Found 3328 bookmarks
The Microwave - 365tomorrows
The Microwave - 365tomorrows
Author: Aubrey Williams “Look, we understand that this is a strange request, Mr. Human… but we repeat again: our planet’s security… even galactic security, may depend on us acquiring one of these devices. Please, we implore you— surrender your microwave to us!” So spoke the little alien being, its four hands wrung in pleading, its […]
The Microwave - 365tomorrows
Assured Destruction - 365tomorrows
Assured Destruction - 365tomorrows
Author: Alastair Millar Brad was at his workstation when his supposedly locked office door dilated unexpectedly, and a casually dressed young woman stepped through; he looked up in annoyance. “Well?” “Doctor Mendelsson?” “Yes. You’re not one of my students. Who are you?” “My name’s Smith. I’m with Section Seven.” “Am I supposed to be impressed? […]
Assured Destruction - 365tomorrows
Fired - 365tomorrows
Fired - 365tomorrows
Author: Aubrey Williams “Look, I’m not apologising, and that’s that!” The man glared up at the smoke alarm, its smug viewfinder glinting annoyingly in the evening’s neon haze. “Oh really? You just had say *that* to Catherine?” “Hey, I felt she ought to know you’re having doubts about that part of your relationship,” it replied […]
Fired - 365tomorrows
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
Author: Hillary Lyon Kaz tumbled through the centrifugal force of the prismatic vortex, finally landing on the planet’s surface with a cruel thud. Medical nanobots lining the interior of his suit immediately went to work, infusing themselves through the pores of his skin, worming their way into his bloodstream. From there, the minuscule bots traveled […]
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
The Last Refugee - 365tomorrows
The Last Refugee - 365tomorrows
Author: Dave Ludford Had he been walking at a faster pace or with any real sense of purpose Ryan Jennings would have missed it completely. Scuffing the forest floor aimlessly however with first one foot then the other, his meanderings revealed something that he at first thought was some kind of weird seed or pod […]
The Last Refugee - 365tomorrows
Just A Second - 365tomorrows
Just A Second - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki “Thirty-four thousand one hundred twenty-six…thirty-four thousand one hundred twenty-seven…thirty-four thousand one hundred twenty-eight…thirty-four thousand one hundred twenty-nine…” Clarisse counted. And counted. Her mother watched from across the room. Her nine-year-old daughter was spending another entire twenty-four hour day counting, and Rochelle felt helpless. It was the end of July and usually Clarisse would […]
Just A Second - 365tomorrows
Under the Overhang - 365tomorrows
Under the Overhang - 365tomorrows
Author: Rachel Sievers They stood under the overhang as the rain poured down around them. The dark sky filled with angry black low-hanging clouds had an ominous feel to it. “Do you think it will quit soon?” The girl asked, her damp white hair falling over her eyes. “Do I look like god to you?” […]
Under the Overhang - 365tomorrows
Systems Update Available - 365tomorrows
Systems Update Available - 365tomorrows
Author: Patrick Hueller Published 3:34 PM, Wednesday, July 31, 2030 Associated Press NEW AI A THREAT TO HUMANITY? Today was supposed to be a big day for technology fans. Instead, software engineer Miranda Cartwright issued a dire warning for humankind. At a press conference, ostensibly to launch TECHtonic Shift’s latest AI software, Ms. Cartwright gave […]
Systems Update Available - 365tomorrows
Department Q - 365tomorrows
Department Q - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer “John?” “Yes?” “Got another one. Big cable channel. Going out past Bindenhouse into the wilds.” “Okay, pop my contacts open and scroll to ‘D’.” “Got it.” “You’re looking for ‘Department Q’.” “Found it.” “Open it. Click on ‘action request’ and fill what details you’ve got, then forward it to my […]
Department Q - 365tomorrows
In search of the lost city - 365tomorrows
In search of the lost city - 365tomorrows
Author: Vruti Naik Captivated by the ancient tales of Atlantis and its enigmatic creatures, Dr Alan was determined to unravel the mystery and locate the fabled city. He had developed a ground-breaking technology – a program capable of holographic reconstruction, tapping into something known as elemental and environmental memory. Gathering a skilled crew for his […]
In search of the lost city - 365tomorrows
A Garden for Eden - 365tomorrows
A Garden for Eden - 365tomorrows
Author: W.F. Peate “No regrets using the hydrogen bomb General?” asked the reporter. “We saved lives. Their surrender stopped further bloodshed.” “Why didn’t you use the less destructive atomic bomb? Ninety percent fewer deaths.” General Liana crossed her arms over the silk leashes of her medals. “The Americans needed two atomic bombs to convince the […]
A Garden for Eden - 365tomorrows
The Reaping - 365tomorrows
The Reaping - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer We’d all seen the predictions, and everyone had seen at least one post-apocalyptic movie or series. Some of us were foolish enough to think we were ready. No matter which flavour of apocalypse story preferred, we’d all missed one critical point. Hatred. The two decades leading up to the final […]
The Reaping - 365tomorrows
Concentrated Data - 365tomorrows
Concentrated Data - 365tomorrows
Author: Steve Smith, Staff Writer Abby woke with a start, a conversation with someone vaguely familiar against a kaleidoscope oceanview suddenly vanishing, dulcet tones replaced with a hockey organ ringtone her ex had programmed that couldn’t seem to be exorcised from her phone. “Good morning, you’ll want to get a robe on, our package is […]
Concentrated Data - 365tomorrows
City of Light: Origins - 365tomorrows
City of Light: Origins - 365tomorrows
Author: Maria Brekke Myrna zipped toward the city. A ten-ton mosquito pursued her, wings drumming annihilation. Colony security was rudimentary, but her kidnapping had raised insectile alarms. She leaned hard across her hoverboard, praying her cargo was secure as she banked. The mosquito’s three-meter proboscis stabbed the air to her side. Myrna straightened, ready to […]
City of Light: Origins - 365tomorrows
Scar Tissue - 365tomorrows
Scar Tissue - 365tomorrows
Author: Sean MacKendrick Ava touched the seam where Ethan’s robotic foot joined his shin. She stared up at her grandfather in awe. “Can you feel anything with it?” Ethan forced a smile on his face. “Some basic sensory input. It helps me walk better when I can feel the ground.” “You’ve had it for a […]
Scar Tissue - 365tomorrows
Incident at Station 48 - 365tomorrows
Incident at Station 48 - 365tomorrows
Author: David Dumouriez THIS IS NOT A DRILL! REPEAT: THIS IS NOT A DRILL! Lieutenant-Commander Rane had received the warning minutes before the alarm sounded. The destiny that nobody wanted was hers. It was happening on her watch. Eight distinct generations of ‘peacekeepers’ had been trained and deployed at Station 48 without any sign of […]
Incident at Station 48 - 365tomorrows
Encounters of the Old Kind - 365tomorrows
Encounters of the Old Kind - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The clearing lies deserted in the last light of the moon. Amidst the silver glow, two indistinct figures flicker into view, sat on the weathered altar stone at the centre. Of the two, the smaller is clearer, appearing as a pale woman with translucent butterfly wings. The larger is greener […]
Encounters of the Old Kind - 365tomorrows
Lines and Circles: The Comet's Tail - 365tomorrows
Lines and Circles: The Comet's Tail - 365tomorrows
Author: Philip G Hostetler Maggie’s been gone for a while now. But not into a black hole this time. Normally she’d discorporate into the metaphysical unknown but this time, she’s just been… …happily traveling. I miss her, like a solar system misses it’s rogue planetoid, flung out beyond and returning every 4,000 years as a […]
Lines and Circles: The Comet's Tail - 365tomorrows
Killer App - 365tomorrows
Killer App - 365tomorrows
Author: Daniel Aceituna The new AI phone app used the latest research in non-linear regression to predict the future. Local data combined with GPS and relevant global data was all it took to give a remarkably accurate prediction of what would happen within the next minute. One billion downloads occurred in the first week alone. […]
Killer App - 365tomorrows
Anyow - 365tomorrows
Anyow - 365tomorrows
Author: Mina ALENA’S ADOPTED MOTHER, CAROL: We consider ourselves blessed with our adopted daughter. It hasn’t always been easy – we had to teach her not to stand out. It’s hard to dim your light, but she understood by the age of three that she would be taken away from us if her gifts were […]
Anyow - 365tomorrows
Tango - 365tomorrows
Tango - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The little lights bob and weave, but they’re definitely getting closer. I check behind me – the remains are unidentifiable: just more victims of this horrific incident. How close should I let them get? No, wait. I sit down, putting my back against an upturned desk. Oh, yes: I take […]
Tango - 365tomorrows
Altalive Blues - 365tomorrows
Altalive Blues - 365tomorrows
Author: David C. Nutt Dear Alive, To begin with, I absolutely hate the word zombie. I also hate the terms walking dead, animate corpse, and un-dead. I prefer the more PC term altalive. Look, I don’t know who is tapping into this- a researcher, psychic, or hacker, just get the word out. We ain’t dead. […]
Altalive Blues - 365tomorrows
Two Girls Watching Hyper Lane Traffic - 365tomorrows
Two Girls Watching Hyper Lane Traffic - 365tomorrows
Author: Janaya Young In space, hyper lanes operate like traffic lanes but with one important difference: you aren’t entirely in one place or another while traveling through them. Most people can’t tell. Maybe you feel a slight shudder of the ship, or for a moment you look down and your hand is not where you […]
Two Girls Watching Hyper Lane Traffic - 365tomorrows
Lifeline - 365tomorrows
Lifeline - 365tomorrows
Author: Andrew N. McCue I was 15 when I left home. Replacing schoolbooks from my pack with clothes and food, I steal my mother’s favorite can opener, some flatware and a small stash of cash. I walk mostly or hitch. Standing on the side of a road I read stapled, tacked and nailed sheets of […]
Lifeline - 365tomorrows
Celebricide - 365tomorrows
Celebricide - 365tomorrows
Author: David Barber “This is a rare photograph of Christ, taken before time tourism was banned,” said the Director of the Temporal Institute. The Senator stopped to examine it, and his entourage jostled and bumped awkwardly behind him. A picture-lined corridor led to the gallery overlooking the wormhole, and though each picture was an actual […]
Celebricide - 365tomorrows