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EP577: The Ghosts of Europa Will Keep You Trapped in a Prison You Make for Yourself
EP577: The Ghosts of Europa Will Keep You Trapped in a Prison You Make for Yourself
The Ghosts of Europa Will Keep You Trapped in a Prison You Make for Yourself By Matt Dovey –then scooted her chair over to the microscope. Amira only needed a glance at the holographic zoom floating over the scope. The viral cells were replicating rapidly, budding and splitting at a phenomenal rate. “Hey, Mariana, look at […]
EP577: The Ghosts of Europa Will Keep You Trapped in a Prison You Make for Yourself
EP578: Cherry Squid
EP578: Cherry Squid
Cherry Squid By Celeste Hollister It was the cherry squid that did him in. Outside his window, seventy stories up, the advertisement bloomed, melon yellow, racecar red. A shoal of squid rippled across the holo, a tangram pattern that morphed into a human face. Almost human, but with a Vrellan’s ruby eyes. Then a blush of […]
EP578: Cherry Squid
EP587: Someday
EP587: Someday
Someday By James Patrick Kelly Daya had been in no hurry to become a mother. In the two years since she’d reached childbearing age, she’d built a modular from parts she’d fabbed herself, thrown her boots into the volcano, and served as blood judge. The village elders all said she was one of the quickest […]
EP587: Someday
EP361: Ashes on the Water
EP361: Ashes on the Water
By Gwendolyn Clare Read by Mur Lafferty Discuss on our forums. Originally appeared in Asimov’s, 2011 All stories by Gwendolyn Clare All stories read by Mur Lafferty Rated 13 and up Ashes on the Water by Gwendolyn Clare I hoped that Ranjeet’s friends were as disreputable as promised. Ranjeet himself was late, of course. I’d …
EP361: Ashes on the Water
EP319: Driving X
EP319: Driving X
By Gwendolyn Clare Read by Mur Lafferty Discuss on our forums. First appeared in Warrior Wisewoman 3 All stories by Gwendolyn Clare All stories read by Mur Lafferty Driving X by Gwendolyn Clare Carmela wouldn’t have stopped if she had known that the kid was still alive. She spotted the body lying under a creosote …
EP319: Driving X
EP588: Rocket Surgery
EP588: Rocket Surgery
Rocket Surgery By Effie Seiberg We’d tested plenty of missiles before, but Teeny was the only one that convulsed when we cut him open. Oh, your viewers need more background? OK, I’ll back up a bit. Lemme tell ya, kids today don’t know their history. Even locked up in here for the past ten years, …
EP588: Rocket Surgery
Escape Pod 593: Planetbound : Escape Pod
Escape Pod 593: Planetbound : Escape Pod
Planetbound By Nancy Fulda There’s a moment that comes, the first time you step on the rim of a planet, when you suddenly realize how breakable you are. When you finally understand that despite the bone density treatments, despite the braces cradling your back and legs, despite the half-dozen hands that support your first faltering […]
Escape Pod 593: Planetbound : Escape Pod
Escape Pod 596: The Wind You Touch When You Run : Escape Pod
Escape Pod 596: The Wind You Touch When You Run : Escape Pod
The Wind You Touch When You Run By James Beamon This pursuit starts as they all start, going after the Underground Railroad. It will end as it always ends, with us feeding the Minotaur. The in-between is where I tell tales. I wipe sweat from my eyes while my son Langston squints under the blue-white …
Escape Pod 596: The Wind You Touch When You Run : Escape Pod
Escape Pod 597: Ms. Figgle-DeBitt‘s Home for Wayward A.I.s - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 597: Ms. Figgle-DeBitt‘s Home for Wayward A.I.s - Escape Pod
Ms. Figgle-DeBitt’s Home for Wayward A.I.s By Kurt Pankau I watch with hope as Ms. Figgle-DeBitt samples a slice of caramelized banana upside-down cake. She takes a nibble and seems pleased. She sweeps cybernetic fingers through the shock of gray hair that sits on the human half of her face, a gesture I’ve learned is […]
Escape Pod 597: Ms. Figgle-DeBitt‘s Home for Wayward A.I.s - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 598: On the Fringes of the Fractal - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 598: On the Fringes of the Fractal - Escape Pod
On the Fringes of the Fractal By Greg van Eekhout I was working the squirt station on the breakfast shift at Peevs Burgers when I learned that my best friend’s life was over. The squirt guns were connected by hoses to tanks, each tank containing a different slew formula. Orders appeared in lime-green letters on …
Escape Pod 598: On the Fringes of the Fractal - Escape Pod
EP585: We All Scream
EP585: We All Scream
We All Scream By Marie Vibbert We weren’t, any of us, heroes. Aiden was a downright chicken. I’m allowed to say that; I love him. My husband doesn’t have to live up to your expectations of masculinity. I’ll beat the crap out of anyone who says otherwise. Me? I don’t stick my neck out. I […]
EP585: We All Scream
EP584: Your Body, By Default
EP584: Your Body, By Default
Your Body, By Default By Alexis Hunter They brought you back because they want something from you. Maybe one day they will bring people back because they can or because it’s the right thing to do — but for now there’s you and there’s them and there’s the unspoken obligations that lie between you both. […]
EP584: Your Body, By Default
Escape Pod 599: What Glistens Back - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 599: What Glistens Back - Escape Pod
What Glistens Back By Sunny Moraine Come back. You hear the call as the lander breaks up around you. You’re aware of the entirely arbitrary concepts of up and down before you realize what’s happening, and then they’re a lot less arbitrary. Down is not so much a direction as a function of possibility, of what might happen to you, of …
Escape Pod 599: What Glistens Back - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 600: At the Rialto - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 600: At the Rialto - Escape Pod
At the Rialto By Connie Willis Seriousness of mind was a prerequisite for understanding Newtonian physics. I am not convinced it is not a handicap in understanding quantum theory. —EXCERPT FROM DR. GEDANKEN’S KEYNOTE ADDRESS TO THE 1989 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF QUANTUM PHYSICISTS ANNUAL MEETING, HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA I got to Hollywood around one-thirty and started …
Escape Pod 600: At the Rialto - Escape Pod
EP523: Artemis Rising - Windows
EP523: Artemis Rising - Windows
by Beth Goder narrated by Andrea Richardson with guest host Kate Baker Welcome to the 2nd Annual Artemis Rising a celebration of women and non-binary authors This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us […]
EP523: Artemis Rising - Windows
EP528: Divided By Zero
EP528: Divided By Zero
by Samantha Murray narrated by Ibba Armancas This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Samantha Murray is a writer, actor, mathematician and mother. Not particularly in that order. […]
EP528: Divided By Zero
EP526: The Hunter Captain
EP526: The Hunter Captain
by David John Baker narrated by Mat Weller This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Aside from my philosophical essays, I also write short science fiction stories. Some of […]
EP526: The Hunter Captain
EP525: Among the Living
EP525: Among the Living
by John Markley narrated by Carl Allery Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the narrator… Carl Allery has sold a couple of stories (Farthing Magazine, Killers ed. Colin Harvey), had a couple read out loud (BBC local radio, Escape Pod) […]
EP525: Among the Living
EP532: Saints, Beasts and Zombies
EP532: Saints, Beasts and Zombies
by Gary Kloster narrated by Roberto Suarez This story has not been previously published. Mentioned by Mur: Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… I’ve always loved speculative fiction. That’s the fancy name for stories that involve […]
EP532: Saints, Beasts and Zombies
EP531: Bend Back the Shadows
EP531: Bend Back the Shadows
by Michael Reid narrated by Summer Brooks This story has not been previously published. Mentioned by Alasdair: Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… I am a 2015 graduate of the Clarion Workshop, but I have no other …
EP531: Bend Back the Shadows
EP530: City in the Wound
EP530: City in the Wound
by Michael Buckley narrated by Barry Haworth This story has not been previously published. This episode also featured an excerpt from Ecko: Endgame by Danie Ware which you can get more info about on her website: and you can tweet her @danacea Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable […]
EP530: City in the Wound