Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Just another day at the office, sitting on my ladybird, chatting with my blue owl friend. I named him Percy, and he’s smarter than your average owl. Which he should…
Author : Russell Bert Waters Road-weary we pulled in and parked outside the motel office. This was our first time in the North East, and we weren’t even sure exactly where we were. Somewhere …
Author : J.D. Rice My hand shakes as I desperately try to keep myself from pulling the trigger. I stare at the man who wears my husband’s face, my eyes filled with tears. He looks hurt. Concerned. …
Author : Beck Dacus The week was ending. I was typing up my summary report, excited to enter the weekend and chill at the house with my girlfriend for a couple days. My spreadsheet was half-done wh…
Author : Philip Berry My music teacher, Miss Herenka, gesticulated through the blue-tinged, sound-proofed glass. I watched her thin hands glide. Her voice came down from speakers in the circular ce…
Author : Michael Jagunic There was an asteroid belt made of bones on the other side of the quasar. I saw it, long ago. It is all that I remember of the last place. Of the place that came before tha…
Author : Steven Carver One last tremor ran through the pod as it passed into the atmosphere of the small blue planet. The heat shield retracted from the viewport and the pilot got his first view of…
Author : Elle B Sullivan “I’d like to file a complaint.” The teller looks back over the counter at me, and sighs audibly. “You will have to fill out form 3C,” he repli…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Remote data entry: 17-10-94:00:21:12 – Origin: Earth 50.825024, -0.383835. There’s a crater in the ceiling and blood on the floor. It forms a crimson ring around th…
Author : Robert Lafosse She was on her way to the Kyiv National University of Construction. It was a glorious May morning, the sun beating down from a crystal blue sky. A light breeze ruffled her s…
Author : Janet Shell Anderson The WORLSNEWS says she’s got the best body on the planet. So where’s Giovanna Tatiana Romanova Baldwin? Not in Gulf Stream/Delray. The Secret Service’s going crazy at …
Author : Pratyush Mishra There are moments of desperation and… There are times when I have a glimpse of who I truly am and then suddenly… There are those moments when I can hear the Whi…
Author : David K Scholes Galactic Commitment “You performed well,” said my unit commander mark 5A droid “courage above and beyond the call of duty and all that.” “They were only virtual reality sim…
Author : Lindsay Haber The bed swallows her lovers. They are all the same, the type of men who can’t commit, the type of men who only want those who don’t want them back, the type who leave during …
Author : Alexandra Balasa Good evening, Mr. President, I understand that my actions have been misconstrued as a declaration of war against your nation. This is an unsound hypothesis. War is a human…
Author : Robert Lafosse I stayed up late, flicking through the returns as the polls closed. It was a close match. It took almost 10 minutes from the last poll closing until the votes were all count…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Dust settles in a silence broken only by the slow drip of shattered optics. The fools who thought it nothing but a bar brawl are either fled, dead, or wishing they …
Author : Philip Berry Olwen, the expedition’s chief archaeologist, was the first to see it. A line of metal protruding above the sand. There was a dip by the windward edge, where eddies of air had …
Author : Dylan Otto Krider Talmey is not a pervert, just very lonely. He tried to get dates, really he did. With the computer business, he didn’t have time. Plus, he was shy and — he could ad…
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer It has always been the way that the skies inspired images of freedom and escape from the troubles of the now. “The sky belongs to none”, as my grandfather used to sa…
Author : Iain Macleod “Spare change please, pal?” The couple walked on, oblivious to him. This used to happen in the old days too but for different reasons. Harry had been on the street…
Author : J.D. Rice I sit across the table from him, listening as he talks about work, about how frustrated he’s become with his newest project. His voice is even and firm, almost business-like, des…
Author : Beck Dacus I was told that, when I awoke, I should expect the thunder of battle to have already started. But when the doctor woke me, his face calm, if not bored, I heard only the low rumb…
Author : Jonathan DeCoteau “Stupid quotes are only tweets in disguise.” –unknown (but most likely someone who’s been unfriended) Riley saw the invasive little bug flapping its electronic wing…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer I’m impressed: the manufacturer’s claim was true. C-NhD – Compressed Nhildentium – really does make a ship unbreakable. “Sir, the worst casualty is Engi…
A Winter Ramble to the Site of the Shapwell Ghyll Spacecraft | 365tomorrows
Author : Peter Haynes It’s a long winding tramp from the Ship Inn (formerly the Coachman) to Shapwell Ghyll where the spacecraft rests. At what is widely accepted to be the route’s start, I watch w…
Author : David C. Nutt “Give me a good reason why I should not demote you, Sub-lieutenant.” “Excellency, I followed the mission parameters to the letter. I do not understand why the creatures react…
Author : Gray Blix Glastonbury Tor was cordoned off by military, of course, but one hundred and fifty metres below tens of thousands coursed through the town and fields east, where a festival was u…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer I’m pulling taters when I hear the bell and the rhyme starts pounding in my head. I scatter the haul as my legs take off of their own accord, carrying me with them.…
Author : Joseph Pascale My ears were assaulted by a variety of sounds as I entered the 21st Century-style café. The most alarming was the grinding sound that could have come from a malfunctioning r…