Author : Dan Gravley “You’re not aware of your true purpose, Bill.” said a female voice. He jolted out of bed. “Must have been a bad dream” he thought. “You̵…
Author : Kraig Conkin The gray skinned youths standing at the edge of the platform cheered when the silver saucer broke the clouds and descended towards them. Upon landing, Winkus popped from the h…
Author : David C. Nutt “You think I’m crazy?” Sammy stopped hammering the board he was working on and turned to the old man. “Just because your building a boat dock in the middle of a Kansas wheat …
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Telemada Centre is pretty on a New Year evening. The displays in the shop fronts are outshone by the Christmas lights. I watched on live AV as Veleria Diesel turned…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Do you need to have a defensive engagement but can’t afford it? We can help. UNITED DEFENCE is the acknowledged leader in warfare solutions throughout the Mil…
Author : Anthony Francis Hariq realized she’d wandered into their territory the moment it was too late to go back. She’d turned too early, into the alley to the abandoned school, a blasted block of…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Crystallized atmosphere streams in slow motion from shattered windows and blown-out doors. It catches the light and paints rainbow banners against the starry night …
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer The prototype bodyguard robot stands over both of us, waiting for emergency services that will arrive too late. “Git.” John’s voice is a whisper. I’ve never seen an…
Author : D.J. Rozell Agent Jackson sat down across the table from the bio-hacker and started in before the guy had a chance to size him up, “We’re not here to collect evidence – we’ve got plenty of…
Author : David Kavanaugh “First day on the job?” asked the women in the lab coat, twirling a set of digikeys on one finger. “Yep.” “You excited?” “Sure am. I’ve been on the waiting list for ages! I…
Author : Malcolm Carvalho “Do you have to leave so soon, Arun?” Arun slipped an arm under Eliya’s head, allowing her to snuggle closer to him. “Eli, that’s the nature of my job. I can’t stop at jus…
Author : R. W. Warwick I ran from the parking area up to the back of the queue. It was huge. I tapped the shoulder of the woman in front of me. “Why is it so busy today?” I asked. She half turned b…
Author : Travis Gregg The snow was falling gently all around, big thick snowflakes that stuck to everything. It was the first real snow of winter and in a few weeks the whole area would be under a …
Author : Beck Dacus From the window of his cabin in the I.P.S. Red Baron, Admiral Mortigna sipped coffee and watched as the last repairs were made on Jupiter’s dynamic orbital ring. A hoop of solid…
Author : David Henson The chaplain sits beside the young man and lays a small box on her lap. “Mr. Parker, would you like to pray with me?” “That’s not for me, Chaplain. But…
Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Sometimes, when we got bored, we’d turn off the artificial gravity and do mundane things in zero gee. Sitting on either side of what passed for a mess room …
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer My guardian wakes me with a mental alert: “Intrusion!” I lie there, unmoving, keeping my bodyware idle. The first rule of surviving killsoft: do nothing to allow it…
Author : Lisa Jade I still recall the sorrow of the Project Head when he said I was leaving Earth. I’d questioned it; there were plenty of people more qualified than me. I wasn’t sure why they’d ch…
Author : Beck Dacus While the feds brushed their feet on my welcome mat and walked into my kitchen, I was scanning my mind for things I had done wrong. I hadn’t reported any alien sightings. Never …
Author : Austen Rodgers They spawned from the Heavens Burst and raced beyond the measure of speed and distance, and for a time longer than the total existence of any other species. Like streaks of …
Author : Roderick Holl Elijah checked the readout on the pen-sized tool, cursing to himself as he placed a hand on his helmet and spoke into the communications channel, “Hamlet do you read me? I do…
Author : Catori Sarmiento It will only grow bigger. The abdominal bloating that began as a minuscule bump is gradually becoming more obvious. He placed a hand on the swollen mass, now full enough t…
Author : Andrew Bale How is it that death is an instant? A few seconds ago, the gasping, struggling, savaged body of Ensign Harper had been a living person, and then, in an instant, he was gone. Sh…
Author : Leanne A. Styles I skip down the corridor, swinging my gun in delight. Even above the wail of the alarms, Ben’s screams carry, amplified by the lofty glass walls. As I enter the stairwell,…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer The monsters are just about to carve into my flesh when the fright-spasm finally wakes me. I struggle to breathe until panic releases my chest; gasping breaths hiss…
Author : K.A. Magrowski The giant handprint appeared on the hill sometime during the night of April 30. No one in the nearby farming communities and town saw or heard anything, but on May 1 everyon…
Author : Iain Macleod “Dude! We are so boned, dude! This wasn’t supposed to happen!” Jimmy frantically tapped at his console, sweat beginning to drip off the end of his nose. R…
Author : Timothy Marshal-Nichols “So this bloke then, this Galvano bloke, so this Galvano della Volpe is dead.” The Local Defence Officer thought for a few seconds while twiddling with his moustach…
Author : Daniel Helman One time there lived a small planet that decided to invent some silicon-based machines to serve as emissaries to the rest of the universe, to be a good neighbor. A few apes h…
Author : David Henson The module thuds onto the planet’s surface. Commander Stevens adjusts the stabilizers. “No prize for that one.” Lieutenant Johnson cuts the engines. “Y…