Author : Jason Frank “Space is… so vast, so empty, so cold… anyone who has experienced it must desire confinement, fullness, warmth…” The Greatest Lover of Space (TGLo…
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The correctional facility did not work for me. I left the building with the need to make up for lost time. I waited exactly one day and sixteen hours before I …
Author : Morrow Brady ABOUT Congratulations for considering Box Medical for your healthcare needs. Box Medical are proud to bring an efficient, cost neutral, recovery and treatment service, to meet…
The first day the sun didn’t rise, it was business as usual. The trains ran, the offices were open, and we just used a little more electricity than normal. We went to work, fed our fish, and goss…
Author : Pyai She tapped me on the shoulder as I placed the rubber lid over the last of the macaroni casserole. I didn’t turn around. “You’re quiet,†she said. She knew. I nodded. One of th…
Author : Jeff Phillips Grace took her hat off, wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead with the back of her aged hand. She hated the angle of the sun at this time of day, but this was the only …
Claude scuffed his feet against the burnished steel floor of his ship, a deep frown settled on his features. No matter how old he got, there were some women who always seemed to bring out the child…
Author : John Kinney Food. His stomach is a knot, coiling together tighter and tighter each day. Food. He has not eaten in almost a month, his blue eyes are sunken in his pale face, his scraggly bl…
You Will Be Home Before the Leaves Have Fallen From the Trees | 365tomorrows
Author : Eugene Brennan The humans stared at the slogan scrawled across the prep room wall. Sergeant Drake kicked some metal scraps out of the way, switched on his quad beam, and scanned the graffi…
Author : Joachim Heijndermans They won’t stop staring at me. I’ve been stuck here for forty-two hours. I haven’t slept in all that time. I don’t know if I can keep it up. No…
Tips for the New Army of Lucid Dreamers | 365tomorrows
Author : Linda Breneman “I can control a computer with my mind—from inside a dream,” New Scientist, February 2017. At first I was content to fly like a bird and have brief tea parties with my dead …
Author : Morrow Brady Live again, said the cruise brochure. It should have said lie again. The lift vessel arrived carrying my personal pod cabin and minutes later, PrinceStellar, an orbiting trans…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Every anniversary of the counterstrike, they show that cursed video. You know the one: snow on the ground, ashes in the air, a lone woman in a ragged battlesuit mov…
Author : Jose Corpas At ringside, where you could hear the loose boards under the canvas rattle like an old boardwalk, about twenty fans took their seats. They were joined by friends and relatives …
Author : Henry Peter Gribbin As a national security advisor to top level government officials for the past decade, I have been privy to information which would have scared the daylights out of any …
Author : James SW Paris They came from outside the solar system, in a ship the size of Mars. We thought it was something natural, then it performed a braking maneuver around Uranus, and the planet’…
Author : Suzanne Borchers Wind ground sand into her eyes, nose, and lips. Her unprotected ears caught crystals of silica within their folds. Her eyes burned. She wanted to pick at the stubborn part…
Author : Matthieu C. R. Cartron The planetary nation of Ozda was illiterate—in English and in many other far away languages that is. It was practical to learn the languages of nearby planets, but b…
Author : Morrow Brady I grew a heart on my intestine to prove my wife wrong. ”You’re wasting money Eric. You’ll only get cancer” Kara frowned, as I tossed the stem cell unit into the sh…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer He stands near three metres tall and his smell precedes him. It envelops all who dare approach the being renowned for murderous piracy on a scale never before seen.…
Author : Irene Montaner “And have a nice day,” said the cashier, as he handed me the brown paper bag with my purchases inside. “You too.” I smiled back at the young boy in front of me. Probably no …
Author : Russell Bert Waters Kyle staggered a bit, the bank line in front of him morphed into a field, then a grassy patch of hill, then back to the line. The man ahead of him shot him a suspicious…
Author : Josh Thompson A planet full of gods is not a nice place. Ancient humans knew this and their legends were full of betrayal and conflict and suffering. If anything, the inhuman powers of the…
Author : James Langley Dr. Livett tapped at the graphene strap around her wrist and the beachside illusion dissolved into nothing. She stood in the sterile, empty white room; the fragrant ocean bre…
Author : M. Irene Hill A whisking wind stirred up a cauldron of crows that congregated amongst the remains of the centuries-old pagan temple. Accompanying the wind, a young woman of tempestuous tem…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer The Amour Club is light on love and heavy on by-the-minute. It’s popular with non-johns as the full-time privacy mode prevents surveillance and squashes infobuzz do…
Author : Kate Haas Alice sat on the railing of Aunt Nat’s fishing pier. It was crowded today. She watched a seagull glide overhead as she picked at her sunburned knees. Alice closed her eyes. The a…
Author : Philip Berry Every child remembers their first visit to the field. They follow the teacher over the low rise that was a burial mound for the first settlers, and down a glass ramp into the …
Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Walter was led through the facility flanked by four men in combat armor carrying guns. He’d walked these corridors for nearly a decade, but this was all ver…
Author : Joseph Lyons “Hi, I’m Evan.” I introduce myself to the first lady to sit opposite me. “Clarissa.” We shake, left handed so she can purposefully check my bio-clock. She’s nice enough …