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They didn’t think about that…
They didn’t think about that…
Author : Stivi Cooke They didn’t think about that… In all the plans, all the awesome designs, the mind blowing concepts, all the calculations, the deals, the engineering and finally the launch… they forgot that part… As humanity reached out to the planets and the asteroids, landed and started to colonize the Moon (china), Mars […]
They didn’t think about that…
One for the Team
One for the Team
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer One world. Seven hundred and ninety-two people. Less than a hundred berths on the ship out. It’s a recipe for bloody mayhem and that’s how they want it. Only the most committed make it to upship. We did basic training for five weeks before being shipped out here in […]
One for the Team
The Weapon
The Weapon
Author : Stefan Aeschbacher The ancient city had been buried for over five thousand years. The digbots were digging at this spot for two hours, fifteen minutes and thirty-five seconds. They were making good progress. So far they had found three plates and a container of unknown purpose. Due to the ideal conditions at this […]
The Weapon
A Simple Lament
A Simple Lament
Author : Andrew D. Murrell I awoke. I could still feel the remnants of foreign thoughts gently receding from my consciousness. Then I felt today’s check deposit into my account, twenty one thousand dollars. Minimum wage jobs just don’t pay like they used to do they? I waited to feel the disconnect signal and then […]
A Simple Lament
Digital Footprint - 365tomorrows
Digital Footprint - 365tomorrows
Author : Sean P Chatterton ‘How long has she been dead?’ ‘We don’t know.’ ‘How come?’ ‘Katherine Danderfield was a plugged in person. She had autresponders for her email, bots to update her social network status and MyFace Blog. Her web presence had auto updates scheduled. No one was aware of her death because her […]
Digital Footprint - 365tomorrows
The Ascent of Man - 365tomorrows
The Ascent of Man - 365tomorrows
Author : Bob Newbell The Landreb fleet didn’t travel across space. It simply appeared suddenly and without warning in low Earth orbit. One of the fifty starships fired an energy beam that obliterated an uninhabited islet in the Dodecanese Island chain mere moments after the vessels appeared in orbit. Less than a minute later, the […]
The Ascent of Man - 365tomorrows
Silence - 365tomorrows
Silence - 365tomorrows
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The worst thing about their weapons was the silence. They flickered like a strobe light but anyone caught in that beam had a layer of meat burned off for every flash. They melted like snowmen in a microwave but snowmen didn’t have bones or blood. And they didn’t scream […]
Silence - 365tomorrows
Endless Sun - 365tomorrows
Endless Sun - 365tomorrows
Author : Aiza Mohd Today is our last day on Earth. This morning, I beheld the sun rising over the Arctic. From all the way down in our dwelling, it felt like it was worlds away. Behind me I saw Naamin. She’d discovered her brother, who’d died in the night, while I pretended to sleep. […]
Endless Sun - 365tomorrows
Leave Note at the 7-Eleven - 365tomorrows
Leave Note at the 7-Eleven - 365tomorrows
Author : Aiza Mohd Haan has found a cup of noodles from the future. ‘Mfg. 09 Jul 2036,’ reads the bottom of the cup. The year is 2013. Haan is a penniless college student with an unbalanced diet, too much time, few friends and a cup of ramen from the future. All five of these […]
Leave Note at the 7-Eleven - 365tomorrows
Sowing The Seeds - 365tomorrows
Sowing The Seeds - 365tomorrows
Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer Eddy and Rico performed the mundane task of sifting through tailings. It was standard procedure. All the valuable ore had been extracted from the captured asteroids, but the leftover rubble might still contain significant matter; so it was all to be gone through carefully. It was easy enough to […]
Sowing The Seeds - 365tomorrows
Beaming Errors - 365tomorrows
Beaming Errors - 365tomorrows
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer In a city this size, a dozen or so beaming errors a year were acceptable. In each gigantic waystation structure, the building blocks of life were kept in vats and tubs. There were huge enclosed swimming pools filled with chromosomes and proteins and cell juice. Vast, layered skin farms […]
Beaming Errors - 365tomorrows
It all Makes a Difference : 365 tomorrows : A New Flash of Science Fiction
It all Makes a Difference : 365 tomorrows : A New Flash of Science Fiction
Author : James McGrath “I know you’ve all heard it, but you have to hear it again…” We’d heard the guide’s speech six times, so Kirstin and I stood at the back joking around as usual. He’d recite the dangers of leaving the tunnel, how we’d be guarded and eventually he’d tell of our destination. […]
It all Makes a Difference : 365 tomorrows : A New Flash of Science Fiction