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The Martian Invasion - 365tomorrows
The Martian Invasion - 365tomorrows
Author: David Barber Across the gulfs of space, intellects bold and curious observe our world and hasten their plans against usโ€ฆ Buried deep in our cold, slow cities, age after age passed unregarded and we cared nothing for the world above until fiery scouts began falling from the skies. The Elders would have ignored this [โ€ฆ]
The Martian Invasion - 365tomorrows
You Donโ€™t Belong Where You Donโ€™t Belong - Reactor
You Donโ€™t Belong Where You Donโ€™t Belong - Reactor
With her friends vanishing and her home planet of Ayeshij crushed under the weight of occupation, gemologist-turned-con artist Mitayreโ€™s planning a very special retirement--the kind with telepathic birds, sharp teeth, and gory retribution...
You Donโ€™t Belong Where You Donโ€™t Belong - Reactor
The Year Without Sunshine - Uncanny Magazine
The Year Without Sunshine - Uncanny Magazine
During one of the much smaller disasters that preceded the really big disaster, I met a lot of my neighbors online. I canโ€™t remember if we set up the WhatsApp group because of the pandemic or the civil disorder or both. My Minneapolis block had always been reasonably friendlyโ€”people would take their kids around on [โ€ฆ]
The Year Without Sunshine - Uncanny Magazine
When I Lost Those Eight Minutes and Twenty Seconds - 365tomorrows
When I Lost Those Eight Minutes and Twenty Seconds - 365tomorrows
Author: Allie Nava They say your life flashes before you as you fold into the arms of death, and perhaps that is what happened to me when I lost those eight minutes and twenty seconds. I was a child peddling gleeful โ€œwheeโ€™sโ€ on a red bicycle, over a calming ocean of green hillocks. I was [โ€ฆ]
When I Lost Those Eight Minutes and Twenty Seconds - 365tomorrows
In Every Iteration - 365tomorrows
In Every Iteration - 365tomorrows
Author: Elizabeth Hoyle โ€œThere donโ€™t need to be multiple universes for me to fall in love with you over and over again,โ€ Michael said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. โ€œOne lifetime must be enough, though there is no such thing as too much time with you. Iโ€™ve seen you as a daughter, [โ€ฆ]
In Every Iteration - 365tomorrows
Beside Myself - 365tomorrows
Beside Myself - 365tomorrows
Author: Morrow Brady I was beside myself, beside myself. I looked across at where I was and could see through me to where I was again. All three of me there. Two lesser versions of the original. And me, the least version, knowing far less than the lesser version. Content to be ignorant of the [โ€ฆ]
Beside Myself - 365tomorrows
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
Author: Hillary Lyon Kaz tumbled through the centrifugal force of the prismatic vortex, finally landing on the planetโ€™s surface with a cruel thud. Medical nanobots lining the interior of his suit immediately went to work, infusing themselves through the pores of his skin, worming their way into his bloodstream. From there, the minuscule bots traveled [โ€ฆ]
Temporarily Out of Service - 365tomorrows
The Last Refugee - 365tomorrows
The Last Refugee - 365tomorrows
Author: Dave Ludford Had he been walking at a faster pace or with any real sense of purpose Ryan Jennings would have missed it completely. Scuffing the forest floor aimlessly however with first one foot then the other, his meanderings revealed something that he at first thought was some kind of weird seed or pod [โ€ฆ]
The Last Refugee - 365tomorrows
Escape Pod 702: Inheritance - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 702: Inheritance - Escape Pod
Carmen would have expected a gold necklace or tarnished antique, maybe some money or a secret family recipe card, but sheโ€™d never dreamed her grandmother would try to immortalize herself through an inheritance like this. via Pocket via FREE Fiction / Escape Pod 702 Inheritance - Escape Pod via Instapaper
Escape Pod 702: Inheritance - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 698: Points of Origin - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 698: Points of Origin - Escape Pod
Points of Origin Most people who have reached their eighties without raising children have every right to believe that they will go on not raising them, and Judith and I were no different until the day they turned up with the social worker, neatly sโ€ฆ via FREE Fiction /
Escape Pod 698: Points of Origin - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 701: Martian Chronicles (Part 2 of 2) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 701: Martian Chronicles (Part 2 of 2) - Escape Pod
via FREE Fiction / I didnโ€™t go back to the Junior Colonistsโ€™ Lounge for a whole week. Instead, I spent the time with my dad, who seemed pleasantly surprised that his son wanted to hang out with him. It made me feel bad, like Iโ€™d been neglecting him. via Pocket
Escape Pod 701: Martian Chronicles (Part 2 of 2) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 697: The Last Stellar Death Metal Opera - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 697: The Last Stellar Death Metal Opera - Escape Pod
Raya eases power into the singularity engine and all her senses sharpen with the glorious, brutal reality of the moment: dead ahead thereโ€™s the blacklight-purple disk of Wolf-Rayet 104, twenty-eight subjective minutes before it goes core-collapse suโ€ฆ via FREE Fiction / Escape Pod 697 The Last Stellar Death Metal Opera - Escape Pod via Instapaper
Escape Pod 697: The Last Stellar Death Metal Opera - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 696: The Homunculi's Guide to Resurrecting Your Loved One From Their Electronic Ghosts - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 696: The Homunculi's Guide to Resurrecting Your Loved One From Their Electronic Ghosts - Escape Pod
If you are reading this, your Loved One has died. We are sorry for your loss. via Pocket via FREE Fiction / Escape Pod 696 The Homunculi's Guide to Resurrecting Your Loved One From Their Electronic Ghosts - Escape Pod via Instapaper
Escape Pod 696: The Homunculi's Guide to Resurrecting Your Loved One From Their Electronic Ghosts - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 695: This Is As I Wish To Be Restored (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 695: This Is As I Wish To Be Restored (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
Every night I come home and I drink. I trade away the hope, the guilt, the fear, even the loveโ€“I think itโ€™s love, crazy as it seems. I trade them for oblivion, because otherwise I wonโ€™t sleep at all. via Pocket via FREE Fiction / Escape Pod 695 This Is As I Wish To Be Restored (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod via Instapaper
Escape Pod 695: This Is As I Wish To Be Restored (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod