed one. By a feeble light I’d tried to work, but the sound of the […]
A Chest In A Room - 365tomorrows
Unseen Unnoticed - 365tomorrows
Unseen Unnoticed - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki They stared right through me. It used to bother me. Now, it’s essential. I uncoupled the mag-links while Symplex’s security personnel looked past me. I didn’t fit their profiles, didn’t merit a glance. That’s what it is to be me. I live by a pair of simple rules. The fact that they come […]
Unseen Unnoticed - 365tomorrows
Audio Transmission From Storm Rider One - 365tomorrows
Audio Transmission From Storm Rider One - 365tomorrows
Author: James Flanagan From Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II this storm has raged unabated. Wars and plagues have scoured the Earth while eras of enlightenment and eras of disgrace have risen and slipped away, and always the mother of all storms has boiled and churned — the Big Red Eye of Jupiter. Annie Edson Taylor […]
Audio Transmission From Storm Rider One - 365tomorrows
Outlasting Time - 365tomorrows
Outlasting Time - 365tomorrows
Author: Paul Schmidt Joshua burst awake, a dislocated memory of laughter and candlelight tapering into the ether. That same synthetic voice buzzed in his ear. His contact companion, installed at his ocular barrier, always had a habit of waking him abruptly. “Rise and shine, Joshua! It’s a fantastic day.” Joshua gritted his teeth, groggily slipping […]
Outlasting Time - 365tomorrows
The Customer Is Always Right - 365tomorrows
The Customer Is Always Right - 365tomorrows
Author: Marion Lougheed “Where are the colours?” the billionaire shifts in his seat. “I know what outer space looks like. I’ve seen the photos.” I produce my most winsome spaceflight-attendant smile. “Ah, yes, well, those photos show parts of the light spectrum our eyes don’t see. Infrared, ultraviolet… But it’s all black to us. Would […]
The Customer Is Always Right - 365tomorrows
Wolf - 365tomorrows
Wolf - 365tomorrows
Author: Eli Hastings The man turns a circle in the intersection, the four way crimson stop light flashing overhead, so he is encircled in crimson glow now, and now, not. The yellow Walkman gripped like a handgun in his right fist. The headphones nearly the age of the Walkman and the cassette clipped into it. […]
Wolf - 365tomorrows
Small Things - 365tomorrows
Small Things - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki Thor got thunder. Prometheus got fire. Shiva got a laser eye. Me? I got a measly quark. Smallest thing in the universe. Two and a half trillion times smaller than a grain of sand. What’s a god supposed to do with that? Make the masses tremble and beg mercy, pledge obedience and fealty–to […]
Small Things - 365tomorrows
Clarity - 365tomorrows
Clarity - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer My peers are very fond of saying how they ‘were fortunate’ or ‘spotted an opportunity’. The more honest have momentary shadows in their eyes when they say it. The raw truth is that to accumulate this much wealth, we’ve taken opportunities, money, and even lives from others. Not theft or […]
Clarity - 365tomorrows
Simpler Than You Thought - 365tomorrows
Simpler Than You Thought - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki You gave them the names. All of them. Jelenik, Szmania, Guar, Imhotep, Salasi, Yun, Indrasutthan, Porter. Faisel knows it. His broken face, his darkened eyes tell you in the sterile moments of your visits. You wrap his lacerations, dampen his fever, moisten his battered lips, force morsels past his chipped teeth. His pulse […]
Simpler Than You Thought - 365tomorrows
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
Author: Hillary Lyon Kaz tumbled through the centrifugal force of the prismatic vortex, finally landing on the planet’s surface with a cruel thud. Medical nanobots lining the interior of his suit immediately went to work, infusing themselves through the pores of his skin, worming their way into his bloodstream. From there, the minuscule bots traveled […]
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
Nowhere Planet - 365tomorrows
Nowhere Planet - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Nineteen hundred tomorrows, and of them, only I got to see a dawn. The world below is still burning in places: unfortunate for the natives that their home arrived at the same strategically important position as the main battle fleets of two conflicting interstellar empires. I’ve tuned into their broadcasts. […]
Nowhere Planet - 365tomorrows
When Gremory Hits the Keyhole - 365tomorrows
When Gremory Hits the Keyhole - 365tomorrows
Author: Robert White “I always thought the Kremlin or the White House would start it, you know, trip over that whatchamacallit, the nuclear football,” Erik said. “I don’t think it’s actually a football,” Alan said. “It’s a suitcase with a bunch of buttons.” “Cops jumped ship like everybody else,” Erik said. “Half the town’s looting […]
When Gremory Hits the Keyhole - 365tomorrows
Downloaded - 365tomorrows
Downloaded - 365tomorrows
Author: Michael T Schaper Serena felt a little strange as she stepped out of the clinic and into the street. Not surprising, since she’d just made herself immortal. She stopped to check the road before going any further. It was full of people going about their business. She thought she might recognise some of them, […]
Downloaded - 365tomorrows
The World Within - 365tomorrows
The World Within - 365tomorrows
Author: Maudie Bryant Cool water wraps around me, my skin dappled by the summer sun through the rippling surface. Laughter echoes down the shore where friends splash without care. I push back a loose strand of hair, and catch a flash of what looks like glitter clinging to my thigh. I brush at the spot, […]
The World Within - 365tomorrows
Siren Call - 365tomorrows
Siren Call - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The loading bay is spotlessly clean – the sort of polish only drone cleaners can achieve. Of all the things officers love, shiny metal in any form still wins. “Captain Reese.” I turn to Sarah. She’s shiny too, but only in places. By the time she’s finished, she won’t reflect […]
Siren Call - 365tomorrows
Winding Down - 365tomorrows
Winding Down - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki Snug in my craft, taking each spacetime curve to a smooth jazz arrangement of “Just My Imagination,” it became clear. Things were slowing. We were winding down. It’d been a good ride. Not in every age and not for everybody, but for enough of humanity, we’d experienced amazing things. In the process we’d […]
Winding Down - 365tomorrows
Go Fish - 365tomorrows
Go Fish - 365tomorrows
Author: C.R. Kiegle My memories go back only three months, but I know I am older than that. Much older. I can feel it in the grit and the grinding sounds as I move, gears gone years without servicing. There’s not much time to think about how old my bones may be, however. Barbara keeps […]
Go Fish - 365tomorrows
The Wish - 365tomorrows
The Wish - 365tomorrows
Author : Jason X. Bergman “You hold my amulet. I am bound to grant you three wishes. Three wishes and no more,” spoke the jinn. “I need only one,” said the prince. “My beloved Meredith, killed by the dark wizard Neirin. I want her back.” “This I cannot do,” said the jinn, shaking his head. […]
The Wish - 365tomorrows