Ultimate Russian Roulette | 365tomorrows
White Rabbit Filter | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io White Rabbit Filter | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2L8Vv68 Just another day at the office, sitting on my ladybird, chatting with my blue owl friend. I named him Percy, and he’s smarter than your average owl. Which he should be, being that up until 09:16:32 this morning, he was the icon for my personal AI. P…
The Iron Room | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io We showed each other our wounds in the iron room. As we got to know one another better, we felt the need to help the other. The thin, taut layer of tissue scraped over her ribs was always wrenching into whorls. via Pocket
Privacy, Please | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io Riley saw the invasive little bug flapping its electronic wings all about him as he stood at the urinal. Riley grabbed the tiny little machine in his left hand and crushed it. He took out his keys and scratched, scraped and shattered every camera le…
Generational | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io It seemed fine, to place it there. You were on the weekly trip to the greenhouse with Mom and Dad and Stella holding your hand the whole way as you skipped 10 meters at a time through the light gravity of the inner ring. It was warmer there, drawing… Generational | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2L3wB85
Merit Badge | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io This was the spot. No longer needing his compass, Jackson tucked it inside his shirt. He dropped his pack and went about setting up the campsite: pitching a tent, igniting the fire, cooking dinner. He had planned the trip right down to the number of… Merit Badge | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2leMXLW
Metallic | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io Every child remembers their first visit to the field. They follow the teacher over the low rise that was a burial mound for the first settlers, and down a glass ramp into the excavated field where ranks of men and women stand staring forward. via Po… Metallic | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2S32kXJ
The Long Smoke | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io The chaplain sits beside the young man and lays a small box on her lap. “Mr. Parker, would you like to pray with me?” “That’s not for me, Chaplain. But I’m glad you’re here.” Parker’s hands are trembling, eyes red. via Pocket The Long Smoke | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2S4aI9l
The Wait Calculation | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io I was told that, when I awoke, I should expect the thunder of battle to have already started. But when the doctor woke me, his face calm, if not bored, I heard only the low rumble of my fellow crewman babbling about something. I would soon learn wha… The Wait Calculation | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2yfx4hh
Aesthetic Demise | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io Author : Timothy Marshal-Nichols “So this bloke then, this Galvano bloke, so this Galvano della Volpe is dead.” The Local Defence Officer thought for a few seconds while twiddling with his moustache. Then spoke into his radio, “Sucker’s dead. via Po… Aesthetic Demise | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2YBjP3X
Denizens of the Deep | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io Denizens of the Deep | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2S0y9QY Looking out. Or looking in. Do we stare into the expanse, or does it and its inhabitants look in on us? Which one of us is the exhibit in a zoo? In space, windows are structural weaknesses. Down here, if we have windows at all, they need to be over …
Evening Sun Go Down | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io Well, nobody does. I like evenings along the Potomac, down near where my father worked; a civil engineer in the White House, he designed the new deep shelter and the tunnels. But I mostly stay in Silver Spring or Rock Creek Forest now. via Pocket Evening Sun Go Down | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2YNdx1j
Fregh and Young Brawl at the Skev | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io One of those tavern junkies invited me to the Skev for a brawl. I personally enjoyed these screw-ups. The one I talked to that night, around a week ago, was a tusked Griff named Young, and he was lean and almost terrifying. via Pocket Fregh and Young Brawl at the Skev | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/30BmOtI
Memories Inherent in the Afternoon | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io Author: Will H. Blackwell, Jr. Three PM: As per daily routine, a 15-lb. allotment of raw horse-meat is cast, piecemeal, into the uncertain hollows of this Ohio cage. via Pocket Memories Inherent in the Afternoon | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/30F8xMy
Saudade | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io A thin sunbeam streamed through a crack in the blinds. It lit John Kohl’s pregnant wife Angie as she snored quietly in bed. He sat at his desk drinking coffee. Watching her. via Pocket
Skinjack | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io Skinjack | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2S25lYs We don’t like to use that word. It sounds negative, don’t you think? The whole procedure is much safer now. Please, try the caviar. It’s real. No, I insist. Our motto explains it all: “Freedom From Form.” Nobody uses their brain’s full processing po…
Sudoku’s and Marbles of Ebony | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io “Hello? Is anyone there? I can’t see. Is anyone out there?” “Yes, I’m here.” “Who are you? Where am I?” “I’m Kon. Can you tell me who you are?” “My name’s Harry. Harry Fitzpatrick. I’m an accountant for a firm on 8th street. I…I don’t know how I got…
Survivor of the Revolution | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io Author: David C. Nutt We lost the robot revolution. Most of us missed it entirely and got the memo three or four days later when the internet came back on-line. Hey, we’re not as clueless as it sounds. via Pocket
Take Two | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io Two Cardinalis cardinalis, the northern cardinal. Five Zenaida macroura, the mourning dove. One Toxostoma rufum, the brown thrasher. And the highlight of the excursion – one Pandion haliaetus, an osprey! I couldn’t wait to tell Maria, but for now I … Take Two | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2YHhfcK
Tears of Miroku | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io Tendrils of smoke rise from the ancient bridge, but it stands strong. Atop it’s singed arch, two men stand, their powered-down armour dulled by dirt and char. The tension between them is palpable, even to the concealed observers, far back on both ba… Tears of Miroku | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2FYDvHt
The Bad Patch | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io “Don’t act rash. It’s a small glitch. The error log’s sent and the patch fix will be here soon” Her voice now a car crash, teetering on the edge of conviction. Slumped in the kitchen drawer, I rose, wrestled despair from my hairy eyelids, then caugh… The Bad Patch | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2FZJBHT
Ultimate Russian Roulette | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io It’s not easy being a psychopath. I’ve never felt a connection, and I’ve always been curious about what would happen if I did certain things to people or animals. via Pocket
Dark Chambers of My Heart | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io The fan on the ceiling turns slowly, another kitsch feature of this fake colonial era hospital. I do not know when hospitals started to compete for trade, but the ‘healing ambience’ vogue has been out of control – and good taste – for a while. via P… Dark Chambers of My Heart | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2JHEmi0
Goats in my Family | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io Summer 2039, Tokyo: Goats read the evening news on TV. Goats? Yes! Take it, or leave it! Not goats, Sam! Kamala had once corrected me. I had been silent then. via Pocket Goats in my Family | 365tomorrows via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2OhQmuS
The Stars Looked Forth | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Raindrop.io https://raindrop.io Distant stars blinked over Buguma island in the lower southern delta of West Africa. Sea waves turned, crickets droned, and guinea fowl warbled. I was on a forest path, walking to my village, looking over my shoulder, for I could hear something lurk…
CatsCast 289: The Thing in the Basement | Escape Pod
You can hear it, in the basement, behind the metal boxes that your human puts her outer-coverings in just when they start to smell good—when the boxes are done, she brings out her things stinking of flowers or fruit. via Pocket
Escape Pod 703: Light and Death on the Indian Battle Station | Escape Pod
Escape Pod 703: Light and Death on the Indian Battle Station | Escape Pod
Diwali, the Festival of Lights is a magical time of the year, even on the Indian Battle Station. via Pocket Escape Pod 703 Light and Death on the Indian Battle Station | Escape Pod via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2TFpTbn
Escape Pod 713: More Tomorrow | Escape Pod
via Pocket
Escape Pod 714: Marley and Marley | Escape Pod
When I met her, I was twelve. There was no one else to take care of me. Before she showed up, she was preceded by this man in a pinstriped suit. A harbinger. He sat me down in his sterile office and he said, “Time Law is not a joking matter. via Poc…