Escape Pod 855: A Home For Mrs. Biswas
Escape Pod 842: Love and Supervillains | Escape Pod
Escape Pod 845: Across the River, My Heart, My Memory
Escape Pod 839: Universal Archive of Human History: FAQ
Escape Pod 840: The Tyrant Lizard (and Her Plus One) / Alien Invader or Assistive Device?
Escape Pod 832: Mouthfeel
Escape Pod 833: The Heroine Kokofe | Escape Pod
Escape Pod 834: Anticipation of Hollowness
Escape Pod 830: Rena in the Desert
Escape Pod 914: #buttonsinweirdplaces (Part 2 of 2)
Continued from Part 1) The news the following morning was bad. An explosion in the middle of a market-square in Libya had been variously blamed upon a suicide-bomber and upon over-zealous security…
Escape Pod 582: Unit Two Does Her Makeup
Doctor Spencer has brought me an artist. My eyes on the outside of the building register the identity of everyone who enters, including her: Suzanne Chantal Salinas, age 26…
Escape Pod 476: In Loco Parentis
The video stutters at the eighteen-second mark. Yakova knows by heart precisely when it happens. As she watches, she mouths the words along with Autumn. “So this girl just, like, opens up her bag…
Escape Pod 889: The Greatest One-Star Restaurant in the Whole Quadrant | Escape Pod
Engineer’s meat wept and squirmed and wriggled inside her steel organ cavity, so different from the stable purr of gears and circuit boards. You couldn’t count on meat. It lulled you with its warmth…
Escape Pod 890: The Mechanical Turk Has a Panic Attack
Gab gripped her right wrist with her left hand at the small of her back. “Are we ready to order?” she asked. The couple set their menus down on the brushed steel tabletop. It wobbled slightly.
Escape Pod 891: Wanderlust
When he first approached me in the train station, I batted him away. I thought he was homeless. The weird, ellipsoidal neck tattoos creeping into view from his collar didn’t help. He persisted…
Escape Pod 899: Sounding the Fall (Flashback Friday)
Sometimes, Narae can almost convince emself that the AI’s Voice was a dream. Some kind of minor stroke misremembered, a neurological glitch retroactively given recognizable shape.
Escape Pod 940: Nobody Ever Goes Home to Zhenzhu
I’d always known Calam would run. He had all the signs. A taut restlessness, body brittle as an overstretched lute string, when we stayed too long in one place. A gloom in his eyes…
Escape Pod 944: How to Keep Your Cool If You’re a Mech First Day on the Job (Part 2 of 2)
Continued from Part 1) Jenna gave herself a few moments to seethe in silence before she spoke, to make sure her voice was calm. “I can’t move.” “Did you hear that?” Daron took a swig of his water…
Escape Pod 402: The Tale of the Golden Eagle
This is a story about a bird. A bird, a ship, a machine, a woman—she was all these things, and none, but first and fundamentally a bird. It is also a story about a man—a gambler, a liar, and a cheat…
Escape Pod 947: Rupert Weard and the Case of the Adamant Annihilist
Rupert Weard leapt into the drawing room, escaping a hallway dense with impossibly angled, tentacular horrors trying to sell him insurance. “Ye gods, it’s bedlam out there,” he said.
Escape Pod 948: Thank You for Doing Business with the Xyb’lor Principality
Jaxon was not a connoisseur of art, but he could identify a work’s salient features. And the salient features of these particular works were that they were valuable, lacking any obvious security…
Escape Pod 949: A Foundational Model for Talking to Girls
“Hey Marty,” Mom asks, “got a moment?” I cringe whenever Mom’s voice has that tone to it. I don’t know what she’s going to say; but if I’ve learned anything in my thirteen years on this desolate…
Escape Pod 946: Trixie and the Pandas of Dread (Flashback Friday)
Trixie got out of her cherry-red godmobile and waved away the flitting cherubim waiting to bear her to her sedan chair. She wasn’t in the mood for a reverent chorus of hosannas, and the sedan chair…
Escape Pod 945: Walking with Thorny
Hitchhikers clung to Tasi’s pants as he neared the edge of the forest. He brushed them off while walking and looked ahead to the open field that showed through the final rows of trees.
Escape Pod 943: How to Keep Your Cool If You’re a Mech First Day on the Job (Part 1 of 2)
Damn, the exoskeleton was hot. Two minutes strapped into the smart harness with its thick exospine and the oversized, carbon-fiber limbs that grew from it, and sweat pooled between Jenna’s shoulder…
Escape Pod 938: Chug the Tea Leaves, Chuck the Ads
I wake up to a message and a certain intuition that my first ad of the day will be for Bubble Fresh. I can almost see it, flashing through my MindzEye, just in time for me to grab a pack at the…
Escape Pod 927: How to Pass as Human
Escape Pod 926: Felix and the Flamingo
Escape Pod 923: The T-4200 (Part 1 of 2)
Escape Pod 924: The T-4200 (Part 2 of 2)