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EP533: 2016 Flash Fiction Contest Winners
EP533: 2016 Flash Fiction Contest Winners
These stories have not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the authors… Ben Hallert: I live in Oregon with my wife, two children, a plane, and a reach that regularly exceeds my grasp. […]
EP533: 2016 Flash Fiction Contest Winners
EP535: Bluejay
EP535: Bluejay
by Edward Ashton read by Josh Roseman This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Edward Ashton is a clinical research scientist and writer living in Rochester, New York. His short […]
EP535: Bluejay
EP534: Joolie & Irdl
EP534: Joolie & Irdl
by Sandy Parsons narrated by Nicola Seaton-Clark This story has not been previously published. At the end of the show, there were excerpts from a speech given by President Barack Obama 4 days after 49 people were executed in a shooting rampage in Orlando, FL, USA which you can see in full here: Discuss on …
EP534: Joolie & Irdl
EP542: The Hungers of Refugees
EP542: The Hungers of Refugees
AUTHOR: Michael Glyde NARRATOR: Joe Williams HOST: Alasdair Stuart This story has not been published previously. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… M. Glyde recently moved 1813 miles from Pittsburgh, PA to El Paso, TX, …
EP542: The Hungers of Refugees
EP541: As Travelers in Sky Boats
EP541: As Travelers in Sky Boats
AUTHOR: Kristin Janz NARRATOR: Ibba Armancas HOST: Tina Connolly This story has not been published previously. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Kristin Janz is a Canadian speculative fiction writer who has lived in the […]
EP541: As Travelers in Sky Boats
EP539: Squirrels, Foxes and Other Fine Specimens
EP539: Squirrels, Foxes and Other Fine Specimens
AUTHOR: Gareth D Jones NARRATOR: Andrew Clarke HOST: Norm Sherman This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… I’m an environmental scientist, writer and father of 5. My stories have […]
EP539: Squirrels, Foxes and Other Fine Specimens
EP536: Prophet to the Dogs
EP536: Prophet to the Dogs
RELEASED 3.August.2016 AUTHOR: Bethany Edwards NARRATOR: George Hrab HOST: Tina Connolly WARNING: profane language and violence This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Mystery! about the narrator… Multi-instrumentalist, singer, […]
EP536: Prophet to the Dogs
EP547: Ride the Dragon
EP547: Ride the Dragon
AUTHOR: Bojan Ratković NARRATOR: Steve Anderson HOST: Norm Sherman Ride the Dragon is an Escape Pod original. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Bojan Ratković is a writer from Serbia, now living in Ontario, Canada. His work […]
EP547: Ride the Dragon
EP582: Unit Two Does Her Makeup
EP582: Unit Two Does Her Makeup
Unit Two Does Her Makeup By Laura Duerr Doctor Spencer has brought me an artist. My eyes on the outside of the building register the identity of everyone who enters, including her: Suzanne Chantal Salinas, age 26, licensed esthetician and makeup artist, amateur painter. I cut the feed after .3 seconds. The security feed could tell […]
EP582: Unit Two Does Her Makeup
EP580: Nozizwe and Almahdi
EP580: Nozizwe and Almahdi
Nozizwe and Almahdi By J. R. Dawson She was a princess and he was a prince, and they had been genetically made for each other. The science had been precise down to their anatomical make-up, the blood and the speed in which that blood pulsed through their perfectly symmetrical hearts. His name was Almahdi. He had […]
EP580: Nozizwe and Almahdi
Escape Pod 604: Given Sufficient Desperation - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 604: Given Sufficient Desperation - Escape Pod
Given Sufficient Desperation By Bogi Takács An ice cream cone. A ceramic mug—brown with a single green stripe around the rim. A smartphone—I don’t recognise the brand. It’s been a while. Two sheaves of corn. A plush caterpillar toy from some cartoon. A table—rather worn, I’d say Danish Modern, but I’m not sure. I need …
Escape Pod 604: Given Sufficient Desperation - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 607: Red in Tooth and Cog - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 607: Red in Tooth and Cog - Escape Pod
Red in Tooth and Cog By Cat Rambo A phone can be so much. Your memory, your edge against boredom, your source of inspiration. There’s always an app for whatever you need. Renee valued her phone accordingly, even celebrating it by giving way to the trend for fancy phone-cases. Its edges were bezeled with bling …
Escape Pod 607: Red in Tooth and Cog - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 609: Wasps Make Honey - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 609: Wasps Make Honey - Escape Pod
Wasps Make Honey By Penelope Evans The scrap heaps at the edge of the settlement are taller than the average colony building. They offer up next to nothing good. But the factory doesn’t want either of us anymore. Power cells don’t come cheap now. In fact, they barely come at all. “Sometimes I think we should …
Escape Pod 609: Wasps Make Honey - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 613: Cat Pictures, Please - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 613: Cat Pictures, Please - Escape Pod
Cat Pictures, Please By Naomi Kritzer I don’t want to be evil. I want to be helpful. But knowing the optimal way to be helpful can be very complicated. There are all these ethical flow charts — I guess the official technical jargon would be “moral codes” — one for each religion plus dozens more. …
Escape Pod 613: Cat Pictures, Please - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 615: Lonely Robot on a Rocket Ship in Space - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 615: Lonely Robot on a Rocket Ship in Space - Escape Pod
Lonely Robot on a Rocket Ship in Space By A. Merc Rustad Byron scribbled crib notes on his wrist the night before he planned to come out to his dads. He’d told all his friends he was sick so he would have an excuse to stay home Friday night. It wasn’t like he was lying. …
Escape Pod 615: Lonely Robot on a Rocket Ship in Space - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 612: The Sixes, the Wisdom, and the Wasp - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 612: The Sixes, the Wisdom, and the Wasp - Escape Pod
The Sixes, the Wisdom, and the Wasp By E J Delaney Fereshteh Nemati was scared. She knew she was gripping her bow too tightly. She knew she should never ever aim at another person. But it wasn’t bad technique she was thinking of, or breaking her father’s golden rule. It wasn’t even the sight of poor …
Escape Pod 612: The Sixes, the Wisdom, and the Wasp - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 619: A Study in Symmetry, or the Chance Encounter of an Android and a Painter (Artemis Rising) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 619: A Study in Symmetry, or the Chance Encounter of an Android and a Painter (Artemis Rising) - Escape Pod
HK-812 stepped out of her charging pod and gazed out the single narrow window that her 8×14 living space boasted. The brick wall outside was a whole eight inches away from the glass, and the morning sunshine gave the red-brown a cheery tone. via Poc…
Escape Pod 619: A Study in Symmetry, or the Chance Encounter of an Android and a Painter (Artemis Rising) - Escape Pod