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When I Lost Those Eight Minutes and Twenty Seconds - 365tomorrows
When I Lost Those Eight Minutes and Twenty Seconds - 365tomorrows
Author: Allie Nava They say your life flashes before you as you fold into the arms of death, and perhaps that is what happened to me when I lost those eight minutes and twenty seconds. I was a child peddling gleeful “whee’s” on a red bicycle, over a calming ocean of green hillocks. I was […]
When I Lost Those Eight Minutes and Twenty Seconds - 365tomorrows
Outlasting Time - 365tomorrows
Outlasting Time - 365tomorrows
Author: Paul Schmidt Joshua burst awake, a dislocated memory of laughter and candlelight tapering into the ether. That same synthetic voice buzzed in his ear. His contact companion, installed at his ocular barrier, always had a habit of waking him abruptly. “Rise and shine, Joshua! It’s a fantastic day.” Joshua gritted his teeth, groggily slipping […]
Outlasting Time - 365tomorrows
Heavens Above - 365tomorrows
Heavens Above - 365tomorrows
Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer The radiation levels following the Great Holy War of the twenty third century made living on the surface of the Earth impossible. Consequently, humanity moved underground. After millennia of self-sufficient, artificial environments, humanity lost all ties to the surface. Eventually, the sum on the “known universe” consisted of 50,000 […]
Heavens Above - 365tomorrows
On the Road to Damascus - 365tomorrows
On the Road to Damascus - 365tomorrows
Author: Alastair Millar I was between cons and heading down towards Damascus, Arkansas, when I heard the Word. It being Sunday, the holoscreens in the corners of the diner were showing a syndicated broadcast from one of the Texan megachurches. “Welcome, friends! Welcome all, whatever your age, sex, gender, ethnicity or degree of cybernetization! The […]
On the Road to Damascus - 365tomorrows
Forward to “Should the Land Take Me” - 365tomorrows
Forward to “Should the Land Take Me” - 365tomorrows
Author: Thomas Desrochers It is one of the great mysteries of the late 21st century that the land of Alaska remains as nearly untrammeled as it was a hundred years before. Though its harsh climate was well-preserved by the collapse of the Atlantic Gyre, the exodus from Europe caused by that same calamity created a […]
Forward to “Should the Land Take Me” - 365tomorrows
The Customer Is Always Right - 365tomorrows
The Customer Is Always Right - 365tomorrows
Author: Marion Lougheed “Where are the colours?” the billionaire shifts in his seat. “I know what outer space looks like. I’ve seen the photos.” I produce my most winsome spaceflight-attendant smile. “Ah, yes, well, those photos show parts of the light spectrum our eyes don’t see. Infrared, ultraviolet… But it’s all black to us. Would […]
The Customer Is Always Right - 365tomorrows
City In Dust - 365tomorrows
City In Dust - 365tomorrows
Author: Dave Ludford He reached the brow of the steep hill just before noon with the blazing sun at its apex making him feel drowsy and slightly nauseous. He dismounted from the equus and the sure-footed but cumbersome beast grunted in relief. The sense of unease he’d felt all morning seemed to be getting stronger […]
City In Dust - 365tomorrows
Jacob's Ladder - 365tomorrows
Jacob's Ladder - 365tomorrows
Author: David Penn On this planet in the Emerson V system, sardonically named Jacob’s Ladder by its first explorers, the dominant species looks superficially like an Earth stick insect. However, these creatures are as large as our blue whales, have ten minutely-jointed legs, each ending in an eye, and mouths which operate more like ancient […]
Jacob's Ladder - 365tomorrows
Waiting for a Being - 365tomorrows
Waiting for a Being - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer I thought the skinny functionary nodded my way. The two of them are approaching, all eager smiles, curious glances, and whispered asides. “Are these seats taken? The server said they weren’t, but you know, they sometimes get things wrong. So, are they?” At least there’s two of them. Hopefully they’ll […]
Waiting for a Being - 365tomorrows
Small Things - 365tomorrows
Small Things - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki Thor got thunder. Prometheus got fire. Shiva got a laser eye. Me? I got a measly quark. Smallest thing in the universe. Two and a half trillion times smaller than a grain of sand. What’s a god supposed to do with that? Make the masses tremble and beg mercy, pledge obedience and fealty–to […]
Small Things - 365tomorrows
Babel Revisited - 365tomorrows
Babel Revisited - 365tomorrows
Author: David C. Nutt “Excellency, the Chair of the Preservist department is here as requested.” “Very good, send him in.” The Chair of the The Preservist Department, formally The Office for the Preservation and Purity of Galactic Standard Language, floated in, his formal saffron and scarlet robes billowing behind him. The Galactic University High Chancellor […]
Babel Revisited - 365tomorrows
Assured Destruction - 365tomorrows
Assured Destruction - 365tomorrows
Author: Alastair Millar Brad was at his workstation when his supposedly locked office door dilated unexpectedly, and a casually dressed young woman stepped through; he looked up in annoyance. “Well?” “Doctor Mendelsson?” “Yes. You’re not one of my students. Who are you?” “My name’s Smith. I’m with Section Seven.” “Am I supposed to be impressed? […]
Assured Destruction - 365tomorrows
Fired - 365tomorrows
Fired - 365tomorrows
Author: Aubrey Williams “Look, I’m not apologising, and that’s that!” The man glared up at the smoke alarm, its smug viewfinder glinting annoyingly in the evening’s neon haze. “Oh really? You just had say *that* to Catherine?” “Hey, I felt she ought to know you’re having doubts about that part of your relationship,” it replied […]
Fired - 365tomorrows
Mik-taa's Map - 365tomorrows
Mik-taa's Map - 365tomorrows
Author: Hillary Lyon “Watcha got there?” Mik-taa’s co-pilot asked, watching her unfold a large map on a table in the ship’s galley. “It’s a map,” she replied, not looking up. “No duh,” Bix scoffed. “Even I recognize old tech maps like that. Whatcha looking for? Going somewhere?” Mik-taa ignored him. She smoothed the creases in […]
Mik-taa's Map - 365tomorrows
Big Score - 365tomorrows
Big Score - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Nine at night and residential roads are empty. Everybody is safe inside, either working or enjoying approved leisure activities. Meanwhile, on the intercity hyperways, traffic provides cover for duels between the dishonest and the diligent. My control board emits an annoying bleep. Somebody is being exceptionally diligent. “Unidentified perpetrator, westbound […]
Big Score - 365tomorrows
The Microwave - 365tomorrows
The Microwave - 365tomorrows
Author: Aubrey Williams “Look, we understand that this is a strange request, Mr. Human… but we repeat again: our planet’s security… even galactic security, may depend on us acquiring one of these devices. Please, we implore you— surrender your microwave to us!” So spoke the little alien being, its four hands wrung in pleading, its […]
The Microwave - 365tomorrows