via FREE Fiction / Only Clarice would ask such a forthright question. “Leave her alone,” Jake drains his beer. Only he would dare contradict his sister. via Pocket
Escape Pod 679: An Ever-Expanding Flash of Light - Escape Pod
via FREE Fiction / Murmurs ripple through the assembled cadets. Not because they’re shocked—everyone knew what they were signing up for—but because it all happened without fanfare, a jump across light-years of space unaccompanied by any grand orchestral swell or roari… Escape Pod 679 An Ever-Expanding Flash of Light - Escape Pod via Instapaper
Escape Pod 629: An Advanced Reader's Picture Book of Comparative Cognition - Escape Pod
Maguire, Phil, et al. “Is Consciousness Computable? Quantifying Integrated Information Using Algorithmic Information Theory.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.0126 (2014) (available at Teper, Igor. via Pocket Escape Pod 629 An Advanced Reader's Picture Book of Comparative Cognition - Escape Pod via Instapaper via FREE Fiction /
Escape Pod 672: She Knits the Universe a Pink Angora Sweater (Artemis Rising) - Escape Pod
via FREE Fiction / Aulis shuts out the frenetic buzz of the arena where she’s competing for an Oikotekt placement in the space navy. Only an Oikotekt, a person of powerful imagination, can hold onto a picture of the universe as it is supposed to be against the reality…
Escape Pod 671: Octonet (Artemis Rising) - Escape Pod
via FREE Fiction / Sometimes at night when my mind is calm, I think I hear the octopuses. Around the world, the great network of molluscan philosophers. I had many reasons for moving to the Pacific Northwest – weather, closeness to potential clients and my big brothe…
Escape Pod 677: Valedictorian (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
via FREE Fiction / Escape Pod 677 Valedictorian (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod via Instapaper There are three things Zinhle decides, when she is old enough to understand. The first is that she will never, ever, give less than her best to anything she tries to do. The second is that she will not live in fear. via Pocket
via FREE Fiction / Escape Pod 676 Ulissa - Escape Pod via Instapaper The old woman they called Ulissa pointed south. “There’s the ship.” Edoardo raised the binoculars. “Mio dio, it’s huge,” he said. via Pocket
via FREE Fiction / It was the middle of the night and everybody was knocked out. Marcus, my big brother who died the week before last, had his door cracked. I heard him snoring under the hum of the refrigerator. The carpet creaked under my feet as I stepped into the d…
Escape Pod 673: Optimizing the Verified Good (Artemis Rising) - Escape Pod
via FREE Fiction / The little cleanerbot whirrs as it crisscrosses the arena, sucking up the robot dust with the vacuum chute on its right and picking up strewn robot parts with the multi-hinged arm on its front. via Pocket Escape Pod 673 Optimizing the Verified Good (Artemis Rising) - Escape Pod via Instapaper
via FREE Fiction / And Yet A. T. Greenblatt Only idiots go back to the haunted houses of their childhood. And yet. Here you are. Standing on the sagging, weed-strangled front porch that hasn’t changed in twenty years. Every dip in the floorboards, every peeling strip … Escape Pod 674 And Yet - Escape Pod via Instapaper
The fire crackles, and Sirella watches as Kai lies with his eyes closed, pretending to sleep. She knows he’s pretending because his breathing is too soft. She’s heard his almost snores since the second night, when they’d both finally relaxed enough … Escape Pod 633 Lucky Shot (Part 2) - Escape Pod via Instapaper via FREE Fiction /
via FREE Fiction / During the day, James A. Miller works on Milking Robots in the Madison Wisconsin area. At night, he spends time with his family and does his best to come up with fun and creative fiction. He is a first reader for Allegory e-zine and member of the Co… EP540 The Right Answer - Escape Pod via Instapaper
via FREE Fiction / Erin Cashier is fond of the unreliable narrator. The things that interest me most are Disneyland (not kidding), esoteric philosophy books, alchemy as it relates to Jungian theories, William Blake, and Super Paper Mario. via Pocket EP537 Honeycomb Girls - Escape Pod via Instapaper
Escape Pod 670: The Scent of Lions (Artemis Rising) - Escape Pod
via FREE Fiction / “Congratulations, Mrs. Costa,” chirped the young Life Center nurse. “You’re ready to go home! Here’s your shield.” Maria raised the infant in her arms high enough for the nurse to slip the slim, silver band around her waist. via Pocket
Author : Mark Renney The homeless are prevalent in the City. We pass them on the streets every day, stepping around them on the pavements. But the Men were different; they simply stood, like sentin…
Author : Jeff Deignan Let me tell you a ghost story. I see my sister every day, while she eats and sleeps through the minutes and hours. She walks, she talks- but never to me. The cold, white rooms…
Author : George R. Shirer “Well,” murmured Agent Dumphy, “you don’t see that every day.” Brillson didn’t reply. He was too busy squinting at the luminous graffiti covering the alley wall. “How many…
Author : Douglas Kissack Every day I am losing more of my sight. Every night, the edge of the moon blurs a little more. I can no longer see the stars. In its way, this slow drift into obscurity com…
Author : Phill English Bob leaned back in his chair and sighed. The first day had been a long time coming. Every time they thought they had the whole project licked, a new feature came to light tha…
Author: Mark Joseph Kevlock I remember a day I hadn’t remembered. I stood in the field, at the edge of where the woods began. Childhood came through the trees with the morning sunlight, at ju…
Author: Ádám Gerencsér I refuse to believe that you don’t exist. So I sit here every day and talk to you – through words, feelings, stirrings of the heart. I would lie if I said there&#…
TURN THE SCOPE. Earth-124. Subject: Davis, Conner. Occupation: Car Salesman. It was an ordinary day of waking up, drinking coffee, and making his way to the lot again but Conner was glad that every day had its predictability. via Pocket
Author : Thomas Desrochers “You have to understand that, at the time, people still believed in a better future. There were people who could see the writing on the wall, of course, but nobody was wi…
Author : David Burkhart Only Anderson and Miller reached the concrete bunker door. The rest of the squad had fallen in a heroic attempt to reach and secure the bunker. With bullets whizzing around …
Author : Olivia Black, Staff Writer “What is wrong with that cat?” Jacob grumbled under his breath what was easily the millionth time. All morning the furry creature had been meowing like something…
Author : Janet Shell Anderson I don’t like the severed heads. Well, nobody does. I like evenings along the Potomac, down near where my father worked; a civil engineer in the White House, he designe…
Author : Morrow Brady Through my VR glasses, I opened the file and a 3D computer model of an office tower loomed before me. This century old relic, designed by a long dead Architect, was my job for…
Author : Robert Lafosse I love this house. It is full of memories. The kids were brought up here. The family had its best times here. There are marks on the wall that map the growth of the children…